One of the most Important things that Pilots and Flight crews train for is Emergency Procedures.
I specifically call these Emergency Procedure because that is exactly what they are:
A Procedure to be followed upon an Emergency condition.
and this is how they are referred to when investigating the incident afterwards.
A lot of people are unaware of this, but pilots simulate almost every possible Emergency Procedure that their aircraft might experience in a safe environment.
(Simulators or Flying, and as long as these problems are known about a specific aircraft)
All these procedures and the Correct actions to be taken in such occasions are available to the pilot via the Aircraft's Pilot Operation Handbook (POH) and must be available to the pilot and in the cockpit at all times.
A lot of student pilots fail their final check-ride due to these exercises.
-Tammie Jo Shults is a Great pilot because she stayed calm and collected in an emergency situation, and followed the exact procedure she needed to.
-Her second in command is a Great copilot because it was him who had to look the Emergency information up in the POH and assist the Pilot in command.
-Her Flight Crew are Great because they had to relay ALL information about the cabin and engines to the pilots and manage the passengers until Everybody is off the aircraft.
P.S. By LAW: The Pilot in command has full responsibility over the aircraft once it's in the air and until everybody is off, and it is the Pilot in command that has final say if the aircraft takes off at all.
that's why everybody whales at the Pilot when something goes wrong and people die.
@ShinyGemsBro how do you think helicopters got armament to begin with?
they strapped weapons to existing transport heli's ;)
attack helicopters came much later.
the first operational attack helicopter was the Bell AH-1 Cobra, which is based on the UH-1 Huey.
reminds me of the K-Max.
which is not a very maneuverable heli, but has wonderful hovering and lifting capabilities.
it's also why the Army started using it Unmanned on remote control for cargo logistics ;)
@Kevito212 cheers, happy they helped :)
didn't get a chance before to take it for a spin until today..
this is a great heli!
very fun to fly, and very challenging from how heavy and sluggish it feels.
Great work!
@WinsWings I see spinning and sudden altitude loss as a good feature not a bad on..
I like the fact that this craft can kill you if you don't pay attention and manage it :)
Very cool Jeep!!!
I'm not trying to diss you or anything, but there are a few connection issues....
from the front inner door latch not connected, to some of the suspension having hinges connected one sided.
at least the2 door version from what I've seen so far
the only reason I've noticed is because I'm modifying it for my own fun, like making it a bit taller and having 4X4 only in lower speeds...
again, great build!
@ForeverPie Thank you :)
+2It's 3 different recordings I got of that beauty flying, mashed into one.
feel free to do with it whatever you want.
@canozduyar You can use a hidden engine as well, or a hidden tail rotor...
+2but a Gyro should also do the trick.
@CarsonG1017 @AWESOMENESS360 yeah... the desync in MP sucks :(
+2Flying is still fun tho ;)
@Dusty51104 @BlobfishMaster @Samman0175
+2please add links to the creations you flew :)
check out my SP profile, I try to make low count fun builds like my P-380 :) so Mobile players and low end PC's can run them.
+2I also post Videos :)
better than my plane drawings ;)
+2@JohnnyBoythePilot That could be Awesome XD
+2@Strikefighter04 @BaconEggs @JohnnyBoythePilot
+2@JohnnyBoythePilot Thanks!
+2These are the Basics, FSX or is a GREAT platform to learn civilian Radio Comms!
+2יום עצמאות שמח (happy independence day) :)
One of the most Important things that Pilots and Flight crews train for is Emergency Procedures.
I specifically call these Emergency Procedure because that is exactly what they are:
A Procedure to be followed upon an Emergency condition.
and this is how they are referred to when investigating the incident afterwards.
A lot of people are unaware of this, but pilots simulate almost every possible Emergency Procedure that their aircraft might experience in a safe environment.
(Simulators or Flying, and as long as these problems are known about a specific aircraft)
All these procedures and the Correct actions to be taken in such occasions are available to the pilot via the Aircraft's Pilot Operation Handbook (POH) and must be available to the pilot and in the cockpit at all times.
