6,368 KDS Comments

  • The General Lee | 1969 Dodge Charger 7.0 years ago

    For the non-Americans like the commenter before me (as of this typing) who’s confused about the confederate flag, asking weird questions, or whatnot.
    This flag is not Illigal in the U.S. Here we have a more relaxed idea of “freedom of speech” so it’s perfectly legal. Sure private companies mught not sell them, but the flag itself is legal. As based of the our idea of freedom of speech, it would be infringing on anothers rigt to express themselves. Obviously there are limits to free speech, but that’s for another time. Point is, the flag itself is fine.
    The controversy of the flag is a good amount of people believe it to be a symbol of racism, bigotry, and slavery. The other argument is if you haven’t already seen it, is that all it represents is southern pride. Hence the argument. As Tully already mentioned. He won’t remove this post because it’s a part of the design and replica. Treated the same as a swastiga for the sake of simplicity. The sensitive argument over this has only grown in recent time here so it’s become easy for people to jump the gun on the mess.
    I’ll hold off on some fancy speech. I hope I managed to clear this up a tiny bit, everything else you can google.

  • SPMRP Discord 5.4 years ago

    With all do resepct. That’s a load of crap you not having a discord. @thefalkenreich
    You were banned off the SLRP discord awhile back when that existed for a generally unrealistic playstyle, and deleting accounts to cicumvent the RP ban from there for that reason. You have a account, you probably have a few. I wouldn’t be suprised if you deleted it/them. But you have one, and I’m only saying this because I’m frankly sick of seeing absolutely unneeded posts.

    EDIT: Also spamming the server on top of that, forgot about that one since it wasn’t in my old notes and needed to be reminded. Which only furthers my point.

  • I think I found Eternaldarkness 5.4 years ago

    I reccomend taking this post down. It is not cool in any way, shape, or form, to post personal info about somebody else without their permission on the internet, even if you’re not 100% sure it is or not. If there’s a chance it is, you just revealed information about somebody to a lot of random people that person might not want people knowing.
    Instead a more proper way of dealing with this should have been to contact him directly over discord or a unlisted post if you don’t have that.

  • How to become a Mod in 6 EASY steps 6.9 years ago

    I can confirm this works 100%

  • T-Series VS Pewdiepie 5.6 years ago

    Dead meme.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 6.6 years ago

    Ahh, memories...

  • Sierpinski Triangle 7.0 years ago

    Link busts down door

  • Dare me anything on SimplePlanes website. 2 5.6 years ago

    I dare to stio making pointless forum posts and go do something productive with yur life from now on.

  • IGNORE THIS (or read My comment) 7.0 years ago

    Dear god. slowly removes sunglasses

  • SPMRP Discord 5.4 years ago

    Took you guys long enough

  • Top Gear Athletics logo 5.4 years ago


    Ladies and gents, not a mod in sight, because one totally isn’t needed... Didn’t try reaching out to one or two at all because there was no need for them to be looking into the consistent reposting...

  • My company 5.4 years ago

    Nice Stock photo you got there.
    Also... 10.7 million people... Wat
    I just... what??

  • Im back but wtf just happened? 5.6 years ago

    Allow me to clarify @MrVaultech was using sarcasm. @Strikefighter04 As realistically you haven’t remotely been online or helped run it to the point we had to make a new server just to better matinence it, and the past month of so of that server being purely cancerous, I wonder where you were? I don’t mean to come off as rude. I just find it convinent after abandoning the project for a few months and left it to it’s own decices you only show back up to manage it or at least try too when everything has gone side-ways and half the population disappeared and most of the mod team from it. And you weren’t even on the main server we had to make for awhile to even run stuff.

  • Stop Rick-rolling people 5.8 years ago

    No, you know why?
    Cuz we’re never gunna give you up
    Never gunna let you down
    Never gunna run around and desert you
    Never gunna make you cry
    Never gunna SAY GOODBYE
    Never gunna tell a lie, and desert you.
    hard downvote

  • The Designer Circle Is Not Useless! 6.6 years ago

    On behalf of a random person on the internet, thank you for your observations.


    @BaconRoll bacon is always universal best girl, but I still have to call you a weeb for having such a profile picture.


