You might be able to get this by changing the scale of the actual cannon part on one or more axes, but I'm not sure. I don't believe there's an XML parameter for the actual scale of the cannon shell other than the diameter.
Not just gauges, but also fully working flight controls (stick/yoke, levers, etc). Basically, the plane needs to be 100% flyable from the cockpit view without any keyboard inputs (except maybe for yaw).
@Jaspy190 Yeah, that's the other problem with it. Not sure how to fix that since a dedicated height variable for the bomb isn't possible, apparently. The only other thing I can think of is to just scrap the code entirely and set the chute to whatever activation group the pylon itself is on, so it activates immediately when the bomb is dropped. Not nearly as interesting but it should work without issue.
@Jaspy190 ...Okay, so unfortunately after some testing it seems that the parachute can't be activated by a custom variable, so the altitude would in fact be dependent on the altitude of the plane (meaning that on the plus side you don't need the flight computer, but on the minus side you'll either have to dive after dropping the bomb or just have the chute deploy immediately). I have no idea why this is the way it is, but the parachute has always been particularly difficult to work with when it comes to custom inputs.
Anyway, for this method you'll need to set the parachute's input (*via Overload because otherwise it won't work since the parachute makes things difficult for no reason) to: GS > 1 & Altitude < 200 & Activate1. You can change the numbers around if you want, so the chute will only activate above a certain speed or below a different altitude (in meters), and change the activation group to whatever you want.
Then, you'll need to attach the bomb to a detacher or pylon set to whatever group you set the chute to use, and launch the bomb with that group (dropping it with the "drop bomb" button will not trigger the chute).
It's somewhat of a clunky process, but the parachute doesn't seem to quite work properly with FT code, so it's the best I can come up with.
@Jaspy190 They're basically equivalent to cockpit blocks, except they're smaller and don't have a camera associated with them. You need it in this case because just telling the parachute to read the standard Altitude variable would make it depend on the altitude of the plane, instead of the altitude of the bomb. Attaching a flight computer with its own separate Altitude variable to the bomb itself avoids this problem (in theory; I haven't tried this myself but it should work).
A parachute activating by height after being dropped can be done, though I believe you'd also need a flight computer attached to the weapon, and it would need to be fired from a detacher or otherwise armed with an activation group or button.
If you set the flight computer's Altitude variable to something (e.g. BombAltitude), you could then set the parachute's input to (Activate1 & BombAltitude<100) ? 1 : 0 and I believe it should open when the bomb reaches 100 meters above sea level. I'm not sure how to do an air burst bomb though, since you can't "tell" the bomb to blow up, but I do believe I've seen it before so it's probably possible.
Being able to lock into one of the orthographic views would be really really nice when working with blueprints, yeah (I'd imagine particularly so for mobile users).
Uhh... not sure what you're getting at here other than possibly procedural shaped wings?
If I understand you correctly, you can already do this with a bit of cutting and a few extra fuselage blocks.
Yeah, that's not going to happen.
Already possible if you just delete anything you don't want (e.g. internal parts) and then export it as a 3d model. You just have to do it manually.
Improvements to the drag calculations would be fairly nice, but could affect existing builds (and honestly the drag calculations aren't really that bad to begin with either).
Again, more advanced shaped procedural wings. Would be nice to see but I don't know if they're even on the list of possibilities.
There's a mod for that.. But I don't see it ever officially being added for a variety of reasons.
Uh... no thanks. That would almost certainly cause more problems than it would solve, and leveling one part with another is already incredibly easy to do since you can just input position values manually.
I believe rocket pods have their capacity set at 7 (given that there's 7 rockets in the actual pod and they are visibly launched from said pod, leaving an empty space). What some people do is put multiple rocket pods in the same spot, so more than 7 rockets can come from that location (and if they're really fancy, they rotate them a little so the rockets don't clip into each other).
@U2 1GB VRAM should be fine. I'm on half that and don't have any significant problems with anything even on close-to-max settings. I'm not certain whether the part count a device can run is more dependent on the graphics card, the processor, or the RAM, but I'm able to run up to 2000 parts and still hold 15-20FPS, which is an entirely playable framerate for SP.
