12.6k Flippos Comments

  • Multiplayer server ? 8.4 years ago

    @DeltaFlyer112 Ok, SPMMO is the "Server Army" if any server owner needs us we are ready to take care of any intruder. Aside from that we also help any user with questions and problems. To join just send us one of your military planes to complete our vehicle and aircraft fleet.

  • ILS and navaids! (Aswell as ATC but that can wait) 8.4 years ago

    @SkullsAndCrossbones Yes why?

  • Multiplayer server ? 8.4 years ago

    @DeltaFlyer112 To join, all one must do is too promise to protect and help other users and to post or link us your best military planes to complete our fleet!

  • Multiplayer server ? 8.4 years ago

    @DeltaFlyer112 The Idea behind SPMMO is to "similarily to the military in real life" protect the users of simple planes and to keep multiplayer servers (upon owners request) spam and scam free!

  • SPAVO Amphibious Quad-bike 8.4 years ago

    @Rcb1235 Howdid you get it to handle this good XD???

  • SPAVO Amphibious Quad-bike 8.4 years ago

    WOW!!! HOLY GUACKAMOLY!!! Very Impressive!!!

  • RFDS V.2 FIXED PC12 8.4 years ago

    @A3 XD I expected that nvm!

  • Why does this happen???? 8.4 years ago

    @HellFireKoder That'll be my weekend project then! Thanks for the support!

  • server up on default map 8.4 years ago

    Lol, the only server that's online right now!

  • Multiplayer server ? 8.4 years ago

    DeltaFlyer...you must be a star trek "Voyager" fan...SO AM I!!!!!

  • Krakabola Nautical Map/Chart 8.4 years ago

    @Rcb1235 Lol I wish I'd have that data for the map I created a while ago XD.

  • SimplePlanes Map 8.4 years ago

    @DandruffCat Nahh man it's good. I realy should have included distance data aswell, infact I actually knew this map before you posted it. I actually used it as a verification to the distance XD. I then proceeded to do my own calculations to fit everything to scale and to resize the distances to a 3000x3000 map...Now after all those hours of hard work I see that I forgot to reposition the two closest isles to Yeager to be SE of it and not NE...gg...XD.

  • RFDS V.2 FIXED PC12 8.4 years ago

    Nice plane! Oh and you forgot "Γειά σας" in your profile XD.

  • SimpleMaps V1.0 [FINALLY OUT] Simple planes map (to scale) 8.4 years ago

    @AV8R Well...what about mod requests??? I have an Idea, if we both do the same mod request somebody is bound to do it :).

  • SimpleMaps V1.0 [FINALLY OUT] Simple planes map (to scale) 8.4 years ago

    @AV8R Beacons in real life are used for ILS guidance and other services, they might be a thing in a future update! I mean could you imagine landing in simple planes with ILS??? (The beacons in the map are a concept...they are placed in strategious ways kinda like they would be in real life ^^.

  • SimplePlanes Map 8.4 years ago

    @DandruffCat So does the second of my maps! (Look this is not meant to be a map competition)...some may like different maps others like other maps! I was just wanting to point out that this has already benn done that's all!

  • SPAVO 1 (HYDRO) 8.4 years ago

    @Rcb1235 Well first off we'll have to wait for more people to join, next everybody will have their voice and their part in suggesting things. I prefer to call this everyone's company ^^. Anyone who likes amphibious vehicles is welcome to join! We will likely discuss things in "Off topic" just to be on the safe side, I might also consult a mod. For now we'll just wait a bit!

  • SimplePlanes Map 8.4 years ago

    @NativeChief1492 @BrodieB @Swiftsure @saturn28 @CODENAMEBOB Hate to break the news to ya but I was first ^^ (or atleast the first person to cartograph the entire map)...

  • SPAVO 1 (HYDRO) 8.4 years ago

    @Rcb1235 So...wanna join SPAVO?

  • SPAVO 1 (HYDRO) 8.4 years ago

    @Rcb1235 But less pretty :3.

  • Formel 1 Feder+Lenkung Prototyp MTBCrafter 8.4 years ago

    Bist du deutsch? XD ich auch! (halb).

  • SPAVO 1 (HYDRO) 8.4 years ago

    @Rcb1235 Well balanced until you try to turn at speeds faster than 120MPH XD

  • Upcoming HydroFoil... 8.4 years ago

    @EternalDarkness It's smaller than it looks (no pun intended)

  • ISC Crawl map 1 8.4 years ago

    @ian8811946 Done all of that...

  • Upcoming HydroFoil... 8.4 years ago

    @EternalDarkness I thougt about that too, however this thing is unable to go on terrain so I thought I'll just call it a Hydrofoil. You could call it a mix of both since it is unable to work on land but can however reach extremely high speeds, thanks for the correction...though ill propably stick to calling it a hydrofoil for the reasons mentioned above!

  • Able's Server [Offline] 8.4 years ago

    @Boots I cant reach the server, connection keeps timing out sorry.

