18.8k F104Deathtrap Comments

  • Update idea 6.8 years ago

    To be fair, that is already a thing because too many people fail to test their uploads. /s

  • 1974 Dodge Monaco-Blues Mobile 6.9 years ago

    On a mission from God

  • @Mattangi is a LIAR 6.9 years ago

    Like it or not, this is the internet. Everyone here will just have to decide for themself what they want to believe. There is no "solid evidence" and there most likely won't be. There are only words and feelings and trust, or a lack thereof.

    The events in Korea are tragic, and we are all sad to see young and talented people go to their graves so early.

    Whatever happened to Mattangi, it's abundantly clear that he won't be posting on here anymore. That in itself is saddening. But anything beyond this can only be speculation.

  • WWII challenges 3.3 years ago

    On the other hand, I would love to see more emphasis on the aircraft that actually contributed to the war, rather than the ones that had the best performance on paper.

    For example, there's probably 10 Me-262's on this website for every IL-2, despite the fact that in reality there were 30x as many Sturmoviks.

  • jCalc FT 3.4 years ago

    Does math pretty well but can't fly


    How are you going to ask him for a favor and not even bother to spell his name right? SMH

  • I've been hurt... 3.6 years ago

    Expressing yourself creatively will always be right. Always, as long as you're not hurting anybody. If you've got stuff inside of you, then you've got to let it out. But you also have to be ready for haters. Even if you stopped making anime, there would be other mean people to come along and try to hurt you. So your only choice is to keep doing your thing, and push all that mean stuff out of your head. Every artist who ever lived had to suffer the haters and most of the best ones got the most hate when they were alive. Look, I really do not like anime. I complain and make fun of it all the time, but you have got to keep on making the stuff you want to make. And you will just have to ignore people who give you a hard time about it, or at least understand that they dont matter.

  • Control surfaces on custom planes 3.7 years ago

    @WarThunderPlayer Yes. To learn more, download good looking planes that fly properly (gotta be careful, a lotta good looking planes on here fly like trash) and then take it apart to see how it works.

  • Nice butt. 4.3 years ago

    Slaps roof
    "This baby can overrun so much of Western Europe..."

  • SimplePlanes: The Only Test Pilot Game? 4.3 years ago

    @HappyFeetWhyshouldi I am relatively certain the Camel could reach trans-sonic speeds in a vertical climb. I think they mentioned that on the History Channel

  • 666k 4.3 years ago


  • My first doritos wing 4.3 years ago

    Be careful, triangles are really addictive. I had to panel some of my current project... fast forward a few weeks and the entire thing is paneled and now, looking at your wing here I am tempted to rebuild the airfoil for the FOURTH time.

  • Hi 4.4 years ago

    The Front Page has never looked better. A combination of talented builders, recent game updates and potent new visual mods has resulted in a steady flow of excellent creations.

    The Forums are the exact opposite. I have never on this website seen so much trolling, whining and utter cringe. I feel really bad for new players looking for help or inspiration.

  • P-8A Poseidon 4.4 years ago

    Boeing: "Get in, loser! We strapped a bunch of AGM's to this passenger jet and we're gonna cruise around the Pacific lookin for noobs."

    US Navy: "You crazy beautiful genius, I'm in!"

  • Is watching tutorials a good way to learn to build better? 4.6 years ago

    some of you have seen me post this before, but it will always be true:
    The key to learning how to build like the masters is to download their work, save it, then tear it apart to see how they work. Bogdanx's planes are an especially good place to start because all his work is mobile friendly, extremely accurate and uses simple tricks to add extra detail with as few parts as possible.

    There are also tutorials about how to do specific things like make realistic looking wings, cockpits etc. but before you try to learn that stuff, definitely just tear apart a few good builds and see how they fit together.

  • This needs to stop! 4.6 years ago

    When I comment on a post, I consider a few things. Is this a new player? Does it seem like this person spent much time building this? What do I like about it? What can improve?

    I try to make it a point to say something positive every time I comment on someone's work. After all, people care about their creations. But I also make it a point to politely advise what can be improved. That is how we learn. If someone is content to make the same kind of stuff over and over again without changing, so be it. This is a game, it is meant to be fun. But I will offer anyone the opportunity to refine their skills and improve, just as I am grateful to others when they teach me something.

  • Regarding recent events around a big user here... 4.6 years ago

    I am beginning to understand why a certain person deleted his account recently.

  • Simpleplanes site has 604063 planes 4.6 years ago

    I wonder what percentage of them took longer than an hour to build.

  • A camera setting like in War Thunder 4.6 years ago

    Wait, is it Sunday? DO I HAVE TO GO TO WORK IN THE MORNING?!

  • Tupolev Tu-104B Ceskoslovenske Aerolinie CSA 1957 4.9 years ago


  • This is why I called myself AN2Felllla [Teaser!] 6.2 years ago


  • You know the community is dying when... 6.4 years ago

    Was this really necessary?

    Your 57 part xml weapon didn't take the front page by storm, so you got on here and declared that the game is dying. That's a bit self serving, don't you think?

  • WHELP... 6.4 years ago

    War Thunder > World of Whatever

  • Multiplayer Missions 6.5 years ago

    Are you sure that's a Mini? Judging by the fire coming out from the engine compartment and the parts strewn about, I'd say it looks like a Fiat.

