@BMilan and then comes the p1500 monster, battleship yamato, schwerer gustav and the big bertha mortars. all are grenade launching guns. and this is why the description of a rocket mortar is strange. ok on the other hand the v1 was declared a cruise missile after the end of the war.
@BMilan its still a rocket propelled grenade if you think about it. i dont even understand what makes the difference between a rpg and sturm mörser rocket. both are grenades witha rocket engine.
@BMilan and what do we have here children? here we have a fully grown panzerfaust rpg. the soviets cant have such nice and big rpgs because their breed of rpg is smaller than the original german breed (the rpg is based of the panzerfaust 150).
@Natedog120705 fun fact about the three first nukes: fat man, the nagasaki nuke had a higher change of going of than little boy, the hiroshima nuke because the trinity bomb and fat man where the same type.
@Natedog120705 the reason was that they needed the bomber and still wanted to show off (by cutting the power in half they got a 50% chance of getting the plane back).
@Avivspitfire i didnt say the defiant was crap. the defiant was only build to attack bombers that the luftwaffe had (but scrapped before the war even started) and therefore the bf109 incident sounds fictional but still the defiant has such a siluette that the chance of mistake ot for another plane is very low (the french had a plane that looked like bf110 but was even worse that the 110. some french pilots attacke their own planes because of this and the mustang looks similar to a bf109 from certain angles).
@Avivspitfire this is probably a myth caused by a british officer that sayd they look like hurricanes (or spitfires) from a distance (the guy wasnt even a pilot). they have a bigger caviat on their hands: at least one he111 was taken down by them and at this point the he111 was one of the fastest planes around.
@LOWEWAYY its a me163. the plans for the engines where from germany but the allies sunk the submarine with the construction plans for jet and rocket planes. japan manged to recreate the planes from datasheets and photos (japan also got plans for jet engines and then used the method described up to build thei own 262 variant).
@Stingray the type two was from a time far removed when submarines where surface vessels with a hide and seek button. this designs have still some charm. its a bit depressing that only a hand full of them survived (deutsches museum munich has the u1 the first german submarine/ submersible and near kiel in laboe is a typ 7 in the c variant as a memorial. thats the only two submersibles i know that survived).
@sexylips35 dont say this to this work of a god. this is the first chopper in sp i have seen with a real chopper steering. @haogejiuhaoge1 is a bit to small for such feet. so scream for more atention he has earned it.
@LotterCrafts but it must be one of the early ones (fokkers idea of quality was that if the thing flys then its good and this lead to the point that every new planes was worse than the one before).
@ThomasRoderick i think that closed cockpit means that you have to build like you would build a jetfighter or other crafts. not open builds like the fokker dr1.
@MobyDick both are made form the saem company so the title doesnt realy have much wheight (most movies made by ghibli have at least some steampunk elements).
it has som much guns that i say you wrote the name wrong. a better fitting name would be HACKER huricane. but if the thing is real your first build then props and upvote.
@InternationalAircraftCompany truth be told: they are all at the level of the bob semple tank (with only teo better tanks: the card board one an the monster VW bully).
@Scruffyscott some tanks for starters (no fear this tanks are all bobsamples and killdozers (very poor/ homemade tanks based on unchandeg tracktors and roadmaintenance vehicles and some cars)).
@kerbober i once saw a picture of a guy who made a tiger panzer from snow. the thing was combined with a picture of young anna singing do you wanna build a snowman? and as a response: nein! nein! do you wanna build a panzer.
@Stingray also a small fun fact to end: the pressure vessel of the type XXI has the shape of an inverted eight with the batteries and probably some storage units and internal liquid storage in the smaller lower section.
@ACEPILOT109 well done. i think this model is worth every credit it gets.
@BMilan jupp. and i think that even the millitary historians dont have a complete clue why the name and desigantions hapenned.
+2@JohnnyBoythePilot because it ends with the main character going to space.
@BMilan and then comes the p1500 monster, battleship yamato, schwerer gustav and the big bertha mortars. all are grenade launching guns. and this is why the description of a rocket mortar is strange. ok on the other hand the v1 was declared a cruise missile after the end of the war.
+2@BMilan its still a rocket propelled grenade if you think about it. i dont even understand what makes the difference between a rpg and sturm mörser rocket. both are grenades witha rocket engine.
+2@BMilan and what do we have here children? here we have a fully grown panzerfaust rpg. the soviets cant have such nice and big rpgs because their breed of rpg is smaller than the original german breed (the rpg is based of the panzerfaust 150).
+2@zap210 i tagged a boom 50 on a smaller one. they can be used as tacktical strike craft.
@zap210 can you make bomber out of it?
ahem jour spalling is a bot wirng up here. i think you ment standardflieger my dear @DestinyAviation.
@MrContaminated good luck buddy.
hello and now the first thing out: the thing looks realy great. so now comes the bad awakening: pelase work on your descriptions.
+1@Natedog120705 fun fact about the three first nukes: fat man, the nagasaki nuke had a higher change of going of than little boy, the hiroshima nuke because the trinity bomb and fat man where the same type.
