55.6k Freerider2142 Comments

  • Juno Space Center 1.7 years ago

    very cool addition!
    minor thing, on the road to the pier, the corners have collision bumps..
    not sure if that's intentional, but they are dangerous XD

  • mirrors? sort of... 1.9 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii true... but most players don't actually set their mirrors...
    Having mirrors and being able to Use the mirrors are 2 different things ;)

  • Devs, Can you add a code that can prevent Cleaver Missile fins from Deploying and Remove the Missile Fins? 1.9 years ago

    you can use any missile.....
    Inferno has tiny fins for example
    edit explosion scale, targeting AA/AG/both and other things to make it do what you want it to....
    and scale it to hide it better.....

  • Schweizer S300 1.9 years ago

    I love seeing this little heli flying IRL...
    it looks like a BMX bicycle with a rotor compared to other heli's :P
    very nice build, I'm modifying it for myself as a fully manual heli, similar to how it is IRL.

  • TestPlay 1.9 years ago

    coding was probably such a pain
    but t this is very impressive!

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.2 years ago

    @winterro if you could disable them as well then maybe..
    unless you want players spawning in with guns bulletScale 1000000 flying around..
    yeah sure, that's sounds as fun as getting kicked between the legs.
    then again, if you want dogfighting, you need to have a fair fight, similar capable aircraft... so Both sides can enjoy.
    2 players loading whatever they have XML's out the wazoo, is not really a dogfight to begin with.... it's a contest of who understands XML and MP breaking better.

  • Really?! XD 2.2 years ago

    @TheFlightGuySP it's the one you saw ;)

  • AI WW2 Cargo 2.4 years ago


  • WARNING, MUTE SOUND!!! Tow plane lands on it own. 2.5 years ago

    @SimpleplanesJP11 yeah!!!
    even if it's something like a console command...

  • FA-47 Bristol Blenheim 2 2.5 years ago

    pretty nice!
    would be cool to know what the AGs do.

  • Wright to Yeager in a Pain amount of minutes 2.5 years ago

    @DeadlyDialga Cheers and thanks :)
    If I recorded myself in those crashes, I'd probably get banned from SP and my YT channel closed...

  • the pain is real.. 2.5 years ago

    @DeadlyDialga MY neighbors downstairs were not happy with this challenge....
    Yes... lots of smashing of random items, and words that would get me banned faster then I can type them...
    Great fun :)

  • [BETA] F-22A Raptor V2.0b 2.6 years ago

    Pretty cool.
    feels like a BETA.... but a good BTEA.
    can't wait to see the final product :)

  • FA-47 Bristol Blenheim 2 2.6 years ago

    @Otana cheers, looks like a cool design.
    can't wait to take it for a spin when its out ;)

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.6 years ago

  • The BeeBaloo 2.6 years ago

    looks cool, but I wish the tracks would actually move...

  • Bell-430 2.7 years ago

    @MrCOPTY cheers dude, was just sharing the info if anybody else wants to try ;)

  • Orca Crosswind and heavy gust landing practice 2.8 years ago

    @Aviator01 it's a bit more powerful then the regular civilian one, more powerful, less stable in hover..

  • GLA Quad Cannon 2.8 years ago

    Turn them into Mud!
    nice build, and one of my favorite games!

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.8 years ago

    @PPLLAANNEE yeah the new main server seems to disconnect every 2-3 weeks :\

  • What Happened? (Genuinely need help) 2.8 years ago

    That looks like Retreating blade stall.. It's what limits helicopter speed IRL.
    Think of the rotor blades as they spin, one side heading into the flight direction (Advancing blade), one heading away from flight direction (retreating blade).
    If the blades speed is 100MPH, and you are flying at 100MPH:
    the Advancing blade gets 200mph of lift, while the Retreating blade gets 0MPH of lift, causing it to Stall, and the advancing blade's lift causes the roll.
    hope this helps @2Papi2Chulo

    how to fix?
    make main rotor spin faster.

  • Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane 2.8 years ago

    This thing is really cool, and very well made!
    Love the Helicopter flight model (with what you can achieve in SP)
    I also like that you need to learn to fly it.
    It's not hard to fly, but it is hard to fly Good ;)

  • Dassault Mirage IIICJ 2.9 years ago

    It's one of the most famous planes of it's time in Israel.
    Tho I'd love seeing some IAI "Kfir" (Mirage 5 Israeli Copy) on the site. ;)

  • Orca III Airbrake configuration 2.9 years ago

    @Nj364 Soon...
    finishing it, and adding some Command and Conquer buildings and stuff.

  • 105mm Dual Purpose Gun 3.5 years ago

    This is pretty cool, it'll be great to build a ship using this!
    2 quick points:
    1- why do the turrets rotate 180° when activated?
    2- If you set the AA round cannon to be "AirToAir" , and the AG round cannon to "AirToSurface" It will switch rounds automatically when switching between AG and AA modes.

  • Harrier Jet AV-8 3.6 years ago

    Very nice!
    flies great, the one thing I recommend, is adding speed brakes.

