I've been working on a mothership too, a way to fix it is to have the rear engines tilt the opposite way of the front engines. Looks weird but strangely works
Actually what I learned in flight lessons IRL and just by messing around this game is that if u want to yaw left, roll right at the same time to keep it even.
Thanks @ccooper
I'm in and ready to win!
Could I have my GS-1 Gaurdian (loosely based of halo 5) in a video?
Thanks! @AviownCorp
Thanks! @ccooper @AviownCorp
Ok! It's a revolving bay that pops out from under the plane@PlanesOfOld
Could it be a missile bay?
To destroy the laser stuff I recommend using multiple rockets as the lasers can only take out one at a time
Used to though@HKAerodynamics
525 Blue Patrol@HKAerodynamics
@SpiritusRaptor @Skua @BaconAircrafts Just needing some professional advice! What do y'all think?
@Arcues that was quick!
DUDE YOUR A SCOUT!? SO AM I!!!!@HKAerodynamics
I agree fully with this post, we need an R&D Team for SP, one that I would also love to be on!@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries
@SpiritusRaptor @General360 @bjac0
I've been called kiwi multiple times!
Sign me up please!@AndrewGarrison
Thanks @ShotgunShogun
I saw it looks cool! I'm still trying to get mine to work with the vtol@BlackEmperorDragon
I've been working on a mothership too, a way to fix it is to have the rear engines tilt the opposite way of the front engines. Looks weird but strangely works
Thanks man!@Pilotmario
'Twas not long before this would have happened...... π
Actually cool thing about that, people think that the J20 is based off the Mig 1.44@DeathStalker627
Yea it's probly the physics, we need the update:)@End01
Thanks, you too!@Benkelmans
Sorry about that@End01
Thank you guys
Sorry for the late announcement but I've been busy!@Himynameiswalrus
Thanks guys! @Waemoth @TehDuck That was fast!
They r awesome dude!@WillB88
That's what I was going for! Lol@WillB88
So we can update our planes?@deusalgor
Thanks for letting me know I forgot that the challenge was still onπ@deusalgor
I totally agree with how mobile gets the last updates, but it sorta builds anticipation! Idk, it would be nice if we got it first though....
Actually what I learned in flight lessons IRL and just by messing around this game is that if u want to yaw left, roll right at the same time to keep it even.
+1Thanks for the upvotes@salvador3031