1,854 IndesterSion Comments

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2 months ago online at the moment.

  • Weather 6 months ago

    Hey, I can't seem to find the mod on the mods list after downloading. Is it something to do with it updating another mod instead like the clouds mod?

  • Pai siwat 7 months ago

    I see... four new things? A gun, two jet engines, and a VTOL engine? Here's my personal thought: If you're going to upload a successor, then add more than just that. Or, just keep it as your own personal little thing. It's fine to have your own little edited plane, but with this little changes, you might as well be taking someone else's build and reposting it as your own. If that came off as nonsensical because of my poor wording, then the point is that: Adding four things doesn't really justify uploading this, unless its for transporting between devices, and then just make it unlisted.

  • Plane 11 months ago

    Behold how everyone really treats updoots: as a joke

  • M4A51 'MusTank' 1.2 years ago

    The great thing about the name of this aircraft is how it sounds like "Mustang" and "Mistake"

  • FPS demo 1.2 years ago

    Im curious how you made the camera move over lumps, because the previous fps part couldn't do that. It means you can walk a lot farther from say an aircraft, right?
    Then again it looked like the cockpit was a part of the object instead of a car or whatever because the tonk was pointing at it, so I guess that might explain it

  • OBSERVER GE00 1.4 years ago

    One of the best things about these creations is how the text on the side is often just gibberish


    Have you ever considered learning Blender? You already have the models, you just need to export them over to the program and fix them up. Then you could do whatever you wanted with them there. I'm trying to motivate myself to do animation. You might be able to do cinematics to promote these over here if all you want is to make stuff for others to use.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 1.5 years ago

    @HellFireKoder ah, I see. I'll keep that in mind, and by that I mean I'm going to forget it and move forth.
    well its good to know that the ability is there for those that are irritant enough to do so.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 1.5 years ago

    @ProximeterCar20 "Maybe you are server banned"... what?
    I guess I'm forced to assume that you don't realize how multiplayer servers work. There is no ban system for multiplayer and is completely community driven. This is not some AAA game where servers are moderated and bans are a thing. You also cannot ban servers, which is why a lot of us laughed at when you made a comment 6 months ago: "There are alot of inpersinating happening in this multiplayer mod I think it this server: should be banned."
    I mean, have you read the "LIABILITY" part of the description? Not that it is referring to this area, but it still applies.
    Stop thinking "Big servers in most games where everything is calculated and moderated" and start thinking "Place where people go to hang out"

  • k-7 boss 1.7 years ago

    @winterro Ah okay. That makes sense.

  • 001 Big one 1.7 years ago

    55 upvotes isn't enough to justify this masterpiece

  • k-7 boss 1.7 years ago

    Someting I want to ask about this is.. well how do you expect anyone to take something down with ONLY GUNS (assume stock guns) to something where each part has 9,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 health per part?
    Thats not hyperbole, I checked each part, and thats their health.
    The only gun I could use with any effectiveness was my charge cannon, which itself already does absurd damage. If you intend to make people use WW1 tech, maybe make something with reasonable health, even 7500 health, so bullets can be reasonable as a tool. Else we're forced to use unguided rockets and bombs.

  • Boy kisser 1.7 years ago

    how does THIS have so many updoot?

  • MB32 Battle Robot 1.7 years ago

    Man, you liked to make some bold claims.

  • WigenX 1.8 years ago

    Nice pyrite rank you've got there.

    Pyrite, for anyone who doesn't know, is Fools Gold, which LOOKS vaguely like gold, but isn't at all: https://www.britannica.com/science/pyrite

  • F-14A Tomcat VF-84 gnd 1.8 years ago

    @ThatOneFighterDude I was alerted to this by Inuyasha, who is rather ticked off about you posting this without any noticable changes (at first glance)

  • F-14A Tomcat VF-84 gnd 1.8 years ago

    wait a minute you didn't change anything

  • Teki no Kichi 1.9 years ago

    Wow, this really put my gunship to the test
    A massive slow plane with heavy armaments in a tight canyon was challenging
    But it got through in the end

    fantastic mod

  • Messing With The ImageEffectsCamera: 2.0 years ago

    POV: you've had too much to drink and you've gone for a swim

  • Trolls are back on MP 2.0 years ago

    he made an appearance recently today

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.0 years ago

    @TheFlightGuySP noted

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.0 years ago

    @BeeEngineer it does, but it requires specific conditions.

