1,524 Jayv210 Comments

  • Dodge Charger 1970 R/T 6.0 years ago

    This is one of the very few cars on here that actually have good quality, very nice

  • Leroy the savage 5.7 years ago

    I also noticed after uploading it that the suspension doesnt work and i cant figure out what its attatched to, if you can help with that that would be pretty cool @jakebrake420

  • Leroy the savage 5.7 years ago

    I know ive been trying to get that fixed i was being lazy in that part and used a sub assembly of an engine that i had and just added turbos to it @jakebrake420

  • Scout Road King !!!READ DESCRIPTION!!! 6.3 years ago

    Also a floating jar in the trailer, I need explanation for this nonsense 😂

  • Scout Road King !!!READ DESCRIPTION!!! 6.3 years ago

    Yo there’s a dead body in there wtf!!!

  • Prototype Transmission 6.8 years ago

    Nice, I’ve been trying to figure out how to make a transmission with more than 2 gears, this is pretty cool

  • Leroy the savage 6.9 years ago

    Make bald eagles! @medkip

  • Ideas and suggestions///Will be posting soon 6.9 years ago

    That would be amazing, I will give u some credit for my next upload if the gears work good enough@SimplyOffroad

  • Ideas and suggestions///Will be posting soon 6.9 years ago

    You should make some gears cause I need some different sized gears for a project of mine and I’ve looked an nobody else has created any yet

  • Möbius strip 7.4 years ago

    True @Caesarblack

  • Möbius strip 7.4 years ago

    You should make a klien bottle now (basically a three dimensional version of a Möbius strip)

  • Help front suspension wont work 8.1 years ago

    @KeX0609 yah I Tryed that but it still didn't work for me, does it work for you

  • 4 stroke engine 8.1 years ago

    Just build a big vehicle 😂 @PyrusEnderhunter

  • 4 stroke engine 8.1 years ago

    Thanks I based this off one of my other designs because before the piston would get stuck and the valves wouldn't work properly. @TemDesBur

  • Update v1.5 8.3 years ago

    How come I didn't get beta for this one on iOS

  • This is crazy 8.4 years ago

    So here's my number, call me maybe🎶

  • Dragster classic 8.4 years ago

    Oh lol the back makes it look like a corvette @Jonjon14045

  • Dragster classic 8.4 years ago

    Is it supposed to be a corvette? If it is it's really cool. I love corvettes.

  • What I need in the next big update. 8.4 years ago

    The ability to rotate things mor precisely

  • Police car 8.4 years ago

    I just only used the chassis@FazingBlaze

  • Dragula 8.4 years ago

    Omg I love RobZombi, but 5FDP is better though

  • xml detacher 8.5 years ago

    Dude you should make XML modded wheels with more traction so then I could put a super powerful engine on a car without spinning out all the time. that would be amazing!

  • 427 Cobra Custom By MKI 8.6 years ago

    Dude this thing is amazing i love it it has a lot of detail the only thing that I see wrong with it is that there is no grill but still the best car design that I have ever seen on simple planes in a long time🙌

  • What am i making? 8.6 years ago

    A V6 engine

  • Avatar C-21 Dragon Assaultship 8.6 years ago

    Lol on mobile before you oppen it it just says "dragon ass"😂

  • Little red corvette 8.6 years ago

  • Little red corvette 8.6 years ago

    By the way sory for freaking out on u about not giving me credit for the f1 car I didn't know how new you where to the community so welcome to the community @Ulfrevogaming

  • Little red corvette 8.6 years ago

    Sure @Ulfrevogaming

  • F1 car 8.6 years ago

    Maby you should give me credit when u use my car

  • Little red corvette 8.6 years ago

    Wow I never thought this would make it past ten upvotes lets see if we can get 15

  • 1950s corvette (WIP) 8.6 years ago

    I will once I finish it and post the full one @UnknownNate

  • Creating a black hole in SP 8.6 years ago

    I wasn't taking it siriousley lol @KingDeadshot

  • Creating a black hole in SP 8.6 years ago

    I bet he jus bullshitted almost all of this or just cop pie and pasted from Wikipedia

  • 4 stroke engine (fixed) 8.8 years ago

    Invert the rotater on the camshaft and it should work perfectly