Regarding the mods you mentioned, smoke trails will be fine. I haven't had any noticeable performance impact from it unless I were to put like forty emitters on one plane and turn them all at once or something. Tracks2 has a bit more of a performance impact just due to the complexity of the track parts, but again there aren't many issues unless you just go completely overboard with things. Pearl Harbor is a fairly intensive map just due to its size, but you should still be able to run it pretty well. Turning Aircraft Reflections back to Static instead of Dynamic is good for getting framerate back if things get too laggy (I have to do that on the Nordschleife map), but again you shouldn't have any major issues.
@CL215 @Planebuilder2123 The way the bundle discount works is that it puts an extra 15% discount on the current price of the items. To use Juno specifically as an example, it's not an extra 15% off of Juno's original price of $19.99, but an extra 15% off of Juno's sale price of $14.99. See Andrew's formula for how it breaks down mathematically.
You can see which activation groups are, well, active by hitting the little arrow on the right side of the main HUD (next to the fuel gauge; the same panel where you can toggle your landing gear or select weapons), or by hitting Right Shift (I believe that's the default) if you're on PC. Active groups will be highlighted in blue, inactive will be gray.
As far as which groups do what, there's a few ways to do this. First is to check the craft instructions (Pause menu -> Craft Instructions). If the builder put any instructions or lists of what buttons do, they'll be in there. (Do note that this is a relatively new feature so most older planes won't have them in-game. Also check the plane's description on the website too just in case, since builders can also often just forget to add them to the instructions in-game).
If there aren't any instructions or lists of what-does-what anywhere, the other option is to just start pressing things and figure out which button does what. Be warned, you might explode if one of the groups is "drop weapons" and you're testing on the ground!
That would be iOS/Apple, when they decided to not allow "unverified code" to run on their devices (or something like that. I'm not certain what the specific terms are, but Apple would be the one responsible, so take it up with them). Jundroo had zero control over it.
The two default gun parts in the game (Wing Gun and Minigun) are only loosely based on any particular model of weapon. The Wing Gun in particular can be pretty easily incorporated into a custom-built gun, and many people have in fact done just that.
If you want it to stop when fuel drops below a certain level (probably the easiest way of doing something like this), you could set the throttle input to something along the lines of Fuel > 0.5 ? Throttle : 0. Change the 0.5 to whatever fuel level you want the engine to stop at (1 = 100%, 0.01 = 1%, etc.)
In order...
1. Absolutely not!
2. I certainly hope not
3. Everyone cares for someone, even if it isn't readily apparent.
4. Nope. Not at all.
5. I don't think you do, no.
6. No, no, no, no, no, and no!
I know you're going through hard times right now, but there are people who care about you. Never forget that. No matter how bad things might get for you, there is always someone who cares and wants to help you.
I know that this site can kind of devolve into memes and chaos at times, but I like to think that I speak for everyone here by saying that we care about you and we want to help. We're all here for you, got it?
@BritishAirwaysFAN124 I don't think I've seen any mods that add an engine like that. People typically just build them out of fuselage blocks and other parts (with a regular engine inside somewhere).
Which engines are you looking for? There's a few mods that add one or two more jet engines, but you'll need to be more specific than "bigger and more cooler Engines".
Theoretically, you should be able to do this by changing the default AI craft in the aircraft folder (C:\Users\[userName]\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes\AircraftDesigns). Rename one of the files that starts with __ai (to keep it for if/when you want to change it back), and then rename the file for the plane you want to the name of the AI file.
For example, if you wanted to replace the Bomber from the escort mission with a B-52 you had saved, you would:
1. Rename __aiEscortBomber__.xml (note that it's two underscores on either side, not one) to something else, like __aiEscortBomber__ORIGINAL.xml
2. Copy the B-52's xml file and rename it to __aiEscortBomber__.xml (again, note the two underscores).
The process would be the same for any of the other AI craft you wanted to replace, but with the appropriate file names.
Disclaimer: I haven't tried this so I'm not sure if it actually works, but theoretically it should. Just make sure to use planes that the AI can fly!
The reason it explodes is because of the pistons. Pistons really don't like compressive forces, and your plane weighs 139 tons. I'd suggest either finding a way to do the gear without pistons, or significantly lightening the aircraft (preferably the latter, since even without the pistons 139 tons on two tires will still make the wheels' suspension super jittery).
In my opinion, the main problem is that people are more focused on meaningless internet points than just having fun building and sharing what they build, but maybe that's just me.
