@Graingy i needed that chair, i passed out after he said he made a plane on a plane, it’s something that is impossible, he must’ve found hack 15387262 where u can add Wi-Fi the a plane
I like the idea, but are you currently being affected by the war? if so then i understand the whole want to make this but if you are not being actively effected then please, just please don't do this
"hello sir would you like to buy the ultra deluxe incredible super duper massive incredible VIP package? its only 10000.45 dollor and its on sale!"
"no I'm good"
-some guy buys it-
"congratulations! here's your parachute and here's a bag of chips!"
Like it. I can upvote tho 😔
+8No one:
+7Misile:“I must stay focused on my target… OHHH A PASSENGER AILINER!”
Pilot of airliner: “hey…. Is that a Mi-“
Wow they said “DO NOT WEAPONIZE HER” that one kid https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/3boP9O/LTA-0-5-House-Kitten-WEAPONISED
+6-launches in slomo-
Now the universe can be what I want it to be
+5HA "Lite" tell that to the Nokia users and the iPod users
+4Love it. Cant wait to get home and download it. This will definitely make front!!
+4@Solent19 lol yea, but it looks so good, I'm not trying to disrespect
+3It’s so intense my 5th gen ipad is crashing
+3Lol, it’s just a really good and reliable plane :) @KONOJERRYDA
+3We are now terminating this aircraft due to mods. If you are able to take the mods out then please do that and contact us.
+2me likey, can u make for ios?
@Graingy i needed that chair, i passed out after he said he made a plane on a plane, it’s something that is impossible, he must’ve found hack 15387262 where u can add Wi-Fi the a plane
+2Ayeeee, imma need this for ahem T H I N G S so um imma Take It
+2@TheMouse thank you :)
+2I feel ur pain
+2“Oof” -wise man from roblox
Can I eat the car? I’m hungry…
+2@CyberBot17 lol, "Ukraine doesnt have an f-16....yet" yet is the funny thing
+2I like the idea, but are you currently being affected by the war? if so then i understand the whole want to make this but if you are not being actively effected then please, just please don't do this
+2I can make this look like an actual test plane, would you like me to do that @JoshuaW
@BeastHunter I don’t take credit, I forgot to add credit and stuff like that
+2@BeastHunter I said it was just a joke and that it was taken down
+2Ummm what the f-
+2Hmmmmmmmm why is this so familiar, it’s just an F-35A Thunderbolt II
+2@MisterT Nice job, I didn’t know pigeons where able to do this!
+2Mmmmmmm I can smell the pixels and the blockyness
+2Mmmmm tasty shovel in my face, wait… I’m ded :/
+2Omg this is incredible
+2Nice man. I love it
+2When the final plane comes out Con.Air would like to buy 300 units.
+2@ShiroNeko lol
+2Me waiting years for it to load then game crashes me: Damn
+1lol, when I firstjoined, I just copied someones plane,and called it mine :.U/
+1ok like actually why does this look like the Bush Plane? this is so fire I love it bro, this incredible!
+1@Airheaddivision no problem :)
+1this looks fire bro
+1"hello sir would you like to buy the ultra deluxe incredible super duper massive incredible VIP package? its only 10000.45 dollor and its on sale!"
+1"no I'm good"
-some guy buys it-
"congratulations! here's your parachute and here's a bag of chips!"
T please
+1im the 100th upvote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1btw it looks so sick ngl i love ittttt
+1WoAh ItS tHe SeCoNd MiDgEt!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!