  • UH-144 Falcon 3.7 years ago

    @FireDrake cheers dude, It's a great build.
    It's hard having a lot of moving stuff with the limited number of axis of controls we have in SP ;)

  • Sa-2 Samson 3.9 years ago

    Very nice build!
    flies very nice and stable.
    1 issue that I have is that the AG missiles are unusable... they just plop down to the ground when launched..

  • Simple Race Tracks 4.4 years ago

    @Spikerya I think you were looking for something like this map

  • MP 2019 last recordings... 4.5 years ago

    @FishMiner @Spikerya @YourWife @benjiboyy06

  • Hostile Environment Traction Engine 4.5 years ago

    Ooh the big beast is finally out!! :D
    I'm going to take it for a spin later on, but I pretty much know what it can do from our drives in mp ;)

  • Red Tail Flight and weapons test 4.9 years ago

    @Wi1dSk7 This still has a lot of work to be done on it..
    not sure how long this one will take

  • RAH-42 Snowfox 4.9 years ago

    @Tully2001 Why was I striked exactly?
    And why was my message deleted?!?!?!
    I was only defending myself, I could have pointed out that I'm from Israel and take the whole German ancestors to a different direction, and be a Total jerk about it!!

    I thought the comment section is made so players can respond and have a conversation about builds, If you want to prevent this, you should have banned @Zanbradcr3per from making any more posts.
    As you could clearly see where the conversation was heading!!

  • RAH-42 Snowfox 4.9 years ago

    @Zanbradcr3per The hovering idea I got from Thecatbaron as I helped him with his helicopter.
    you can find a link to the Auto pilot hover I used in the description.

  • B-17 Flying Fortress 4.9 years ago

    I love how smooth your builds are!
    They remind me of old nickel airplanes toys I had as a kid.

  • [Updated] Beware the Brown Pearl! 5.0 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon I'm making a video for hunting the brown pearl.
    I'll include a link to your tutorial in the description.

  • [Updated] Beware the Brown Pearl! 5.0 years ago

    Here's a Quick suggestion.
    Save your location as a spawn point the moment you get the "Ye have made a grave mistake!" message.

  • KZ Godspeed 5.0 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon Thanks :)

  • A-29 (EMB-314) "Super Tucano" Brazilian Air Force 5.0 years ago

    Very cool build, very nice Replica!
    my only problem is that some weapons like the AGM-176 cannot be mirrored without editing the connections, so symmetrical load is not always possible.

  • Wright airport MOD by Kakhikotchauri1 5.1 years ago

    @redbear89 Thank you very much!! :)
    I made a tutorial on how to fly it, and it also has links to 2 Orca versions as well.
    Link to Tutorial
    It's not an easy to fly VTOL, hope you have fun with it :)

  • Wright airport MOD by Kakhikotchauri1 5.1 years ago

    @Kakhikotchauri1 I hope you don't mind I made this video. :)

  • Orca VS Brown Pearl 5.2 years ago

    @Zanedavid Do you realize what you just started?!
    What did I ever do to deserve this?!
    My brain hurts just from thinking about it... The speed... the missiles... the weight...
    now I'm gonna have to build a "Pearl thief" aircraft
    Thank you evil Sadist, for filling my brain with more evil ideas :P

  • Evangelion EVA Unit-01 Test (Head) 5.3 years ago

    The beast awakens.

  • SimplePlanes MP October 31st 5.4 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon Sorry but I didn't really get a chance to get a good recording with it yet...
    I got some recordings, but nothing good for a video...
    Because of how Players just pop in and out of MP, I usually just start recording in the aircraft I'm in at that moment.
    Also If players are using something slow or vehicles, I need to be able to fly around them to record them, and be able to keep up with their speed.
    That's why my Orca is always my 1st go to aircraft for recordings.

    I'm trying to get a good formation flight recordings with it.
    Something that shows the R-101 cameras and capabilities, not just me flying around..

  • Coming Soon: Cessna 172S 5.4 years ago

    @BaconAircraft there you go, now it's public :)
    Thanks for the tip about editing.
    and please let me know when you finish this project, I'd love giving it a complete startup, flight and landing review video.
    (I need to warn you, I might use this plane for a future "How to do patterns" video)

  • RE-Upload Multiplayer October P-5 5.4 years ago

    Please do not Upvote this if you upvoted the original.
    I don't really care about upvotes, so I don't want anybody thinking that that's my goal here.
    I made a mistake in the info, and that's what I care about.

  • Orca II Armed Final 5.8 years ago

    @DarkRainbow2 @vamad88 @TUNDERTEAM Thank you!

  • Simple Tandem helicopter 5.8 years ago

    @yoshicraze @Strikefighter04 Thank you!
    Feel free to edit and use it as you wish :)

  • When you want to go in Multiplayer and you know that you can't 5.9 years ago

    Multiplayer on mobile......
    Server: 8 players are on with a total of 3800 parts
    Mobile: sound of burning intensifies

  • Foreverpie Planex A-190-400 5.9 years ago

    @ForeverPie Thank you :)
    It's 3 different recordings I got of that beauty flying, mashed into one.
    feel free to do with it whatever you want.
