11.7k JesusChrist Comments

  • When will the next edition of Simpleplanes set out? 2.6 years ago

    @PhilipTarpley @WNP78

    They're probably trying to finish up SR2 first before doing something for this game.

  • SP rotation physics are balls 2.5 years ago

    50% of the entire physics model is balls, not just rotation

  • SimplePlanes OCD 3.0 years ago

    @Hazerz Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, people just really like to misuse that word and say they have ocd because something being slightly offset annoys them.

  • How to install mods on iOS!!! 2.5 years ago

    step one: install and set up uber
    step two: call one to the closest pc store
    step three: buy a pc that meets the system requirements for SP
    step four: set up the pc and install SP on it
    step five: have fun with mods, just don't use the part ones or else the mobile players will crucify you

  • German Zero 3.0 years ago

    Too high effort, 0/10 not german enough.

  • German Corsair VR 2.9 years ago

    james what have you done

  • Guys please 2.9 years ago

    @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7 @7

    Hey sole curator of the website can you curate this post here? Thanks.

  • German Corsair VR 2.9 years ago

    @PigeonBagle You should play for fun, not for internet points.

  • I’m 5 now guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 3.0 years ago

    I am deeply sorry to say this, but the Terms of Service clearly state no user below the age of 13 years is allowed to own a simpleplanes.com account. This sadly means your account will be terminated immediately, feel free to make a new one once you're old enough.

  • Why are there AI planes constantly crashing default planes into the ground? 3.1 years ago

    The ai is just overall terrible: the autopilot constantly pitches up and down, the dogfight ai constantly yaws when firing it's gun and also every unarmed plane in sandbox mode is a kamikaze pilot for some reason. The devs should make a better one on the next update (1.13 maybe).

  • IA Raycaster First Map Demo 2.6 years ago



  • P-51D-30 Mustang 2.9 years ago

    1411 x 15 = 21.165

    If this post was deleted by a mod he would get kicked back to gold lol

  • Old Glory 2.5 years ago

    Height 172.2ft (52.5m)

    Man that's one big flag

  • Absurdity in its purest form 3.0 years ago

    The part count, probably.

  • A German Corsair Animation 3.0 years ago


    New Aircraft!

    German Corsair


    Top Speed: 50
    Aceleration: 70
    Handling: -3
    Power: 9999

  • Oculus Quest - Cloud Backup fix - v1.12.131 3.0 years ago

    @DEADSHOT14 Man you people are never happy with anything...

  • car 2.5 years ago

    It's funny how many people you managed to piss off just by posting a block car lol

    Chill out people, they're just internet points, not that big of a deal.

  • LINEAR ACTUATOR 2.6 years ago

    Control bases are one of the most useful and versatile parts to ever be added to this game.

    Controls, pistons, TVC engines, etc. are all made easier, with less parts and more reliable thanks to this thing, who knew adding a single part could change so much.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 2.6 years ago

    I wonder what made this thing so popular, it looks cool but not #1 on the website cool.

  • IA Raycaster: Bricks 2.6 years ago

    Star Wars Battlefront II in SimplePlanes when

  • Something Weird 2.6 years ago

    You can report yourself in case you break the rules and feel guilty.
    You can follow yourself in case you like your own builds a lot.
    You can block yourself in case you find yourself to be really annoying.

  • Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? 2.9 years ago

    Anakin: Yes i have.
    Palpatine: Oh.


  • I Can't Stop Watching This Part 3 2.9 years ago

    Imagine being actually good at the game, couldn't be me.

  • Shitposting. 2.9 years ago

    Post whatever you want, the point of a game is to have fun.

  • Okay. Genuine question. 3.0 years ago

    It's the first game i've played for longer than a week or two without either getting bored and quitting or taking a gigantic break. So i guess?

  • Jenga 3.0 years ago

    @PPLLAANNEE Looks cool but you gotta work on that flight model a bit more, the plane immediately breaks when you try to fly it.

  • I did a thing. I am crying and in pain. 3.0 years ago

    Oh cool now i'm also in pain from looking at this

  • German Su-34 3.0 years ago

    Way too much effort for a "German" plane, 3/10 too russian.


    @IceCraftGaming Idk man the part where you have to patch your game apk with a app he uploaded on mediafire seems a bit fishy

  • Dopamine Injector 2.6 years ago

    As opposed to Jetstream notifications, which are the virtual equivalent of attempting to eat air.

  • **STOP ASKING FOR TAGS** 2.6 years ago

    Why? T is easier and faster to type than:

    Greetings my good sir! I write this to kindly request that you write my personal identifier (commonly know as an "Username") on the public commentary section of your upcoming publication (advertised here) at the time it is published, so that I may be alerted of it's availability and add it to my ever-growing collection of flying machines on this virtual entertainment medium (known as a "Videogame") named long ago after it's relatively comprehensive and simplified nature when compared with it's real life equivalent. I wish you a good day sir!
    ~ With my regards, Korzalerke.

  • Futuristic Fighter Jet 2.6 years ago

    Why does everyone care so much about useless points? Why not just play for fun instead?

  • Which Vehicle Logo and name is Not legal 2.9 years ago

    Hond- gets banned

  • Scout Miro (Less Parts) 2.9 years ago

    No post will be left upvoteless.

  • I’m 5 now guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 3.0 years ago

    @Aviator01 Maybe his parents loved the game so much they created an account for him the second he was born.

  • Jenga 3.0 years ago

    @PPLLAANNEE Idk man kinda weird how it has no landing gear or wings, but cool plane anyways.

  • How to fire a cannon when i press the fire machine gun button 3.1 years ago

    You can't change the cannon's inputs sadly.

  • Where Were the Interceptors On 9/11 3.1 years ago

    When BeastHunter sees your post but doesn't upvote it, that's how you know you (beep) up.

  • I have something to ask 3.2 years ago

    Update 1.13 changelog leak

    • Rebranded to "ComplexAircraft"

  • Fly Dangerous 2.5 years ago

    Game: SimplePlanes
    Score: 5/10
    Review: Terrible game, way too many planes.

  • jet stream be like 2.5 years ago

    oh so the strikes show up in your notification bar, interesting.


  • is it against the rules ? 2.5 years ago

    I don't think he's necessarily "begging" for upvotes, just saying that whoever upvotes his stuff will get tagged. He's also saying you can just ask to get tagged instead, it's just worded in a weird way.

    The rules page really needs an update, some parts are not very clearly written (like the whole honda thing and how mentioning discord servers is fine so long as you don't tell people to join them).

  • Communication between you and that player is blocked 2.6 years ago

    If you can't comment on your own posts that means you blocked yourself.

  • When will the next edition of Simpleplanes set out? 2.6 years ago

    @ColonelCanada 4k parts? My pc starts lagging at about 700. How does your phone not melt?

  • Bruh Ren Got bann`d because he made a shiddy rant 2.6 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 Vincent said "there isn't much to discuss" because there really isn't, Ren repeatedly insulted the moderators and got a ban for it, not much else to talk about.

    Not sure where you got this idea that a simple discussion about this is somehow prohibited, this isn't the USSR, it's a plane website.

  • Bruh Ren Got bann`d because he made a shiddy rant 2.6 years ago

    Not-so-fun fact: You can't remove comments made by other people on your own forums (feel free to try it with this one).

    No idea why.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 2.6 years ago

    @X99STRIKER How many planes do you have in your jetstream? I have 1500.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 2.6 years ago

    This page takes almost as long to load as my following page.