@PlaneFlightX Again, that depends on how you measure "biggest". The 747-400 LCF is larger in terms of cargo capacity, fuselage diameter , and airframe height (by about seven feet); but the -8 is longer, has a greater wingspan, and is over two and a half times heavier when empty.
Emirates was founded on 25 March 1985, and began operations exactly seven months later (25 October)
I have no idea what "Alphabet Lore" is.
SimplePlanes was first released in 2014, and was released on Steam in late 2015.
Likely either airframe age or some maintenance or regulation issue, or (more likely) because the aircraft could no longer be operated economically and newer models could take their place.
Again, I have no idea.
That depends on how you define "biggest". In terms of physical dimensions, the 747-8 (the largest 747 model) first flew in 2010.
American Airlines purchased TWA after the latter declared bankruptcy in 2000, but ended up slashing most of its routes (and jobs) following 9/11 due to financial troubles.
PLAY is a low-cost Icelandic airline.
Is this "Turbo Lines" a fictional airline of some sort? I have never heard of it.
@Airheaddivision If it's only crashing with higher part counts (e.g. not with any of the default planes), then that would likely be the cause of the issue. You'll have to do some trial-and-error testing to figure out what the maximum part count your device can run since it varies from one device to another.
@Airheaddivision The number of builds you have saved shouldn't affect anything performance-wise, what matters is the part count of the specific build you have loaded at any given time.
Does your game still crash when using the default planes?
What device are you on?
How long has this been happening?
@Airheaddivision Hmm... if it's closing itself like that, it's probably crashing. Usually this happens because people try to run builds with a much higher part count than their device can handle (though that limit varies from one device to another and you really only find it with trial and error), or they're running with their graphics settings too high. Are there any specific builds that cause it to crash more frequently? Does it still do this even when just using the default planes? What device are you on, and how long has this been happening?
Generally the "Rick" tag is used for meme builds, hence the name and description. It's a little more interesting than just a "Meme" tag, don't you think?
If anything I think it's slightly overrated (mainly because it's one of the best of the "remastered" versions of the older stock planes), but it's still a very good plane. I use it a lot in multiplayer.
Most builds aren't affected noticeably by the difference between low and high physics, since the options are fairly similar. It's usually more complex things (either Funky Trees or mechanical builds) that need high physics because they need the physics to be smoother in order to work properly.
Is there a deadline? Also, would "no altering the box" prohibit adding an extension over the top of the cab (like this)?
+1You might be able to get this by changing the scale of the actual cannon part on one or more axes, but I'm not sure. I don't believe there's an XML parameter for the actual scale of the cannon shell other than the diameter.
+3Not just gauges, but also fully working flight controls (stick/yoke, levers, etc). Basically, the plane needs to be 100% flyable from the cockpit view without any keyboard inputs (except maybe for yaw).
+1But why?
@Jaspy190 Yeah, that's the other problem with it. Not sure how to fix that since a dedicated height variable for the bomb isn't possible, apparently. The only other thing I can think of is to just scrap the code entirely and set the chute to whatever activation group the pylon itself is on, so it activates immediately when the bomb is dropped. Not nearly as interesting but it should work without issue.
@Jaspy190 ...Okay, so unfortunately after some testing it seems that the parachute can't be activated by a custom variable, so the altitude would in fact be dependent on the altitude of the plane (meaning that on the plus side you don't need the flight computer, but on the minus side you'll either have to dive after dropping the bomb or just have the chute deploy immediately). I have no idea why this is the way it is, but the parachute has always been particularly difficult to work with when it comes to custom inputs.
Anyway, for this method you'll need to set the parachute's input (*via Overload because otherwise it won't work since the parachute makes things difficult for no reason) to: GS > 1 & Altitude < 200 & Activate1. You can change the numbers around if you want, so the chute will only activate above a certain speed or below a different altitude (in meters), and change the activation group to whatever you want.
Then, you'll need to attach the bomb to a detacher or pylon set to whatever group you set the chute to use, and launch the bomb with that group (dropping it with the "drop bomb" button will not trigger the chute).
It's somewhat of a clunky process, but the parachute doesn't seem to quite work properly with FT code, so it's the best I can come up with.
