@ACEPILOT109 its not bad. realy. it even comes with a good planned air defense for the main story hub. the main city is placed in a valley that is conected to the sea by a canyon and on the clifs of that canyon is a formidalb air denfese battery system.
uhm you know that the design of the bv 141 was more goofy than the effect it had on the whole job of being a scout plane? it had the benefit of added vision for the recon guys.
@kaaraabiner germany invented the ejection seat for a plane with a similar proplem at hand. the heinkel uhu had very large propellers very close to the fuselage directly behind the cockpit so they invented ejection seats to save the pilots.
@kaaraabiner you know the dornier do335 arrow and the heinkel 163 sparrow? the dornier used explosive bolts to safe the pilot from a giant propeller on the back of the plane and the heinkel 163 was the first jet with an ejection seat. so how is the pilot safed in case of emergency?
@CarnationRED idea for an upvote: parts that allow you to build your own turret systems (if tose parts arent included yet) in the shape of rotators that react to this mod and that can be combined with normal guns or mod guns.
@CanartionRED this obviously trumps your first try by worlds. i knlicked on custom rotator expecting this mod up here. so yes i am totaly impressed by the mod i wanted and that is now here that can be used to ruin days for every enemy plane by building a anti aircraft battery system.
@tully2001 i hope this is better than the first try. i like storys about criminals that at least got the laughs in one way or the other. and both of the examples above are such cases.
@Tully2001 uhm i cant find anithing. ok maybe the whole thing about the no killers rule. but in the most parts its a try of a summary of the whole hitler diarys thing. and realy look it up it is funny.
@Mumpsy the biggest difference is that the someaka in the movie has rounded back. i build the breadbox shape so that the plane didnt blow up during weponas fire. link thats all that i had for building it.
@Mumpsy the biggest difference is that the someaka in the movie has rounded back. i build the breadbox shape so that the plane didnt blow up during weponas fire.
@winterisstark111 now its spotlighted. it was the first chopper who entered limited service and small scale production so that it is very depressing that the last parts that exists from this machine are only a a part of the instrumentation and the control stick.
@Spacedoge12345plane the dogmeat from falout 3 is a decendant from the first dogmeat so that the dogmeat family tree is the longest running side charackter family tree in the entire series.
@Cynister @Fighterpilot91 and what did we learn from the mythbusters? you can polish turds and the best way to get current concrete put of a mixertruck is by blowing up the truck.
@winterisstark111 and this was the company wo build this chopper. that the reason why the name is wrong. its the company name of the building company . thats even the reason why there were not more of them: focke-acheglis company could not build more.
@winterisstark111 nope. its was not from focke wulf. the focke guy had left the company focke wulf before the construction of the fa had started. also the fa does stand for the building company. you can easily look it up in wikipedia (trust me i read something about this chopper before i looked if the english wikipedia article was right. and i am german so.... also it sounds like that you sound like someone who thinks that the horten hoIX was called horten ho229 (get to the english wikipedia article and then switsch language to german)).
@Minecraftpoweer where is the downvote button when you need it the most.
+1@Minecraftpoweer kill it with gunfire.
+1focke wulf not focke wolf but beside this nothing shy of very good.
@ACEPILOT109 its not bad. realy. it even comes with a good planned air defense for the main story hub. the main city is placed in a valley that is conected to the sea by a canyon and on the clifs of that canyon is a formidalb air denfese battery system.
uhm you know that the design of the bv 141 was more goofy than the effect it had on the whole job of being a scout plane? it had the benefit of added vision for the recon guys.
@ACEPILOT109 you dont know tale spin? serousli look it up this plane is one of the main characters. and yes this is a good thing.
tale spin memorys creeping up from old times. warm, fuzzy feelings of bears and coyotees in planes.
@kaaraabiner germany invented the ejection seat for a plane with a similar proplem at hand. the heinkel uhu had very large propellers very close to the fuselage directly behind the cockpit so they invented ejection seats to save the pilots.
+2@kaaraabiner you know the dornier do335 arrow and the heinkel 163 sparrow? the dornier used explosive bolts to safe the pilot from a giant propeller on the back of the plane and the heinkel 163 was the first jet with an ejection seat. so how is the pilot safed in case of emergency?
+1@kaaraabiner whats the safety technique of this plane? exploding bolts in the propeller or a ejection seat?