  • 1 Ton Challenge! (CLOSED) 6.5 years ago

    The announcement weighs 1.5 tons

  • Will be inactive for a few weeks 6.5 years ago

    When ppl post these, I wanna be like

    Leave request DENIED

  • A message to the community regarding motivation. Please read 6.8 years ago

    @denialofservice Hmmmm, an anonymous system by which players can see how popular their creations are? You mean like the download count? We have that.

    If unregistered users could vote on stuff, the mods couldn't do anything about it, by definition.

    I've said my piece about this. Run some google searches, this isn't the first time somebody's had a wave of inspiration about this stuff. The best way to get upvotes is to step up your game.

  • pixel jet (first upload) 6.9 years ago

    You should hide tiny wings and engines in it so that it really flies!

  • For everybody without an account. 6.9 years ago

    @EliteArsenals24 Nah, that would just mean less people downloading planes. I waited 6 months before starting an account, if it had been mandatory, I just wouldn't have done it at all.

  • Surfin' Bird 7.0 years ago

    @ZHUAREVONI Yeah, she looks great... until you realize she's 20 feet tall. Then the fear sets in.

  • Dieselpunk- Elco Swordbraker 7.0 years ago

    Excuse me, sir? I'm going to need you to keep making awesome stuff like this for the rest of your life, or at least mine. M'kay?

  • KATY PARIE 7.2 years ago

    If there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that whatever music you enjoy sounds like absolute crap to everyone else. This is especially true for pop music, which is prone to passing fads that rarely hold up well over time. If you're really passionate about music, do yourself a huge favor: save up for a great set of headphones and keep your music to yourself. Music is a lot more enjoyable when you can lose yourself in it without worrying about other people.

    PS -If you need any recommendations on headphones, I can help you out.

  • I have something to ask 3.2 years ago

    They figured NotNearlyAsComplicatedAsRealA##Planes was too long for a name.

  • This is the only picture you need to see 3.7 years ago

    That's impressive. You made this?

  • On inappropriate and inconsiderate comments 3.7 years ago

    The Book of Proverbs lines 4 and 5:

    Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself

    In other words, just block him

  • A small request. 3.7 years ago

    There arent enough minutes in your lifespan. Sukhois are like blades of grass on here

  • When is the best time to upload? 3.8 years ago

    Without a doubt, the best time to upload is after the plane has been carefully tested and fixed.

    This includes
    -speed at cruising altitude
    -checking the stall speed at low altitude and high
    -taking off and landing safely at reasonable speeds
    -ground handling
    -controls and activation groups
    -and finally, what I like to call a "drop test" where you let the plane fall 10 or 15 feet to see if it hurts the landing gear

    Any time before all this is certainly sub-optimal

  • The SU-25 vs the A-10: The faceoff of the flying tanks 4.3 years ago

    To me, the main thing for these kind of aircraft is reliability, survivability and range. The first two are obvious, the third contains more than it seems. Not only does range allow an individual plane to carry out missions over a wider area and permit more flexibility when it comes to airbases, it also allows for loiter time.
    Loitering is when the aircraft circles near the battle front. It is able to strike quickly when needed, often repeatedly, and to carefully make each attack. Planes with shorter ranges are forced into a "use me or lose me" situation, where troops must designate targets ahead of time, wait a considerable amount of time for the air strike to arrive, and then the plane immediately returns to base. Only planes designed with considerably long range are able to stay close to the tropps, and it is one of the reasons traditional fighters are not ideal in the role of close air support.

  • no drama zone 4.3 years ago

    Doubt it.

  • Comment upvote logic 4.3 years ago

    @Numbers Its worse than clickbait in my opinion because it's divisive. And for what? Some dude got more imaginary points than somebody else? Boo hoo

  • Erdogan 4.4 years ago

    Politics and Religion

    Please, remember that this is a game about airplanes. While we do allow off-topic conversations in the forums, if you talk about religion or politics then there is a good chance that your post will be removed. Especially if we feel that it is likely to stir up debate.

  • FNS Glorious - Class Nuclear Aircraft Carrier 4.4 years ago

    "Glorious" just about sums it up.

  • Question for those who frequent the forums 4.5 years ago

    They're a cut above the usual stuff around here.

  • Drama on Forums 4.5 years ago

    Gosh, it's almost like a small group of recent, low-effort players have been stirring up pointless controversy to get attention. Of course I would never stoop so low as to name these people, who just so happen to be here, in this very thread.

  • Testing the new smoothening mechanic 4.6 years ago

    Next driver sleds will be level builds now

  • Piper Super Cub 4.6 years ago

    Piper Savage Cub

  • You Want Toxic? I'll Show You Toxic! 4.6 years ago

    @Starbound Yeah. Hopefully we'll figure out something productive to do with fusion.

  • Lego Mod 4.6 years ago

    "Make this for me"

    "Give me credit"

    Anything else, M'Lord?

  • LCI’s unwritten rules of SP.com 4.6 years ago


  • Music Today VS Old Music Rant 4.9 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon I prefer it that way, most song lyrics are incredibly stupid.