  • Able's Server [Offline] 8.4 years ago

    @Boots Nevermind it won't let me (it just says CONNECTING... but does nothing, sorry.

  • Able's Server [Offline] 8.4 years ago

    @Boots HERE COMES FUN (I'll join)

  • Why does this happen???? 8.4 years ago

    @HellFireKoder Oh I have an important question. So I plan on renting a perminant 24/7 server to run multiplayer, but...Could I even do that? Do I have to have simple planes installed on that remote server or just the standalone .exe file? I'm curious...!

  • Why does this happen???? 8.4 years ago

    @HellFireKoder I can confirm this! I tried recreating the mods folder but nothing. My mods are forever screwed up...Thank's unity! I think I might have to reinstall simple planes, what a bummer :.

  • SPAVO & SPMMO got founded! 8.4 years ago

    @Tully2001 Ok, sure thing!

  • W.I.P. 8.4 years ago

    @TheLatentImage So I posted 3 different variations of 1 truck...does that count as spam?

  • I would like some help... 8.4 years ago

    It may sound wierd to be given tips from somebody with less points but I have a couple of tips for you:

    1. Experiment
    ALWAYS experiment with designs, functions and settings to get the best results and...who knows, maybe you'll find something that you didn't know was possible in the game...

    2. Be versital
    What I mean by that is try to build alot of different planes, ships and vehicles, don't get stuck on one theme. Then try combining the things you learned from each sector.

    3. Stick to a theme
    Ok, contrary to what I said above, sticking to a theme isn't really bad. Make something that's unique to you, so people will recognize the builder (you).

    4.Get inspired
    Look t other people's creations and ask yourself "how could I make this better" or "What other styles suit this design".
    5.Have faith
    Have faith in your building skills. Saying "I'm not good at building" Doesn't make you better at it. You did however do the right thing by asking...

    Lastly: Ask the community what it would like to see from you.

    If you follow these instructions you will be a better builder!

    (Results may vary).

  • Why does this happen???? 8.4 years ago

    @MasterManufacturing I'm familiar with installing mods...what I'm talking about here is creating them (with unity).

  • ISC Crawl map 1 8.4 years ago

    @ian8811946 I have a queston, have you ever had the problem of the mod just not showing up in the mods section even though it is in the folder? I tried making maps too...the first time I tried everything worked just fine but the map wasn't nice so I scrapped it...Then I tried a second time with a better map, but it just didn't want to work. No matter what I do I always end up with a mod that is only 33 bytes in size :.

  • SimpleMaps V1.0 [FINALLY OUT] Simple planes map (to scale) 8.4 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @OtherNigel @Patrick20206 @Tully2001 @MrSilverWolf Quick update turns out there is a small detail that got overlooked...turns out the two first islands next to Yeagar are actually supposed to be SE not NE of yeager...ill fix that tomorrow...

  • Ahhh! Simple planes doesn't want to render height maps transferred into terrain within Unity! 8.4 years ago

    @Mod Bruh...I wish height maps would work! The Complier errors seem to get trigerred by the script...so I'm thinking what if we use a different script...

  • SimpleMaps V1.0 [FINALLY OUT] Simple planes map (to scale) 8.4 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation XD, lol.

  • Great Northern Paper Company 391 8.4 years ago

    I has a suggestion ^^. How about you try and make super long railroads using XML modding...or better yet...A CUSTOM MAP!!!

  • SBR13 Block Island 8.4 years ago

    Thai mysterius force shall be called Mojang...!

  • SimpleMaps V1.0 [FINALLY OUT] Simple planes map (to scale) 8.4 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Beacons...? No not really, however they might be a thing in a future update! Aside from that, if you're an experienced flyer/fs pilot you can fairly easily determine where things would go...in this case I figured out the best locations to put them in...And I really hope that whenever the developers decide to add beacons and ILS into the game that they'll get the locations from my map XD...

  • Maywar's secrets... 8.4 years ago

    @Patrick20206 @Sunnyskies @RedHawk @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation So nothing wierd going on with snowstone...I did however notice that there is some shallow water next to its neighbour island (circled it out 4 you) http://www.mediafire.com/file/uj779uykmjx99j9/Untitled.png

  • Maywar's secrets... 8.4 years ago

    @Sunnyskies Wow thanks!

  • Maywar's secrets... 8.4 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Thanks fort the name though "Simple Maps" seems catchy XD"

  • Maywar's secrets... 8.4 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Exactly! Point is...what the actual...is that thing

  • Maywar's secrets... 8.4 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation And yes I am looking for a way to port over maywar and snowstone to android...but that's a different story...I mean a map as in "google maps" .

  • Maywar's secrets... 8.4 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Do you think I'm this daft...? Ok ill be friendly...when I say "map" I mean a navigational map, like we have in real life for sailors, pilots tourists etc. Don't just assume things please...

  • Maywar's secrets... 8.4 years ago

    @Patrick20206 Im curious too. Further more I think it's an actual underwater elevation. I just got a screen cap and then used Paint.net (a programm not a website) wich you can find here. I am going to do snowstone and see what's going on there...