@Jaspy190 They're basically equivalent to cockpit blocks, except they're smaller and don't have a camera associated with them. You need it in this case because just telling the parachute to read the standard
variable would make it depend on the altitude of the plane, instead of the altitude of the bomb. Attaching a flight computer with its own separate Altitude variable to the bomb itself avoids this problem (in theory; I haven't tried this myself but it should work).A parachute activating by height after being dropped can be done, though I believe you'd also need a flight computer attached to the weapon, and it would need to be fired from a detacher or otherwise armed with an activation group or button.
If you set the flight computer's Altitude variable to something (e.g.
), you could then set the parachute's input to (Activate1 & BombAltitude<100) ? 1 : 0 and I believe it should open when the bomb reaches 100 meters above sea level. I'm not sure how to do an air burst bomb though, since you can't "tell" the bomb to blow up, but I do believe I've seen it before so it's probably possible.Ok
+2I believe rocket pods have their capacity set at 7 (given that there's 7 rockets in the actual pod and they are visibly launched from said pod, leaving an empty space). What some people do is put multiple rocket pods in the same spot, so more than 7 rockets can come from that location (and if they're really fancy, they rotate them a little so the rockets don't clip into each other).
+2Still there as far as I can tell. Here's the link.
@U2 1GB VRAM should be fine. I'm on half that and don't have any significant problems with anything even on close-to-max settings. I'm not certain whether the part count a device can run is more dependent on the graphics card, the processor, or the RAM, but I'm able to run up to 2000 parts and still hold 15-20FPS, which is an entirely playable framerate for SP.
Regarding the mods you mentioned, smoke trails will be fine. I haven't had any noticeable performance impact from it unless I were to put like forty emitters on one plane and turn them all at once or something. Tracks2 has a bit more of a performance impact just due to the complexity of the track parts, but again there aren't many issues unless you just go completely overboard with things. Pearl Harbor is a fairly intensive map just due to its size, but you should still be able to run it pretty well. Turning Aircraft Reflections back to Static instead of Dynamic is good for getting framerate back if things get too laggy (I have to do that on the Nordschleife map), but again you shouldn't have any major issues.
Edit: My hardware
AMD Ryzen 5 4500U
Radeon Vega 6 iGPU (512MB VRAM)
@CL215 @Planebuilder2123 The way the bundle discount works is that it puts an extra 15% discount on the current price of the items. To use Juno specifically as an example, it's not an extra 15% off of Juno's original price of $19.99, but an extra 15% off of Juno's sale price of $14.99. See Andrew's formula for how it breaks down mathematically.
+1P-63 Kingcobra. Also, the Corsair looks excellent!
@Gabriel747 Direct from the rules page: While we allow photoshoped thumbnails, post with misleading thumbnails will be removed.
You can see which activation groups are, well, active by hitting the little arrow on the right side of the main HUD (next to the fuel gauge; the same panel where you can toggle your landing gear or select weapons), or by hitting Right Shift (I believe that's the default) if you're on PC. Active groups will be highlighted in blue, inactive will be gray.
As far as which groups do what, there's a few ways to do this. First is to check the craft instructions (Pause menu -> Craft Instructions). If the builder put any instructions or lists of what buttons do, they'll be in there. (Do note that this is a relatively new feature so most older planes won't have them in-game. Also check the plane's description on the website too just in case, since builders can also often just forget to add them to the instructions in-game).
If there aren't any instructions or lists of what-does-what anywhere, the other option is to just start pressing things and figure out which button does what. Be warned, you might explode if one of the groups is "drop weapons" and you're testing on the ground!
This is unbelievable!
If you want it to stop when fuel drops below a certain level (probably the easiest way of doing something like this), you could set the throttle input to something along the lines of
+3Fuel > 0.5 ? Throttle : 0
. Change the 0.5 to whatever fuel level you want the engine to stop at (1 = 100%, 0.01 = 1%, etc.)
Just hit the report button. It goes to the mods automagically when you do that.
+3That, or either decrease the wing's area or increase its sweep. Generally wing shaking is caused by an extreme excess of lift at high speeds.
+2In order...
1. Absolutely not!
2. I certainly hope not
3. Everyone cares for someone, even if it isn't readily apparent.
4. Nope. Not at all.
5. I don't think you do, no.
6. No, no, no, no, no, and no!
I know you're going through hard times right now, but there are people who care about you. Never forget that. No matter how bad things might get for you, there is always someone who cares and wants to help you.
I know that this site can kind of devolve into memes and chaos at times, but I like to think that I speak for everyone here by saying that we care about you and we want to help. We're all here for you, got it?
