Can I make a new AI racer type? Off-road. The AI racer will race around in the center by the left bridge and right bridge. Or where the AI trucks and AI AA tanks spawn. I hope you can do it.
@KSB24 can you turn @Stealth117's airplanes into AI and after that can you turn this to AI?
@BYardley I thought you managed to download the map on the aircraft thumbnail.
+1Never mind.
+1How did you download the map on android??
+1Can you turn this into a drag racer?
+1@KSB24 YAY!!!
+1@KSB24 literally I can't wait for this to be released.
+1@KSB24 ok.
+1@KSB24 cool, are you planning to release the drag racer today?
+1Can't wait for this to come out, also can you make the finish line waaaay further please?
+1Do you have the link for the drag race lights you used?
@DatTrainGuy19 I'm not trying to be rude, and I'm not but, is your name KSB24?
Your channel is everything, you serve all purpose, YOU SHOULD SHARE THIS AI, NOW! Please, its that good.
@LunarEclipseSP ok
+1@DatTrainGuy19 INF IQ
+1@KSB24 ok
+1@KSB24 is the AI done? If its unlisted can you send me the link?
Also I have another AI racer type concept: AI drag racer. Spawn it at Wright Airport, it will go straight, that's all. Its kind of easy.
+1@KSB24 even though it's not complete, I still like it.
@KSB24 oh, OK. I hope it will be finished. Also I tried the rally AI and it is awesome.
@KSB24 turn this into a rally AI please.
@KSB24 turn this into a rally AI please.
Guinness world record.
Worlds most parted airplanes.
@KSB24 your life is everything, you serve all purpose, YOU SHOULD MAKE SOME RALLY AI RACERS, NOW. Please
+1Can you snow me all your unlisted AI aircrafts please? Or some atleast?
+1@Locurapuntocom what if im already gay?
Congrats on developer upvote.
This reminds me of capture the crown
@Panzerwaifu69 oh, I misunderstood.
Can I make a new AI racer type? Off-road. The AI racer will race around in the center by the left bridge and right bridge. Or where the AI trucks and AI AA tanks spawn. I hope you can do it.
+1@Panzerwaifu69 on the tank, it says big fat c you now what word.
@Panzerwaifu69 cut with a n, that word.
@WritersCrusadersAirCo thank you.
+1I'm just wondering...
How are you not banned for having the cu word?
Im good, building nothing at the moment and bombers.
@Stealth117 I agree.
@KSB24 can you turn @Stealth117's airplanes into AI and after that can you turn this to AI?