  • I have returned 5.4 years ago


  • Can we talk about this regarding RP posts? 5.4 years ago

    With all due respect. I have also made many servers in my day. It seriously does not take a few weeks to make one. A day or two at max to make sure wverything is there but that just seems like an excuse to put off doing that. No offense, but really it’s not that hard. After all, that is the point of discord. @MTakach @TheFantasticTyphoon

  • Something New to Subscribe to on Discord (an RP) 5.4 years ago

    I would like to add If you have no interest participating but have no problem moderating such as myself, then please speak up. We’re aiming to have more unbias mods this time around who are more or less well versed in the combat system so there will (hopefully) be less complaints this time as well as less spamming on the only person who knows how to use the combat system when he has stuff to do.

  • I think I found Eternaldarkness 5.4 years ago

    That still doesn’t mean it’s okay. For all we know it’s possible it isn’t and you’re randomly linking two named together over a picture anyone could havd posted. Not to mention even if it was Eternal, he could still 90% of the time be using that account for more personal things with private boards. @CptJacobson

    At the very least, it’s not very courtious to not mention it to him before posting this and ask. It could have taken you 2 extra minutes to be at the very least polite about it, but you decided not too. Then again based off your history of stealing parts and ripping off builds you seem have a habit of not thinking about others or being courteous anyway.

    With all that being said aside, even if it is technically public information (and there’s very well the thought train that basically nobody would find that account or make a big deal about it that could exist), it’s not relevant to SP anyway or even just something worth posting about other than for forum post upvotes and a reaction from exposing someone’s real name on here. Hope you got what you wanted.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    Or perhaps these “tactics” of being a general horrible person should be banned all together in practic for the more casual members just trying to have a fun time over being obsessed with “winning” at all costs, over a discord/SP RP... As all they have proven to do is annoy people, set a bad impression of who you are as a person to everyone, and as obviously proven, heavily dosplease moderators. Also, doxxing is a real world crime and threatening it could be pointed as blackmail, something that could be brung to a real world civil court. Do you think that’s worth it or approprite for something as small and overall reduntant beyond a source of entertainment? @RocCrafter101

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    Basically what @Warbrine said. The RP felt ruined to a good deal of members from the toxicity occurring from majorly IDAFOR members. Who also happen to be the only ones also complaining all the time about things. That’s my case.

  • [SLRP] Attack on Erebus 5.6 years ago

    SLRP mod here:
    You had been permabanned after been given multiple chances to behave. You are welcome to join another RP but you’re not allowed in SLRP, nor ever will allowed in again for basically this exact reason. You’re going around begging random users that have no control over the situation to make yourself cannon again. You’ve also begged SP site moderators who also have no real control over a discord related RP to be “made cannon” again. You claim to have suddenly matured a lot recently earlier in this thread but just off this alone and being annoying to others is partially why you were banned, it is clear to me you haven’t matured really and understand the definition of permabanned is permenatly banned.
    Please go find another RP to do things in, your country was desolved upon your banning and it will not be undone in the SLRP. Please stop annoying other SLRP roleplayers over something they do not control, and have a nice day. @thefalkenreich

  • Pool Noodle 5.8 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 Nothing is scarier than a knight with a pool noodle

  • Zoomy Z-69 Hecking Chonker variant 5.8 years ago

    @SodiumChloride @Catbonfox1 @BenSkyWalker Thank you. :)

  • How does one become a moderator (mod)? 5.9 years ago

    They take your knees then hound your very existence, proceeding to make a double standard. This is your trial. They hunt you, always. Taking down every little thing that you do that might if stretched be considered wrong. They go out of their way to look for reasons to hate you, and despise you. Then one day it happens. You stop caring, and leave. But they remember, they one day a long time in the future will come for you and they will take your knees. This is your fate, there is no escape. Prepare your knees, for they already have begun.

  • Happy International Dress Up As A Fortnite Character Day! 6.4 years ago

    puts on cool shades and pumps the anti-fortnite shotgun let’s get hunting bois

  • Balaenoptera Musculus 6.9 years ago

    you’re already back at silver. That was fast. Here, have a upvote old friend

  • I QUIT 6.9 years ago

    claps in American

  • a strange simpleplanes dream 7.2 years ago


  • If You Live in Coastal Alaska or British Columbia, GET THE HECK OUT!!! [Fourth Edit] 7.2 years ago

    I honestly would like to question the point of this post honestly. If you lived in that area and were under the warning, you would get a alert. If you didn’t get the alert, that means the warning/advisory is not in your area, or you live under a rock in which case you won’t be getting that warning or be reading this post. People who it affects and need to know this kinda thing will be notified not via forum post, but a alert notification on their phones, on the news. Like if your only warning was from this post then either something is seriously wrong on the part of the people who send out these warnings, or it doesn’t affect you and probably isn’t your problem in that case.
    Not trying to come off as hostile or anything (and I am aware i’m late to thr party) i’m just pointing out that really there are better ways of notifying people of imminent danger beyond a random forum post in a random intern community that’s handled by people much more qualified then we are.