@Natedog120705 the reason was that they needed the bomber and still wanted to show off (by cutting the power in half they got a 50% chance of getting the plane back).
@Natedog120705 did you know that the tested tzar bomb was only half as strong as the planned unit?
@Natedog120705 i a gree with tsampoy this looks great for a starter plane.
@RamboJutter jupp.
@mikoyanster i am not shure but i think my dad thinks the plane is a prop for the movie (i know that we saw the movie together).
@mikoyanster uhm the bd5 isnt still alowed. i would change that (although it was used in one bond movie but it is a real plane so).
@Spinowill i agree with awesome but wich planes is this suposed to be or ist it your own creation?
@Avivspitfire i didnt say the defiant was crap. the defiant was only build to attack bombers that the luftwaffe had (but scrapped before the war even started) and therefore the bf109 incident sounds fictional but still the defiant has such a siluette that the chance of mistake ot for another plane is very low (the french had a plane that looked like bf110 but was even worse that the 110. some french pilots attacke their own planes because of this and the mustang looks similar to a bf109 from certain angles).
@Avivspitfire this is probably a myth caused by a british officer that sayd they look like hurricanes (or spitfires) from a distance (the guy wasnt even a pilot). they have a bigger caviat on their hands: at least one he111 was taken down by them and at this point the he111 was one of the fastest planes around.
@LOWEWAYY its a me163. the plans for the engines where from germany but the allies sunk the submarine with the construction plans for jet and rocket planes. japan manged to recreate the planes from datasheets and photos (japan also got plans for jet engines and then used the method described up to build thei own 262 variant).
@Stingray the type two was from a time far removed when submarines where surface vessels with a hide and seek button. this designs have still some charm. its a bit depressing that only a hand full of them survived (deutsches museum munich has the u1 the first german submarine/ submersible and near kiel in laboe is a typ 7 in the c variant as a memorial. thats the only two submersibles i know that survived).
@doge my someka build also has refueling mod (wnp air refuel) and infinite fuel. air refueling makes a great minigame.
uhm @RailfanEthan why did you not find this until now?
me german me got gifts yesterday. but tree is nice. oh and we still dont put pickels into our trees on christmass.
today celebrating are: germany and the british royal family. also i am german and we dont pu pickles into our trees.
@sexylips35 most of them use engines on the end of the blades and lack the tumble disc. thats the first build i know of that uses one.
@sexylips35 dont say this to this work of a god. this is the first chopper in sp i have seen with a real chopper steering. @haogejiuhaoge1 is a bit to small for such feet. so scream for more atention he has earned it.
@LotterCrafts but it must be one of the early ones (fokkers idea of quality was that if the thing flys then its good and this lead to the point that every new planes was worse than the one before).
@ThomasRoderick i think that closed cockpit means that you have to build like you would build a jetfighter or other crafts. not open builds like the fokker dr1.
@ThomasRoderick i would say yes. makes sense to have at least the bombers goin trans atmospheric.
@AWESOMENESS360 mohamed you have planned to kill this shoping center thats ovekill! eat a snikers you arent you when you are hungry.
@Ontheplane umlaut mein freund and ae would work too exmaple: Waffentraeger.
@MobyDick both are made form the saem company so the title doesnt realy have much wheight (most movies made by ghibli have at least some steampunk elements).
looks like a thing from nausicäa from the valley of the wind (i hope i didnt buther the title) and this movie looks great.
@Scruffyscott those things are homebuild tanks. so yes if you want to do this.
it has som much guns that i say you wrote the name wrong. a better fitting name would be HACKER huricane. but if the thing is real your first build then props and upvote.
@InternationalAircraftCompany truth be told: they are all at the level of the bob semple tank (with only teo better tanks: the card board one an the monster VW bully).
@Scruffyscott some tanks for starters (no fear this tanks are all bobsamples and killdozers (very poor/ homemade tanks based on unchandeg tracktors and roadmaintenance vehicles and some cars)).
@Scruffyscott you are allowed to use my builds as well as a building base.
@Mumpsy @Bigman @ QingyuZhou i think you all would like this video (or to be more precise: the killdozers and poormans bobsample tanks that it shows).
@Ontheplane but yes looks more than good,
@Ontheplane daniel is right but your german can be improved too: you wrote waffentrager but instead of waffenträger or waffentraeger.
@QingyuZhou off hitler is dead almost eighty years now and he is still making things bad.
+1@kerbober @JohnnyBoythePilot @RailfanEthan and this come out of you do rugs.
+1@kerbober i once saw a picture of a guy who made a tiger panzer from snow. the thing was combined with a picture of young anna singing do you wanna build a snowman? and as a response: nein! nein! do you wanna build a panzer.
+6@QingyuZhou you forget the link to the video buddy.
@AngelaMerkel uhm du hättest due drei auch in einem einzigen comment contactieren können. you could have used one commend to contact them.
@Stingray also a small fun fact to end: the pressure vessel of the type XXI has the shape of an inverted eight with the batteries and probably some storage units and internal liquid storage in the smaller lower section.