3,839 MEERKAT978 Comments

  • A dangerous plane 6.8 years ago

    Dangerous... how?

  • Securitron - fallout NV (help) 6.8 years ago

    @drgunblood that can happen. It takes a little tweaking of the gyro position...

  • Securitron - fallout NV (help) 6.8 years ago

    Try using a gyroscope to keep it upright? You can then use finetuner to push it inside the frame and voila, a working securitron.
    Welcome in advance ;)

  • Kettenfahrzeug 6.8 years ago

    @kyuSha A screwyougoogle moment?

  • 767-cly supply jumbo jet 6.8 years ago

    @squideater56 Got it. "Take it easy". Sure, I'll see how that goes 😉

  • Kettenfahrzeug 6.8 years ago

    I'd suggest putting tags to this so that WW2 lovers and tankies can find it :)

  • 767-cly supply jumbo jet 6.8 years ago

    @squideater56 I'll take a look at that and yes, I did try out the camera view. Cargo release system is perfectly fine, though I did notice the detacher connection had A LOT of play. I was worried it'd snap, but that's normal.

  • 767-cly supply jumbo jet 6.8 years ago

    @squideater56 Uprated the score, 70% now. And yeah, that wing fix is a good idea...

  • 767-cly supply jumbo jet 6.8 years ago

    @squideater56 oh bugger there's 8? One sec...

  • Dogfight Challenge Entry 6.8 years ago

    @FASTFLIGHT seconded.

  • 767-cly supply jumbo jet 6.8 years ago

    Looks: 5/10. Not exactly pretty, but I've designed worse.
    Payload: 8/10. Hits the 4-crate minimum and as I now know, it's an 8-crate job.
    Handling: 6/10. Its turning circle and pitch/roll rates are alright. I got a hell of a shock when its wings went birdie on takeoff AND the aircraft became uncontrollable and crashed when I went to turn and overpass Snowstone post-drop, hence the mid-range score.
    Fuel Efficiency: 18/20. The benchmark design could reach Snowstone with ~50% fuel by my flight plan. Your aircraft reached Snowstone AND dispatched its cargo with 83% remaining.
    Survivability: 8/10. The aircraft did make it through the SAM sites undamaged, HOWEVER... I wouldn't have fancied staying over the airspace long due to the small number of flares and the severe issues I encountered with handling.
    Functionality: 25/30. Ramp worked fine, I like how you daisy-chained the crates into a 4-pallet sled system. That worked perfectly fine.

    TOTAL: 70/100

    Overall, not a bad effort at all. (Thumbsup)

  • Relief Challenge [CLOSED] 6.8 years ago

    @squideater56 understood

  • Relief Challenge [CLOSED] 6.8 years ago

    @squideater56 Yeah, think that's right. Either way.

  • Relief Challenge [CLOSED] 6.8 years ago

    @squideater56 no part limit and provided you don't tweak the state properties themselves then anything goes :)

  • Relief Challenge [CLOSED] 6.8 years ago

    BENCHMARK AIRCRAFT NOW BUILT. (Yes, it's simplistic and crude, but should be enough.) FIND IT HERE

  • Relief Challenge [CLOSED] 6.8 years ago

    Also, Flight vectors are being changed. 000 takes you away from Snowstone.

  • Relief Challenge [CLOSED] 6.8 years ago

    Additionally, I will post a link to the Benchmark plane here once I have created one. It will NOT be carrying crates, but it will weight a considerable amount to compensate.

  • Relief Challenge [CLOSED] 6.8 years ago

    OK, the challenge is LIVE! Any further questions, drop them here.

  • Luftwaffe Class(HMS Hanz) 6.8 years ago

    @Stellarlabs And how did that go?

  • Luftwaffe Class(HMS Hanz) 6.8 years ago

    @Stellarlabs Many many booms. Much metal rain as spare parts fall from the sky. hehehe.

  • Luftwaffe Class(HMS Hanz) 6.8 years ago

    @Stellarlabs Many many booms. Much metal rain as spare parts fall from the sky hehehe

  • Luftwaffe Class(HMS Hanz) 6.8 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries Oh and also that's not how Tallboy works. Or Grand Slam.

    They embed in the ground, and the DETONATION is what causes the earthquake.

    Likewise, Tirpitz was capsized. Not merely damaged.

    And it only took 31 attempts.

  • Luftwaffe Class(HMS Hanz) 6.8 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries My friend I do know about this. I am a brit obsessed with WW2 stoof and 617Sqn are a group I know plenty about. Still, I don't fancy being in the Tallboy's delivery aircraft. DP AA cannon tend to sting a bit.

    (Just ask the Jundroo WW2 destroyers)

  • Search and Rescue Challenge- CANCELLED. 6.8 years ago

    NOTICE: I have had a think over this challenge and decided that I have made it slightly more complex than necessary. Cancelled it for that reason. Apologies to all and don't fret, I'm going to have sorted out a new challenge by tomorrow.

