5,289 GreatHenry Comments

  • Airborne Command Carrier Serenity 6.6 years ago

    It's too large, it can be downloaded to my device, but it does not start the level.

  • What are the points for? 6.4 years ago

    They can buy a two-kilometer mountain of cocaine!


  • Total Naval War 6.6 years ago

    May God protect me and my phone.

  • What's the most upvoted comment? 6.7 years ago



    И вправду, какой?

  • Shvetsov ASh-62 Engine 6.3 years ago

    It was possible to pour vodka into this engine, and it worked!

    An-2 is associated with my flight to the village to my grandfather. So my grandfather's brother diluted fuel with moonshine and seriously saved on it. And I remember the smell of burning alcohol with kerosene and engine oil ... Return me to my 2006!

  • US "flying fish" unsupported aircraft 5.6 years ago

    DID I HEAR "OIL"?!

    angry american noises

  • Haunebu II - (H) 6.7 years ago

    It's UFO!
    Where my 144pixel cam?!

  • KIRARA 1.8 years ago

    Kirara is just new skin for isekai truck-kun.

  • KamAz 4326 2.0 years ago

    @MagmaSlime like in real 👌

  • OTO R3 Pizza Delivery Armored Car 5.1 years ago


  • M134 5.2 years ago


  • Nuke the fleet! 5.9 years ago


  • Every single thing that happened on the site in the last 24 hours has been erased from existence 6.1 years ago

    Hopefully the groundhog day won't happen to us.

  • KMS Prinz Eugen 6.2 years ago

    Only five and a half thousand spare parts. Fucking five and a half thousand parts! God save my phone.

  • If You Are Struggling With Anything In Life 6.2 years ago

    What is the mass of the fire?
    What color is the water or mirror?
    What would my cat tell me if he could talk?
    Why should people suffer in Hell if the Devil encourages the commission of sins?
    Sometimes people ask me to look after their things, but I have one question - what should I do if these things want to steal? I have to fight what? (I am against violence.)
    How to agree with the opinions of others, if I want to kill everyone who disagrees with me?
    Why do people dreaming of a bright future, do not try for the sake of this bright future?
    Why the US will not switch to the metric system?
    Big question:
    If we take into account all the basic rules for the development of the chain "inanimate matter => about organisms unreasonable => intelligent organisms", then what will aliens look like? After all, only the human planet was lucky to catch such nonsense as an asteroid, which threw the earth's evolution very noticeably back. As for me, the development of complex brain activity is the most profitable way of evolution, and most likely on other planets hardly anything like our asteroid happened. Therefore, I hardly try to imagine the appearance, behavior, culture of aliens. It will be quite similar to what is on Earth, because the rationality and laws of physics are quite universal, but they will also be very different from what we have, due to the earlier development of life into rational forms there.
    (If anything, I spoke about protein life on the basis of oxygen respiration, since the conditions both for the emergence and for the maintenance and stable development of life to rational forms should be the same as on Earth and the deviations should be minimal.)
    (I base my opinion on the school course of biology and Soviet science fiction, because, due to the formation of my preferences, it is in That literature that makes me not particularly positive about modern science fiction. My knowledge could be slightly outdated, kek.)
    And a bunch of questions that I think, sitting on the edge of the bed at 03:17 local time. Naturally I do this instead of sleeping...

  • Nagato Class Battleship 6.2 years ago



  • "Isekai Express" Box Truck (Driveable Version) 2.0 years ago

    "isekai time, nerd!"

  • ArtiElf Type I 2.7 years ago

    if you combine jump with roll, you can move quite quickly - even faster than just running

  • Frame for SPVR 2.8 years ago

    interesting, how soon devs use it for make something cool, weird, funny & absolutely legal in community

  • Martin Luther King Jr 4.8 years ago

    I officially declare that this is politically correct.

  • 68's full sized sedan 4.9 years ago


  • Kumamatanga Archipelago 5.9 years ago

    On this map you can make a new game!