+1@Feanor there is a mod for your naval builds klink to lick
+1@CarnationRED idea for an upvote: parts that allow you to build your own turret systems (if tose parts arent included yet) in the shape of rotators that react to this mod and that can be combined with normal guns or mod guns.
+3@CanartionRED this obviously trumps your first try by worlds. i knlicked on custom rotator expecting this mod up here. so yes i am totaly impressed by the mod i wanted and that is now here that can be used to ruin days for every enemy plane by building a anti aircraft battery system.
+1@tsampoy and now half of the room looks a little bit on fire.
@tsampoy im a not an engineer my self but the son of one.
@Awsomur jupp. the king of the kill. the one that is nearly invincible and only followed by wnp78 and his mods.
+1@tsampoy well, that escalated quickly.
@Boatrider very dungerous (dung is german word for crap).
i reported this post. if it is modified than i apologize now but if its not modified than the apology is not in effect.
@xjm22 the german word for hurricane is wirbelsturm or roughly translatable to swirling storm.
@tully2001 i hope this is better than the first try. i like storys about criminals that at least got the laughs in one way or the other. and both of the examples above are such cases.
how can i make a emoticon with eyes gazing in different directions? this has clearly two engines......
+5@xjm22 did you know that the german word for tornado, windhose can be trasnlated with windpants?
+1uhm i think some people also forget the product show up of the pharmazeutic undistry. you know tour de france.
@Tully2001 do you know the story of the marshal of koepinike? it was a guy who impostered a military commander to rob a townshall.
@Tully2001 ok thats a bit of. funny forgers would be better. some of them (kujau) are realy funny (or do it for fun).
@Tully2001 uhm i cant find anithing. ok maybe the whole thing about the no killers rule. but in the most parts its a try of a summary of the whole hitler diarys thing. and realy look it up it is funny.
@suassik the stuka had seaguls kinks. i think you ment the schwalbe jetfighter. in thsi case it would fit.
the stucka had trapezoidal wings that werent swept back so.......
looks nice.
+1@Mumpsy the biggest difference is that the someaka in the movie has rounded back. i build the breadbox shape so that the plane didnt blow up during weponas fire. link thats all that i had for building it.
@Mumpsy the biggest difference is that the someaka in the movie has rounded back. i build the breadbox shape so that the plane didnt blow up during weponas fire.
@RussianAS seen. but still a bit strange.
uhm you know that institut für segelfug is translatable to institution for gliderflight? this is not a glider.
@Mumpsy i build one myself. the someaka has the least screen time next to the bombers but is one of the more interesting planes.
@winterisstark111 now its spotlighted. it was the first chopper who entered limited service and small scale production so that it is very depressing that the last parts that exists from this machine are only a a part of the instrumentation and the control stick.
@Spacedoge12345plane the dogmeat from falout 3 is a decendant from the first dogmeat so that the dogmeat family tree is the longest running side charackter family tree in the entire series.
+1@Spacedoge12345plane @Potato21 they are good boys.
+1@AdlerSteiner its only a remark because it looks a bit similiar.
uhm there was a japanese me262 variant: nakajima kikka.
@Cynister @Fighterpilot91 and what did we learn from the mythbusters? you can polish turds and the best way to get current concrete put of a mixertruck is by blowing up the truck.
+2@tsampoy make it black and then reupload it as finding emo.
+1@winterisstark111i canot spotlight it. sorry but you have to wait. it looks great so i want to spotlight it.
@winterisstark111 now the name is like the one of the originsl. realy focke-wulf and focke-achgelis wehre two diffenretn corporate entitys.
@winterisstark111 but this is not from focke wulf. realy do your homework.
@winterisstark111 and this was the company wo build this chopper. that the reason why the name is wrong. its the company name of the building company . thats even the reason why there were not more of them: focke-acheglis company could not build more.
@winterisstark111 nope. its was not from focke wulf. the focke guy had left the company focke wulf before the construction of the fa had started. also the fa does stand for the building company. you can easily look it up in wikipedia (trust me i read something about this chopper before i looked if the english wikipedia article was right. and i am german so.... also it sounds like that you sound like someone who thinks that the horten hoIX was called horten ho229 (get to the english wikipedia article and then switsch language to german)).
erm this is a focke-achgelis not a focke-wulf.
@TheEpicMOONHAWK ok this explains the state of the most people on the dornier do 335 arrow (its a fighter bomber not an interceptor).
uhm there was never a bomber variant of it.