    Both clients (players that might be fighting) must have Sync Weapons on [the
    square should be black, not white]
    If one or both clients have Trollshield, they must have the BlockExplosions setting
    set to false

    About the types of weapons available:

    Missiles can be a bit confusing, as in they can have delayed explosion. This might
    lead to the target not dying from the explosion, or if you are the target, the
    explosion happening behind you. It is advised to use Cleavers, as they have a
    naturally larger explosion to hit your target.
    Countermeasures will not break locks or divert missiles, once you're locked, you
    best hope you can outmaneuver the missile
    Bombs work fine, there isn't much issue with them that I have experienced
    Weapons like cannons, guns, rockets, etc. do NOT work in MP

  • MB32 Battle Robot (Kind of fixed) 2.0 years ago

    I underestimated the problem with making something walk it seems

  • Flying Suv 2.0 years ago

    Just stumbled across this, and looks like someone beat me to it

  • Breaking SimplePlanes: 2.0 years ago

    nice going

  • VR_FlightTest 2.1 years ago

    If SPMP worked well enough, you could make entire matches about shooting one another in VR.

  • How to make literally anything fly. 2.1 years ago

    so, about the scaling parts thing: now for some reason if you scale the wings, it changes their physical features, meaning it doesn't work. It used to work, but now it won't anymore

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.2 years ago

    sever's acting funny again. there's a bunch of lag

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.2 years ago

    @Blake0309 I take you're new to this, because there is no mod support for mobile. You are not the first person to ask this.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.2 years ago is having issues

  • How to do PSM 2.2 years ago

    @NotNiki working on it

  • We all build this 2.2 years ago

    Its beautiful
    I also decided to partake in this social experiment

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.2 years ago

    server's acting weird

  • FunkyTrees Missile v1.0 2.2 years ago

    @OrderlyHippo idk whether you've found out by now, but the user utilized custom variables. You can find it in the little x near the overload and fine tuner

  • FunkyTrees Missile v1.0 2.2 years ago

    This weapon.. contains no stock missile and has passive tracking...
    Why put explosives in it anymore?
    If its purely just objects like jets and fuselage, this could be one of the most broken weapons out there
    By making their partCollisionResponse set to None, this can blow through enemies like the droplet, then select a new target. Its a powerful reusable missile.
    This is the only way I have found to do it. A kinetic weapon. Any attempt with a stock missile with a collision resistant block in front of it, now matter how far ahead, will kill the missile. This doesn't need it, and therefore makes it possible.

  • ADFX-02 Morgan -Pixy- AI version 2.3 years ago

    What a wonderful aircraft. I was overconfident with it tho and pit my airliner against it. It went about as well as you would expect.

  • Among us in Simpleplanes MP (gone horribly wrong) 2.3 years ago

    So you tellin' me, that a couple years ago, weapons actually functioned properly?
    This some bs right here

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.3 years ago

    Currently, there is no operative server. Could someone maybe host one or inform me when one is up?

  • Gas station 2.3 years ago

    You call it a gas station, I call it a target rich environment

  • Challenge Series 1 2.3 years ago

    "This is designed for realistic/semi realistic aircraft"

    Me: Imma pretend that I didn't see that

  • CTX-09 Monarch Coastal-Defence System 2.3 years ago

    @CheeseTruffles Thank you for this! I will be experimenting with this later

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.3 years ago

    Have any new servers come online yet?

  • Suv Finshed 2.3 years ago

    This is peak design right here

  • CTX-09 Monarch Coastal-Defence System 2.4 years ago

    I have torn this thing down to the bare structure, trying to find out what triggers the stages for the missile, when all the inputs just say "stage(1,2,3)" there is no indication that Activate2 is activating it, yet somehow it works. I don't get it. I understand that as someone who barely understands FT at all and is dealing with a very complicated FT build is going to leave me confused, but I figured I could just look for answers by looking at XML, but I guess not. Is there something I'm missing? did you go into the code and do something? I want answers to this question plz

  • nuke ROCKET BOOOOOOOOOOOOM 2.4 years ago

    6 years later, and now I need it
    now it just needs to fly.

  • Available radar 2.4 years ago

    @ASBE I found it, you used interactionType = Toggle, which I guess default buttons don't have

  • Available radar 2.4 years ago

    I have a question about this, and I can't seem to figure it out
    So, when I looked at the button to activate the radar, it used A1, which didn't Activate group 1. I figured that this means unlimited activation groups, but upon trying to replicate it on another aircraft, it would turn on, yes, but not off. could you provide insight on this subject, as I feel that unlimited activation groups are a very useful tool

  • Holographic projection probe 2.4 years ago