  • Port Island Map Mod 6.0 years ago

    (It's a Pearl-Harbor?)

  • Anyone else hit with severe weather today? 6.0 years ago

    A dog jumped at me and hit me on the road, facing the bus I wanted to enter. And so the weather is normal.


  • MER Opportunity 6.1 years ago

    Press "F" to pay respect.

  • Functioning Accordion 60 Bass Instrument (Doge Corp) 6.1 years ago

    Takes this accordion.
    Takes vodka.
    Sits on a bear.
    Rides to seize America.

  • Mc-Renz R3 6.2 years ago

    Its space station?
    Holy Stalin! Its a plane!

  • infantry 6.2 years ago

    641 PARTS

  • infantry 6.2 years ago

    How many parts in one soldier? There are 64 of them, plus one cabin... Even many of them...

  • Goliath 6.3 years ago

    Nope, there was a full-fledged air dreadnought.

    I built an airship to transport two infantry mortars with a turret. And related weapons - machine guns, bombs.

  • Simple Planes 1.8 6.5 years ago

    Legalise "Overload", "Fine Tuner", "Metric Conversion" & "Environment Pack".

  • Fork 6.5 years ago

    Нет ничего опасней вилки: один удар - четыре дырки.

  • The Designer Circle Is Not Useless! 6.6 years ago

    Well, well, very useful. When I look at other people's assemblies, I see that they do not go beyond the gray circle, then my phone can work with assemblies of about 1500 parts.
    If it is not (the reasons are not important, there is simply no circle), you have to look at the dimensions - up to 10x10x10 meters.

  • The Wingmen discord now recruiting 6.6 years ago

    @pavthepilot Sir Yeah Sir!

  • JAC Junling (Chinese Truck) 6.7 years ago

    Where's my mind?
     〉   Meanwhile
     ̄ ̄┗┓   my mind
        ┗┓  ヾ○シ
         ┗┓ ヘ/    

  • We have a Traitor amongst us. 6.7 years ago

    The gallows are too soft for such a garbage. Let's make a cross (like Jesus).

  • To the people, dogs, and cats reading this... 6.7 years ago

    @FastDan Сейчас мы построим кучу конспирологических теорий, о чем это сообщение... А на деле окажется, что здесь клуб ненавистников Fortnite.



  • Crown Victoria Interceptor 6.9 years ago

    A machine from an innumerable number of films.

  • Radioactive clouds of Chernobyl 6.9 years ago

    I propose to make two versions - normal (not interesting) and with glitches, so that the clouds look like my face after drinking.

  • Well done SpaceX 6.9 years ago

    "People do not have the money to provide the world's population with clean water, but there is money to look for water on Mars ..."

  • It's my Birthday! 6.9 years ago

    It does not matter, you need a drink!
    🍻-( ^-^)-🍻

  • Game ideas for jundroo 6.9 years ago

    @Maxwell1 ¯_(`ಠ︹ಠ)_/¯

  • Himmel Pinocchio 1.7 years ago

    оно прекрасно, сборка заслуживает 40000 upvote

  • IJN Fusou 1.8 years ago

    есть небольшие (вру, большие) проблемы с коллизией дополнительных орудий
    если уже у меня будет время - постараюсь исправить, но ничего не обещаю
    сам корабль выглядит классно

  • Pronghabian Battle Airship 'Stratus' 1.9 years ago

    average Miyazaki anime transport lover is here!

  • Is 20 14 inch guns on a battleship overkill? 2.0 years ago

    not enough, we need more power (to suprass Metal Gear)

  • Buff Kitty 2.1 years ago

    i am the average Bocchi enjoyer, because i love anime about music, so what?

  • Digital Painting Tool 2.3 years ago

    я не слишком умный и не понял что делать , но я четко осознаю что была проделана невероятная работа. я рад что есть люди способные создавать вещи подобные этой, оно поражает мое воображение

  • Grand Omnipotent Dragon (a.k.a. GOD, both FLIES and SWIMS) 2.6 years ago

    "souls-like game boss music theme intensifies"
