Welp, i have a question.
If i'm going to upload a pack(multiple variants(3 out of 7 ready) of the same machine, with difference in weapons,armor, speed and specific abilities), do i need to choose single variant to participate?
Because i'm afraid that the ratings may differ from one to another (probably in all categories)...
I'm pressing on another project.
I'll try to make a teaser ASAP so you can see what do i mean
Great Flood is coming
Everyone want for their craft to be included into a mod from mister Gestour, so they can be very proud of themselves.
Me? I'm waiting for water-based GC, at least aware of...
Well, a couple of things:
1) The Floor is made of Floor
2) Pentagon is susceptible to Funky Trees
The game itself is an sandbox indeed so go amuse yourself with given instruments.
Cool? Seem to be.
We have to build a things that may fly, glide, swim, crawl, ride on and off roads and so on.We are trying to achieve a specific performance for our builds, through errors and basic problems.We learn how everything works and gain useful skills to create what we want here.
Cool? Seem to be.
We even have programming of sorts, so-called Funky Trees,and you can learn some math with them,aside from basic physics.
There is also a place to share and look on what others build, this website. And it is many people here.You can see something new every minute (if not less) in newest tab. You can socialize...
Cool? Yeah.
Also, there is a moment at 8000 RPM when you realize that points are pointless
Hi there toothless.
Ok, me wonder if all this manners thing can be taken as a spam?
... Ok, i don't know any jokes about bronze level...
Try this
So, normal is bad but squared?
A perfect disguise for a nuke delivery!
please tell me that he is not owo-ing
Last pic be like.
Im not sure my GeForce GTX 550 can handle such tech...
Welp, i have a question.
If i'm going to upload a pack(multiple variants(3 out of 7 ready) of the same machine, with difference in weapons,armor, speed and specific abilities), do i need to choose single variant to participate?
Because i'm afraid that the ratings may differ from one to another (probably in all categories)...
I'm pressing on another project.
I'll try to make a teaser ASAP so you can see what do i mean
Hehe, War Toonder goes BRRRRTTT...
@Ian_Yashima @BoiBoicleetus69 @Kimfri
Thanks for up
Yeah, thanks
@PlaneCrafterCreativePark @AtlasMilitaryIndustries
Stonks is thonks
Such limitation is non-existant.
i do plan to make a pack also...
RTX 3090 on its way to your computer
@ACEPILOT109 @Pianoman
Thanks for your ups
Less mass on turret and more on hull
Great Flood is coming
Everyone want for their craft to be included into a mod from mister Gestour, so they can be very proud of themselves.
Me? I'm waiting for water-based GC, at least aware of...
It all looks strange...
Just have some Stranger Things
yeah-yeah for second time because everyone left their links here
That one moment when you got tired of shiba inu (doge) meme
You can only change activation group, not input ( on wing guns, miniguns, rocket pods and cannons)
Mobile torture chamber correct i must.
A noble steed
@PapaKernels Ewoks not included...
Well, a couple of things:
1) The Floor is made of Floor
2) Pentagon is susceptible to Funky Trees
The game itself is an sandbox indeed so go amuse yourself with given instruments.
Cool? Seem to be.
We have to build a things that may fly, glide, swim, crawl, ride on and off roads and so on.We are trying to achieve a specific performance for our builds, through errors and basic problems.We learn how everything works and gain useful skills to create what we want here.
Cool? Seem to be.
We even have programming of sorts, so-called Funky Trees,and you can learn some math with them,aside from basic physics.
There is also a place to share and look on what others build, this website. And it is many people here.You can see something new every minute (if not less) in newest tab. You can socialize...
Cool? Yeah.
Also, there is a moment at 8000 RPM when you realize that points are pointless
@Vincent_ Tags not working if you try to tag more than a 3 persons on a single comment.
Means: no one gets notifications
@Vincent_ Tag for Youtube series.
Hey,Psst, want some 11G?
27.03.2021 : bruh
Fishing pole you say...
I see a tank gettin Bonked by fly-swatter
All We Had To Do Was Follow The Darn Train CJ...
Hey, you can ask a moderator to make a successor.
Try tag EternalDarkness.
POOTIS knows what you have done.
Number 9 large with extra dip
Fourth, because here comes the pain train and why not make a fun of it (at least try).
did laugh.
*Wide walk*
Ahem, What about part count limitations?
*Sips tea*
I guess i need a speed up...
Этот могучий торс на корме корпуса напоминает того самого Рикардо.
Вот так вот.
This plane has a basement with imprisoned guy.
Kinda sus.
Wanna some popcorn?
Is Nice
Suddenly :
Квас как танк?!
@ACEPILOT109 @Aghsan22
Thanks for stopping by
@EXPLOSIVEBURRITO1234 @FasterThanLight @Ductwind589
Thanks for upvotes
Now we can get Dino spaghetti
I've had several questions, but mah personalities explained much enough...
@Shippy456 @ironkid4444
Thanks yo
Hi there toothless.
Ok, me wonder if all this manners thing can be taken as a spam?
Ok, i don't know any jokes about bronze level...
@ChrisPy @Zanedavid