  • Bolton Paul Defiant 6.8 years ago

    @Stellarlabs It was. Mainly bc it lacked forward armament.tiny oversight...

  • Luftwaffe Class(HMS Hanz) 6.8 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries @Stellarlabs Havoc ensues. Assuming of course your plane managed to reach the ship in less than two bits...

  • Luftwaffe Class(HMS Hanz) 6.8 years ago

    @Stellarlabs I take it that flying abomination the Crusader has a very bad time at the hands of this?

  • Luftwaffe Class(HMS Hanz) 6.8 years ago

    @Warbirdnation Stellar knows that: it's called Luftwaffe class because that's what it spent its time swatting :)

  • Dont know Dont Care 6.8 years ago


  • Sekrit Dokument 017 6.8 years ago

    @STlegacyAircraft yep, sounds right hahaha

  • Sekrit Dokument 017 6.8 years ago

    Gaijin's new Russian aircraft for 1.79, by any chance? ;)

  • Search and Rescue Challenge- CANCELLED. 6.8 years ago

    @Loopy200 It is... aside from a tiltrotor or helicopter there is no other means of a deployment like such.

  • Search and Rescue Challenge- CANCELLED. 6.8 years ago

    @Loopy200 'Chutes, anyone?

  • SAR Lifeboat challenge entry 6.9 years ago

    @Loopy200 the idea is for the boat to be released over the DZ. Not used as a torpedo. And as stated it took well over 5 minutes between liftoff and even getting good to Yeager, which then was 40 miles again from the DZ. Still, score isn't that bad, plus you've over a month if you choose to redesign :)

  • Explorer Challenge Entry- Prowler. 6.9 years ago

    @BogdanX Gotcha. This was back before I got SP PC. Now I can design better...

  • Harrier- Fixes Implemented 6.9 years ago

    @Smilohypo good stuff. I'm going to build something more like a Harrier tomorrow. And I might make a VTOL challenge after the SAR challege has finished i.e. in the new year.

  • SAR Lifeboat 6.9 years ago

    Looks: 4/10
    Ease of Use: 0/10. Not controllable, even on the runway. Even less possible to control in the air, regardless of constant maximum input on pitch.
    Conduction of Task: 10/20. Release and landing mechanism i.e. parachutes is perfectly functional. Reaching the DZ, however, is virtually impossible, as only the Autopilot can maintain the aircraft in level flight.

    TOTAL: 14/50

    Feel free to redesign, hence the long comp time.

  • SAR Lifeboat challenge entry 6.9 years ago

    Looks- 5/10. Not the best-looking design ever, but definitely not the worst.
    Ease of Use: 8/10. Handling is reasonable, correction of course is also pretty good.
    Task conduction: 10/20 provisional. Due to the low airspeed and high fuel consumption, I am somewhat doubtful of the airframe's ability to reach the intended DZ. However, its payload bay and release mechanism work flawlessly.

    TOTAL: 23/50

  • Search and Rescue Challenge- CANCELLED. 6.9 years ago


    I'm updating the rules as I've realised a minor oversight on my part. New criteria to add is simple: just make sure that your deployed Lifeboat doesn't play skipping stones, it must land on a point. Remember, it's for downed aircrew, not sharks :)

  • Search and Rescue Challenge- CANCELLED. 6.9 years ago

    @TMR9001 Perfectly fine.
    @Loopy200 the long deadline is to give people time to adjust their designs, and with what's already been entered I would suggest it.

  • Harrier- Fixes Implemented 6.9 years ago

    @Smilohypo Not a problem, I would advise looking at her handling. It's a little less than expected for a Harrier-esque airframe I must confess.

  • She is coming together and she is a beast 6.9 years ago

    @Stellarlabs Looks like the Crusader is about to have a bad day. A BAD day.

  • Explorer Challenge Entry- Prowler. 6.9 years ago

    @BogdanX fair enough, it was a design from a while back. If the challenge is still open I may redact this thing and replace it if it's legal.

  • Simple Fighter 6.9 years ago

    Nice. Sleek lines and an excellent colour scheme make this thing badass enough. Looks like it flew straight out of H.A.W.X.

  • Bristol Bombay 6.9 years ago

    The sarcasm in that tone, hahaha!
    You've gotta love British design and its tendency to ALWAYS be delayed.

  • Scout 6.9 years ago

    All it needs is a bodyshell and a few weapons, maybe a lick of paint, and then 007 himself will be pleased. As will Q. ;)

  • H105 Seeker 6.9 years ago

    Ah, the favourite toy of the CIA. Bye bye Al-Qaeda. :p

  • Heinkel He 111 H-20 6.9 years ago

    @DuckMintnewprofile I typically get slaughtered in them. Or any bomber. I love using the A-20 as a bomber as it can be pretty fun to ruin someone's day with.

  • Fixable aircraft 6.9 years ago


  • Piaggio P.108A 6.9 years ago

    @Sgtk np