Percussive maintenance.
+4Not a bug. The game probably just crashed.
+1@BritishAirwaysFAN124 I don't think I've seen any mods that add an engine like that. People typically just build them out of fuselage blocks and other parts (with a regular engine inside somewhere).
Which engines are you looking for? There's a few mods that add one or two more jet engines, but you'll need to be more specific than "bigger and more cooler Engines".
Theoretically, you should be able to do this by changing the default AI craft in the aircraft folder (
). Rename one of the files that starts with__ai
(to keep it for if/when you want to change it back), and then rename the file for the plane you want to the name of the AI file.For example, if you wanted to replace the Bomber from the escort mission with a B-52 you had saved, you would:
1. Rename
(note that it's two underscores on either side, not one) to something else, like__aiEscortBomber__ORIGINAL.xml
2. Copy the B-52's xml file and rename it to
(again, note the two underscores).The process would be the same for any of the other AI craft you wanted to replace, but with the appropriate file names.
Disclaimer: I haven't tried this so I'm not sure if it actually works, but theoretically it should. Just make sure to use planes that the AI can fly!
+2The reason it explodes is because of the pistons. Pistons really don't like compressive forces, and your plane weighs 139 tons. I'd suggest either finding a way to do the gear without pistons, or significantly lightening the aircraft (preferably the latter, since even without the pistons 139 tons on two tires will still make the wheels' suspension super jittery).
+2I mean yeah pretty much
+1No, because there is (currently) no way for a part to output its health or damage level for a piece of FT logic to read.
+1This is something the Soviets would probably have legitimately built.
+1Looks good! (Although I think that glassed-in nose might need some reinforcement to survive the gun firing)
+2In my opinion, the main problem is that people are more focused on meaningless internet points than just having fun building and sharing what they build, but maybe that's just me.
+2@PlaneFlightX Again, that depends on how you measure "biggest". The 747-400 LCF is larger in terms of cargo capacity, fuselage diameter , and airframe height (by about seven feet); but the -8 is longer, has a greater wingspan, and is over two and a half times heavier when empty.
+1Emirates was founded on 25 March 1985, and began operations exactly seven months later (25 October)
I have no idea what "Alphabet Lore" is.
SimplePlanes was first released in 2014, and was released on Steam in late 2015.
Likely either airframe age or some maintenance or regulation issue, or (more likely) because the aircraft could no longer be operated economically and newer models could take their place.
Again, I have no idea.
That depends on how you define "biggest". In terms of physical dimensions, the 747-8 (the largest 747 model) first flew in 2010.
American Airlines purchased TWA after the latter declared bankruptcy in 2000, but ended up slashing most of its routes (and jobs) following 9/11 due to financial troubles.
PLAY is a low-cost Icelandic airline.
Is this "Turbo Lines" a fictional airline of some sort? I have never heard of it.
@Airheaddivision If it's only crashing with higher part counts (e.g. not with any of the default planes), then that would likely be the cause of the issue. You'll have to do some trial-and-error testing to figure out what the maximum part count your device can run since it varies from one device to another.
+1@Airheaddivision The number of builds you have saved shouldn't affect anything performance-wise, what matters is the part count of the specific build you have loaded at any given time.
Does your game still crash when using the default planes?
What device are you on?
How long has this been happening?
@Airheaddivision Hmm... if it's closing itself like that, it's probably crashing. Usually this happens because people try to run builds with a much higher part count than their device can handle (though that limit varies from one device to another and you really only find it with trial and error), or they're running with their graphics settings too high. Are there any specific builds that cause it to crash more frequently? Does it still do this even when just using the default planes? What device are you on, and how long has this been happening?
What do you mean by "refreshing itself"? What specifically is the game doing?
+2Just thought I'd post a comment before this almost inevitably gets either locked or taken down.
+3Generally the "Rick" tag is used for meme builds, hence the name and description. It's a little more interesting than just a "Meme" tag, don't you think?
If anything I think it's slightly overrated (mainly because it's one of the best of the "remastered" versions of the older stock planes), but it's still a very good plane. I use it a lot in multiplayer.
Most builds aren't affected noticeably by the difference between low and high physics, since the options are fairly similar. It's usually more complex things (either Funky Trees or mechanical builds) that need high physics because they need the physics to be smoother in order to work properly.