  • F-68 Ghost 5.1 years ago

    Yes, yes it does. @GeneralPatrick2

  • What Happened To SLRP in Relative Detail, As Seen From Owner's Perspective 5.3 years ago

    Sadly, I don’t really think this breaks any rules though. Given all that’s laid out here is posted facts and more of an explanation on what fully happened, but because the mods were mentioned in a “they did nothing” way I doubt they’d let it stand someone said something negative about them, given how fair they can be. /s @Trollium


    Lando is an anime girl, change my mind. @Awsomur

  • My account is dead lmao 5.4 years ago

    Ok boomer

  • SPMRP Discord 5.4 years ago

    It wouldn’t matter to me but really unessesary SPMRP posts on the forums annoy me. Plus I’ve noticed more... troublesome RP users over time usually prefer the SP site over discord, it’s harder to yeet delet someone from a RP here over say if you got kicked from a offical discord. @DeezDucks
    Which comes to my recomendation for you @CaptainEssen to pass along to the other people who run SPMRP. I urge you and other SPMRP runners to label actions not done in the discord that don’t warrent a forum post over it (operations, troop movements, battles, ect.) as non cannon actions. You must join the discord for your action to count and any exceptions must be manually noted and made by the people in charge. I’m not naming names in general from past experiences, but in general It helps cut down on people trying to wiggle through your rules and system as well as make it easier to moderate when people throw fits over it. Just my suggestion.

  • It is spooktober my dudes 5.5 years ago


  • Whats the status of SLRP? 5.5 years ago

    Former SLRP mod:
    I don’t know the current status of it as Areoman attempted to continue it in a new server after @MrVaultech and I stepped down and the server got burned. Though Areo himself stepped down too at some point, so the status of it is unknown. Personally, I feel that cancerous mess needs to stay dead as it caused more problems and stress than it did fun for most of the people there.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    We’re sure he did. @RocCrafter101
    I have a sneaking suspision that was the feelings of IDAFOR members and ignoring everyone elses thoughts.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    I remember that well, it’s also what made me heavily concerned about doxxing threats. They actually have basically have before on others in the past. @MrVaultech

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    Frankly, it’s hard to tell because you act just like most of their members, you would probably fit in well with them. @HarrisCraft

  • Anti-vaccination hotline 5.6 years ago


  • Guess who's back? 5.8 years ago

    Glory Komrade to the motherlande. @USSR

  • Guess who's back? 5.8 years ago

    I’ve always been dead inside. It’s just more refined now. @jamesPLANESii

  • can anyone build me this plane 5.9 years ago

    1. Learn to build it yourself.
    2. Glory to The motherlande komrade.
    3. You made this post twice.
    4. ???
    5. Profit

  • I wish simplanes made a mod for ios so my planes can be better I NEED MODES 6.5 years ago

    eh I’m awake and bored so I might as well point it out

    Just so you know, you could have easily put this complaint in the forums instead of the planes. They’re there for a reason my friend. It’s less spammy and courteous.

    Afraid everyone else here is right. No mods for iOS devices because of Apples policies. Jundroo most likely if they were alloud by Apple would also have mod support for iOS. You could always jailbreak your device amd download andriod mods, but seriously, don’t, that is risky and apple won’t insure it afterwards. Buy the game off steam or somewhere like that on Mac or a PC is your best bet.

  • Uninstalled my SimplePlanes 6.5 years ago

    Tis a sad day. Tis a sad day...

  • Assault Cheese Burger 6.6 years ago

    diabetes has evolved once more...

  • I feel old... 6.6 years ago

    1.8 years old. Plus I had a now deleted account that existed back turning 1.1 of the game, so that’s about three years ago give or take, laughs in senior citizen

  • Art of the Deal full book 6.6 years ago

    Props to you then. Amigo, @GeneralOliverVonBismarck
