87 JustAFatYeti Comments

  • Fictional Light Bomber 8.7 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 Good to know, thanks :)

  • Fictional Light Bomber 8.7 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 i had it like that originally but once released they often hit the tail unit blowing itself to pieces. Though to be fair I am terrible at bombing in the game.

  • First 8.7 years ago

    Good first attempt (y)

  • Amphibious Rover V3.1 8.7 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 ah, shall do then, I guess I must have thought the camera could do it, evidently not.

  • Amphibous Rover 8.7 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 Nice! Think I'm going to try and mess around and get my small propeller plane buoyant, I'll mess around with floaty tank later.

  • Amphibous Rover 8.7 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 Floating tank here we come! Also, I saw your post on Reddit about the Daragon Race and unlocked it, thanks for that :)

  • Amphibous Rover 8.7 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 Just uploaded my first attempt at the turret version. I want to refine it so it doesn't beach as much and is a little faster, I was also unable to mod the infinite turn for the turret, but tell me what you think.


  • Amphibous Rover 8.7 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 how would you suggest i go about maapping the controls for it? Ideally I'd put a camera on the turret and like to use wasd when activated to move it, and once reased they dont return to their original positions.

  • Amphibous Rover 8.7 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 I've been trying to develop a turret in the game for a while now, though I'm a bit of a newbie so still getting to grips with it. Thanks for the suggestion though, I'm going to have a tinker on it later and I'll try it out :)

  • Custom mapping for VTOL groups 8.8 years ago

    @Nickasaurus Interesting to hear. I hope that they do as I can only imagine what some people would be able to do after seeing some of the amazing stuff already out there.

    Thanks :)

  • Custom mapping for VTOL groups 8.8 years ago

    @Skua Thats what I've done so far, but ideally in the future I'd like to be able to give the "left and right" axis one activation group and map that activation groups positive and negative inputs to right and left arrow buttons, and a similar set up for the "up and down" axis but to the up and down arrow keys on a different activation group.

    I was just curious as whilst I play the game often I only really tinker and haven't used much of vtol.