18.0k FlirBlitz Comments

  • the wanderding ballon 2023 2.1 years ago

    how much we gonna bet this is gonna get political. I'm going 40 bananas.

  • Test Map 2.1 years ago

    now make new york city. 1:1 scale

  • BMPT Terminator 2.1 years ago

    BMP-2M if it had kids

  • Goodbye. 2.1 years ago


  • MiG-29A 2.1 years ago

    Won't ask why a Mig-29 is in a landing craft but man this looks glorious

  • alright who did that 2.1 years ago

    did you just realize...

  • I making COD soldier 2.2 years ago

    "Remember. No Russian."

  • can i download planes on iOS? 2.2 years ago

    It is amazing how our species has evolved.

  • Chinese national flag 2.2 years ago

    @teddyone02 let's see china is responsible for most of the world's CO2 emissions, polluting most of their water, put the most garbage in landfills barely recycle a dying economy that is failing the nation is unstable due to multiple protests they kicked out the previous leader from a meeting and have refused to let anyone out from their homes. A 3 year old boy died in his own father's arms because of this. His entire fucking life was living inside and not being able to even walk outside. I don't see how china is beautiful. It's a failing system.

  • kinda anime thing 2.4 years ago

    Animei girl comng two simpal plains?

  • H 2.4 years ago

    You have unleashed the beast

  • Lo Res car 2.4 years ago

    Legend says that when it was sitting at the dealership, they forgot about it because it was so stealthy

  • Pigpen 2.4 years ago

    @ElvivKauam 4 hours ago. You've finally made something. Congratulations.

  • **VERY BASIC BOMB BAY TUTORIAL** (very basic, for begginers and new players) 2.4 years ago

    Who thinks this should be put in that pinned forum that has useful links
    thank you ollie very cool

  • Unpopular Opinion: Cannons > Guns 2.4 years ago

    I don't play around with cannons much, but it makes sense. A gun is just a part that shoots a yellow thing that flies towards your enemy and do next to no damage (maybe a fire) but if you use a cannon and make it do more damage than a gun less than a cannon, that's where the fun begins

    EDIT: but there is a way to make regular guns do literally 1000 times more damage. you can one-shot ships

  • Somethings happening tomorrow 2.5 years ago

    Me using nasas radar to find who asked

  • HELL YEAH! 2.5 years ago

    and the third, and the fourth

  • Jundroo account be like 2.5 years ago

    He's more powerful than the other guy I made a post on!

  • Po-2 2.7 years ago

    Po-2 2-oP

  • Marriage 2.9 years ago

    What he said

  • Meme challenge French flags 2.9 years ago

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE yes he does

  • Tonk 2.9 years ago

    Higher! The king of the sky
    He's flying to fast he's flying too high, Higher! An eye for an eye, the legend will never die!

    I better have gotten that right. :>

  • I Can't Stop Watching This Part 2 2.9 years ago

    Shmexy flaps

  • Egg + Testosorone = 2.9 years ago

    The egg she told me not to worry about:

  • My best turbojet 2.9 years ago

    Big part count. If it's bigger than your mom ill be surprised.

  • MIG-35 Fulcrum-F 2.9 years ago

    I see absolutely no point in this. Anyone can speak their language. Just deal with it.

  • Flying Pirate Ship 3.0 years ago

    @FRIGGLES Can I make you suffer rq?
    If not ok

  • what 3.0 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming it's a new camera aiming thing

  • Box (Very Scary) 3.0 years ago

    I was walking on the southern trail in Texas, I sat on the bench after a long day. It was around 10pm, and I was exhausted. So I walk back home and I see this object. I yelled, "Who's that?" and no answer. The object jumped on me and began staring at me like it just ate a monkey's feet. Next thing I knew I was out.

    John why are you laying on the ground...

    As it turns out, John had died from being scared to death by his grandpa telling him "War Stories". The 87 year old grandpa was arrested for murder and sentenced to life in prison. His wife, Lorraine later went to visit him just to slap him. He then murdered his wife and was put on death row. His last meal was monkey feet.

  • Update v1.12.123/124 - SimplePlanes & SimplePlanes VR 3.0 years ago

    @PhilipTarpley Hey so, this isn't a bug, more of a suggestion for the game. Autopilot fix. So, why am I asking. Let's just say the autopilot button is more of an auto crash button. It slowly makes your aircraft go down even though your plane has a thing where it will go upwards. So what if, you select your altitude. Say you are at 2000 feet. And you want to go to 5000 feet. Hit the autopilot button and put in what altitude you want. In this case 5000. Again, I know that's not a bug, but I just think it's a good idea.

  • Antonov An-225 3.0 years ago

    @ULCC tanks have already been spotted in I think lower Kyiv. I at this point would just move the capital if possible. I really don't see a way they'd win besides a western nation coming in and helping.

  • LF-1 3.0 years ago

    @BeastHunter Hey BeastHunter, I made a plane similar to this, and before I get myself into a huge amount of trouble for basically making a Chinese version of your aircraft I wanted to ask if it's ok to upload it. If not, well I mean that makes alot of sense.

  • Today’s My Brithday !!! 3.1 years ago

    Happy birthday! Now nigerundayo your ass out before a mod yeets it to the 13th dimension.

  • How to mobile multiplayer 3.1 years ago

    gwib mwultipwayuh fow mobil pls aem goeng too cruy.

  • 183mm HESH 3.1 years ago

    Ah yes, HESH. High Explosive Squash Head.
    Why is it used:
    Well, see, tank's roofs are almost non existent. So you gotta hit them there.
    "But Bobyo! My "OP" APFSDS shot didn't do anything!"
    You idiot hesh is made to not bounce. APFSDS bounces like it's fragile ego.
    Before someone yells at me, the purpose of this was just like this was made to show BESH, it is to just say, "APFSDS bounces like it's fragile ego."
    sue me if you want! You'll never take me alive!

  • Andrew GarriSUN 3.1 years ago

    insert some Japanese stuff here

  • Petition 3.1 years ago

    @BeastHunter You should totally make the way to sign up to be just say Andrew. we must spread like virus (preferably not c*vid)

  • Petition 3.1 years ago


  • Oh god no- 3.1 years ago

    You're coming with us child :))))

  • Petition 3.1 years ago


  • Focke Wulf 190 D-9 3.1 years ago


  • Petition 3.1 years ago

    I just made this cri

  • Stupidity Challenge Vol. 2 3.2 years ago

    "Does this worry you?"

  • xp-40 3.2 years ago

    finally he changed that weird and almost disturbing profile picture

  • CAMERA AIMING 3.2 years ago

    @SmokeyNagato I tried it on a hingle rotator. Hinge rotators do not work.

  • CAMERA AIMING 3.2 years ago

    @SmokeyNagato I mean, it works. But the problem is I set it to my desired angle (25 degrees left/right) but it goes 90 degrees instead. I can't seem to fix it. Can you help me?

  • Focke Wulf Ta-400 3.2 years ago

    An Me-264 with another engine. If it flies, it's works.
    -The Nazis

  • Kagamine Len - Walker 3.2 years ago

    What not to do: Look at the predecessor.
