I have a nostalgic love for the 747, mainly the -400s used by JAL in my hometown...at the end of every year the sixth grade students were taken on a flight aboard a JAL 747-400 and my year was the very last to go and we got pilots wings, a model of the aircraft and other merch to remember the big girl...sorry rant over, lol
Damn man this is a beautiful build and you ought to be proud, forget that crybaby trying to get it removed they're just butthurt they'll never be on your level
Not sure if Simpleplanes or Futurama episode...
+11"A F-15 and a Su-47 make a secret rendezvous in a sleazy motel..."
+7"it's thrown away its wings! Yet it's still flying!"
+7I've never wanted a Dissapator more
+6How about a TiE Defender next?
+6Bringing cancer to you wherever you are!
+6Nicest looking Tacit Blue on the site
+4@McDonnelDouglasMD89 with authentic "tail snapping ACTION!"
+4Damn you for making something so cute! lol
+4I saw him vent into electrical and murder blue!
+4This is a rare sight among the sea of Mustangs, spitfires and Me-262s, amazing work
+4tracerColor then add the hex value of desired color
+4You forgot the Barbed Wire wrapping
+4Finally got a chance to fly her, and she definitely flies like an early 50s jet! lol
+3I have a nostalgic love for the 747, mainly the -400s used by JAL in my hometown...at the end of every year the sixth grade students were taken on a flight aboard a JAL 747-400 and my year was the very last to go and we got pilots wings, a model of the aircraft and other merch to remember the big girl...sorry rant over, lol
+3Very Crimson Skies, what a beautiful aircraft
+3This is a beautiful paradol wing gladiator, well done
+3Damn man this is a beautiful build and you ought to be proud, forget that crybaby trying to get it removed they're just butthurt they'll never be on your level
+3That white bird was a symbol of peace for Cpt. Nagase...
+3I have most of Treads aircraft I miss them a lot, very unique aircraft style
+3The power of fluffy bois shines within you!
+3Im surprised i can fly this on my phone, it has a weird tail wobble at speed tho
+3All i can think of is that scene from Iron Man 2, lol
+3So a Buccaneer and a Crausader walk into a bar...
+3This is a strange seaplane, but i love the unorthodox design
+3This behemoth looks straight outta ace combat! Very awesome
+3Love Metal Slug i still play to this day, well done
+3Never, ever gonna happen but cool build anyway
+3Long live Belka
+3So hyped for this movie, curious to see what kind of space plane hes playin with
+3Beware that damned software glitch, haha
+3Beautiful work, sadly it doesn't look like we'll get to use this girl in game
+3I love this totally 'not an X-02' good work
+3sends a harrier to mess your day lol
+3I like lamp
+3I hope you like extreme vibrating and wobbly aircraft! lol
+3I love kit aircraft like this, well done
+2I worked for the Moses Lake Flight test center when they were testing the MRJ70/90 before it was SpaceJET, good memories
+2Some crazy Yukikaze Bird of Prey, fun to fly
+2The Brits had some cool post war aircraft designs
+2@kyomunosekai i also have his IAR-80...
+2This is a very interesting build, i like the seaplanes look mire myself
+2I love your military modifications of MAPAs wonderful "Simpleplanes"
+2Another beautiful aircraft to fly around, have you tried a DeHavilland Comet or Sud aviation caravelle?
+2The A.I is a dang psychopath when flying this, gonna have to file some complaints with the FAA for its unsafe behavior lol
+2Absolutely beautiful
+2This reminds of an old user from years ago who did builds like this! Nice work
+2@Hiimakeplanes i hope you don't mind but ive been tinkering around with this awesome plane
+2This looks like something out of one of those top down shooter games lol