A lot of student pilots fail their final check-ride due to these exercises.
-Tammie Jo Shults is a Great pilot because she stayed calm and collected in an emergency situation, and followed the exact procedure she needed to.
-Her second in command is a Great copilot because it was him who had to look the Emergency information up in the POH and assist the Pilot in command.
-Her Flight Crew are Great because they had to relay ALL information about the cabin and engines to the pilots and manage the passengers until Everybody is off the aircraft.
P.S. By LAW: The Pilot in command has full responsibility over the aircraft once it's in the air and until everybody is off, and it is the Pilot in command that has final say if the aircraft takes off at all.
that's why everybody whales at the Pilot when something goes wrong and people die.
sorry for long text....
+2Cool little Racer ;)
+2@FastDan Thanks m8 :)
@doge just reply to me here when your on, i'll join you if i can :)
+2@Gestour i'll remember that for next time... or to when my hands are not cramped from typing...
+2@Marine try this one:
+2maybe you can use the game's autopilot function to make things easier?
+2just a thought..
@YarisHatchback Most Israelis, including myself wish for the end of conflict.
+1we just want to live in peace.
@126 thanks, but it's not as bad as the media makes it out to be. :)
+1Nice helicopter!
+1love the wind vein for direction awareness.
@ShinyGemsBro how do you think helicopters got armament to begin with?
+1they strapped weapons to existing transport heli's ;)
attack helicopters came much later.
the first operational attack helicopter was the Bell AH-1 Cobra, which is based on the UH-1 Huey.
I Love your helicopters!
+1Very very nice!!!
+1reminds me of the K-Max.
+1which is not a very maneuverable heli, but has wonderful hovering and lifting capabilities.
it's also why the Army started using it Unmanned on remote control for cargo logistics ;)
@TheMouse oh ok, thanks
+1@TheMouse what?
+1מגניב, לא ציפיתי לראות עברית כאן
+1Cool, didn't expect to see Hebrew here
@DISHWASHER2005 yeah, tho not as much these days...
+1oh hell yeah!
+1@Kevito212 cheers, happy they helped :)
+1didn't get a chance before to take it for a spin until today..
this is a great heli!
very fun to fly, and very challenging from how heavy and sluggish it feels.
Great work!
@DatTrainAndCarGuy19 where I live is pretty chill...
+1war is hell, but life goes on.
cheers :)
@WinsWings cheers, happy it helped :)
+1now I can drink my shaken, not stirred Martini on the go :P
@WinsWings I see spinning and sudden altitude loss as a good feature not a bad on..
+1I like the fact that this craft can kill you if you don't pay attention and manage it :)
@ThatRandomCouchPotato if that works for you without one side blinking all the time that's great! :)
+1very cute!
+1@SBACERT cheers, happy it helps :)
+1@WinsWings cheers and thank you, I only modified it for fun :)
+1@DISHWASHER2005 cool pics
+1looks cool!
very very impressive work!!!!!!!
+1my favorite is still the original, but you did an amazing job on this!
@GuyFolk naaaaah, don't sell yourself short ;)
+1cool pics!
+1@DISHWASHER2005 with so many good builders these days, I just grabbed a Jeep off the site and modified it ;)
+1F-10 constantly?
+1@Zaineman don't think Maywar is on mobile from what I know....
+1but that's in Pharaoh's garden on Maywar
@TheTomatoLover talking about a real one ;)
+1Hail Hydra! :P
+1Very cool Jeep!!!
+1I'm not trying to diss you or anything, but there are a few connection issues....
from the front inner door latch not connected, to some of the suspension having hinges connected one sided.
at least the2 door version from what I've seen so far
the only reason I've noticed is because I'm modifying it for my own fun, like making it a bit taller and having 4X4 only in lower speeds...
again, great build!
I made some C&C95 inspired builds if you want to see my take on the Orca and NOD recon bike... Not for the challenge, just as another C&C lover 😉