5,042 Gluck Comments

  • SimplePlanes 2 - Coming this Christmas 4.1 years ago

    dead children tell no tales

  • Q and A with Me 4.1 years ago

    Subtract your phone number from your IP address. Now multiply it by your house number.
    What is the answer?
    technically this follows the rules

  • Is the site loading incredibly slowly for anyone else? 4.1 years ago

    does your wife produce internet or something?

  • GR-NSX 02 ilishí 4.2 years ago

    there are builds twice the part count that don't look half as good as this

  • Eclipse Hornet 4.2 years ago

    Daaaaaamn. Congratulations!

  • Should I Start World War 3? 4.2 years ago

    secret space colony on Titan

    I'm afraid you know too much. Prepare for immediate termination.

  • Monolith 4.2 years ago

    This is awesome, can't wait to download them all

  • Convoy Catcher Teaser 4.2 years ago

    Your free trial of freedom has ended.
    Please enter your credit card information below.

  • Honestly, go ahead and start drama. 4.2 years ago

    Ironic how "stop drama" posts create it and "start it" posts don't

  • How exactly could I add more parts to this post? 4.2 years ago

    -thicker fuselage, maybe some panelling if you can
    -Custom weapons if possible
    -just go all out on decals & art lol
    -Instead of using a fuselage cone for the nose, try bevelling it down with a ton of fuselages.
    -Cockpit if you're inclined to be masochistic

  • How much can i customize missiles? 4.2 years ago

    Yup. Click here and scroll down for missile XML attributes.

    Note: it doesn't list a few. There's also ignitionDelay, which delays the missile firing, name, which allows you to change the weapon's name, and explosionScale, which scales explosion and damage ratings.

  • Verglas Class Battlecruiser 4.2 years ago

    Yup. It kinda does need some more turrets. Easily the biggest issue with the design. Don't really know why I didn't add more—just oversight I guess. Sorry.

    Also mega oof to the turret coding using info from the cockpits location and not itself.

    Didn't code the turrets myself, so I'm not really the guy to talk to. I'll take a look at them later though.
    As for the turret control system—yup, the right PDC is backwards. Could've fixed it but a) I'm lazy, and b) I thought the turrets moving in two different ways would be weird/uncoordinated. It does make directing them annoying however. Sorry. In the future I'll probably use autoturrets anyway.
    Probably beneficial edits lol. Could you tag me on the unlisted? I'd be interested in seeing it.
    Thanks for the criticism-I appreciate it. :)

  • A Curious Thing 4.2 years ago

    @Typhoon03 That's true. Definitely more gold+plat upvotes than silver. However, I'd say that the lack of low-rank upvotes doesn't necessarily indicate an issue with the community, or that low-rank users dislike you. More likely, the reason is related to user activity or just plain chance.

  • A Curious Thing 4.2 years ago

    Well, all of those posts are at least a month old. Many of the bronze upvoters could have gained silver in that time.

    Edit: sorry, I read the end. I'd say that a month would be enough for bronze to gain silver, since bronze users post more, and from a quick scan of the Daedalus many silver upvoters are in the 1000-2000 point range.

  • FNS Glorious - Class Nuclear Aircraft Carrier 4.2 years ago

    if I had found this half an hour ago I could have spotlighted. :/
    Excellent job, looks fabulous!

  • Degradation and SimplePlanes 4.2 years ago

    Lol, essay gang

  • How can I make a jet engine accelerate slower? 4.3 years ago

    set max to 10
    set powerMultiplier to 0.1

  • why does the game quit by itself when I play with my self made a6m zero 4.3 years ago

    The issue is probably caused by setting ammoCount and burstCount to a ridiculously high number; the game dies if you set it too high. You should still be able to load the plane up in the designer, so just set both parameters to a lower value.
    Hope this helps :)

  • ASP-105 ''Hydra'' 4.3 years ago

    this is extreme epic
    Excellent work :)

  • thank For 1000 :) 4.3 years ago

    congrats tho!

  • Project Altoneri test 4.3 years ago

    those missiles tho
    looks like a lightning bolt when you shoot them

  • Godshawk 4.3 years ago

    @Gbhole ty! Appreciate it.

  • GR-HT 13 Serenity 4.3 years ago

    @Sadboye12 np, well deserved!

  • Decisions, decisions... 4.3 years ago


  • Verglas Class Battlecruiser 4.3 years ago

    @YamaSama 890 jump is cool! Thanks for your support!

  • Verglas Class Battlecruiser 4.3 years ago

    @Bobbywar while this is true, command always seemed to be situated in the strut bridge, emphasizing the vulnerability of command figures.

  • Verglas Class Battlecruiser 4.3 years ago

    @typeZERO I actually remember downloading that! It was super cool. As for the ships, it's the Skypark Navy mod.

  • Verglas Class Battlecruiser 4.3 years ago

    @yoshicraze thanks for the spotlight, appreciate it

  • Verglas Class Battlecruiser 4.3 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick I'll be sure to check it out in the morning!

  • Verglas Class Battlecruiser 4.3 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Valid points there. Appreciate the feedback!

    The ship wasn't really intended to be a sniper cruiser–though looking at it now, it fits the role pretty well. [frantic description editing]
    The torps do lack some weight, and though I could talk out of my ass about how it's a contained burn or something, I'll just be honest–I didn't really put a huge amount of thought into them, in terms of realistic detonation & explosion.
    As for the MultiRole setting, I'm aware it can be used on missiles–in fact, the UAVs are multirole. The reason I set two different groups is a matter of personal preference–for whatever reason I prefer missiles to be either ATG or ATA, and I don't often bother with multirole missiles. However, in (theoretical) IRL implementation of design, they would likely be multi-role, yes. Though in space it's kind of a pointless distinction anyway.
    All valid points about the bridge. You're sort of agreeing with me in an indirect way (I think idk), so I won't bother writing much. Yes, the scanners do need to go somewhere, but could be distributed over the hull of the ship. Bridge shielding would be important–and I concede that significant command figures should operate through the ops deck and CIC.
    The shielding bit is a good point. Most of my ships would probably have a light shield, mainly for deflecting space debris and micrometeorites than combat purposes. PDCs would essentially "create" the debris through shooting stuff down, and the debris shield would take the impacts. However–getting to your point–yes, PDCs are unlikely to be able to mow down a large missile swarm–I've learned this firsthand in Avorion. But missile evasion doesn't have to be limited to the physical, and ships could also have methods of hiding or distorting whatever signatures the missiles are tracking. While the countermeasures delayed/evaded the missiles, PDCs would be given time to shoot the persistent ones down. Thereafter, a debris shield could take any shrapnel.
    Yup, bricks are better design choices. If you're asking why I bothered smoothing it at all, given the brick rule, the answer is: it looked nice. Also, in the end it's SP–a smooth craft will generally look nicer and gain more support. But IRL, yes, I would design a brick.
    Thanks for the feedback lol. I was wondering when the nerd analysis comments would come. I do actually prefer (constructive) criticism, so thank you for contributing to my future builds, I guess. Appreciate the comment. :)

  • Verglas Class Battlecruiser 4.3 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick thanks!

  • Verglas Class Battlecruiser 4.3 years ago

    @Sadboye12 thank you!

  • Magician-B 4.3 years ago

    This was actually very fun, great job!

  • I wanna know about the community. 4.3 years ago

    1: Food. I like it with drinks as well.
    2: Friend, mostly. Also cool planes.
    3: Literally all of it. It's fun on many aspects–sharing with the community, blowing stuff up, and messing with physics.

  • How do you get around the editor draw distance/camera distance 4.3 years ago

    Do you have the fine tuner mod enabled? If so, just descale the craft, work on it, and then upscale.

  • Selected weapon name 4.3 years ago

    Pretty sure you didn't need to add the true/false bit, only needed the expression and weapon name. Did you put it in quotes? I'd guess that's your problem.

  • NPAS Odyn 4.3 years ago

    @spefyjerbf I will, and thanks!

  • NPAS Odyn 4.3 years ago

    Permission to use the first bit of the yaw code? It's stable and works nicely for 2d flight. Credit would of course be given!

  • Starhugger 4.3 years ago

    @Kerbo lol
    what does that make sleddriver?

  • Update v1.10 - Smooth as Glass 4.3 years ago

    @Alextoucan555555555 Every platform can use them, just input whatever code you want into the input or activationGroup tabs in Overload.

  • Is the war between the anime community and anime opposition on sp website gonna happen soon???? 4.3 years ago

    Lol anime war would make fabulous bedtime reading
    It's weirdly controversial

  • Glass Plane 4.3 years ago

    this a p p e a l s to my eyes

  • Website mods on steam? 4.3 years ago

    You can install website mods regardless of whether you have steam or not, just the install process is trickier and it won't sync across devices

  • GR-NS 00 Shootja 4.3 years ago

    I too make use of a fusion shotgun

  • Negative Bombs are Nice 4.3 years ago

    @SuperRoto yeah, I might use them as an imploder or gravity bomb

  • Negative Bombs are Nice 4.3 years ago

    I've noticed it seems to have a reverse explosion force effect as well, it drags the trucks towards the explosion site

  • . 4.3 years ago

    does seem to infringe on the rules about edited thumbnails a little
    I mean if its related to the build thats fine I suppose
    just doesn't make sense to fill up the whole pic with it
    I wouldn't say it's "cancerous" or negative in a way separate from thumbnail usage
    anime seems to be a punching bag for random users tho, which isn't as justified

  • Starhugger 4.3 years ago

    @Hira629 Thanks, I only regret beta smoothing came too late
