8,521 MageMobius Comments

  • GAMF-02A Camille 7.1 years ago

    Really, guys, shame on you who hated this creation! Who says this is just a plane game? This game is a sandbox simulation game, that tested on how creative people can build something! But really, @Lumian300 did amazing job on this. One of the best build on this website!

  • Drone Challenge 2 - Results page - FINISHED 6.7 years ago

    12th? Yay, not bad for a first timer! I wasn't even expecting to see my drone there.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 8.4 years ago

    The best of the best of the best of the best of the best plane ever!

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 8.4 years ago

    This aircraft is going to be the most complicated aircraft ever built in the history of SimplePlanes...

  • SimpleCheats - a slightly comprehensive guide 7.0 years ago

    Finally, something useful. Anyway, can you make a mod, that adds kinda... Well... A control mode. So, your airplane kinda follows your center cursor, and the cursor is controlled by normal orbit camera, get it?

  • Mini Ballistic Missile Sub 7.4 years ago

    You're sinking...

  • Missile Truck 7.6 years ago

    Truck??? Say whaaat...???

  • F-15C Eagle v3.0 7.6 years ago

    Almost no one can spotlight @SpiritusRaptor today...

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 8.4 years ago

    probably because the amount of parts in the editor isn't very much @RICE

  • 25 parts drone 3.0 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 Was inspired by it, but not a replica of it

  • Muller M404 PI-Deliverer 3.4 years ago

    @Falkenwut It was actually this, but yeah, that's based on the Moller M400M

  • MiG-21 Flight Sim (Read desc.) 4.2 years ago

    @Falkenwut I'll see what i can do with aircraft collisions. Landing gears weren't the problem, as it still shoot itself with the boresight clear

  • The feeling when you play Ace Combat series... 4.9 years ago

    @freedompilot98 No, but there are Eruseans.

  • Drone Challenge 2 - Results page - FINISHED 6.7 years ago

    @Texasfam04 I'm glad you think so, thanks!

  • Drone Challenge 2 6.8 years ago

    This challenge is basically 'Ace Combat 7' in a nutshell

  • XMID-67 "Blackout" 6.8 years ago

    @CenturiVonKikie fortunately enough, i have tried competing this against my own super-maneuverable aircraft (that i didn't upload and i don't want to) a couple times, and seems the AI on my phone flies this thing really well. This won 7:3 (yes, i did it 10 times just in-case, in random range). It mostly win on medium and long range, and loses on short. So, this thing's literally flyable by the AI.

  • (Closed Post) Okay, seriously... How did you guys made such a smooth surface? 6.8 years ago

    @Blue0Bull I am actually, currently trying that. I'm just so confused on how to make it both smooth, angled, curvy, and yet looks just like i want at the same time.

  • MiG-21 BIS 6.8 years ago

    420 parts?

  • FLEX TAPE ROLL 6.8 years ago

    Do i even...

  • XMID-67 "Blackout" 6.8 years ago

    @MethaManAircraft Idk if i'll ever make it, but okay!

  • THANKS TO FLEX TAPE 6.8 years ago

    I sawed this boat in-half!

  • XMID-67 "Blackout" 6.8 years ago

    @Treadmill103 @MethaManAircraft @Roswell OH... MY... GOSH...


  • T H E F L E X T A P E - P L A N E 6.8 years ago

    @CruzerBlade I'll spotlight you instead :)

  • BF109F Adolf Galland Special plane 6.8 years ago

    Nicely done!

  • D.Corp 2S50 "Buster" Self-Propelled Howitzer 7.2 years ago

    Device cooking, eh? Perfect for winter. It's gonna keep your hands warm :)

  • 'Rambler' War Robot 7.2 years ago

    @Tengam True, dat

  • F-22 Raptor 3.0 7.4 years ago

    @Luuk2909 i responded very late (11 month...).
    To your question my answer is:

    -I use earphone button and xml modding to make this.

    (That time... No mods, no thing yet on my old phone. So i changed the key for nudge to the button of the earphone.)

    (For the 45° fuselage, i use xml modding. Lot of time wasted for searching the right fuselage. And for trials and errors.)

  • BOX - expandable 7.6 years ago

    Is this Stalin's secret weapon? Nice looking though.

  • B737-800(8U3) Garuda Indonesia Special 7.6 years ago

    Jarang-jarang liat ginian...

  • ADFX-02 Morgan "Pixy" 8.7 years ago

    "Our deaths is not the end of everything.The rest is up to you." - Hresvlgr

  • ADFX-02 Morgan "Pixy" 8.7 years ago

    Yo buddy,you still alive?

  • Mitsubishi T-2 8.7 years ago

    The other name is Infact Mitsubishi F-1

  • Super Detacher Sub-Assembly 9.5 years ago

    Well if you looking for MORE power,try mine.

  • nice 2.5 years ago

    For those who wanna test it out:


  • Muller M404 PI-Deliverer 3.4 years ago

    @Falkenwut Thanks :3

  • MiG-21 Flight Sim (Read desc.) 4.2 years ago

    @Falkenwut Good ideas, will definitely implement those. However as for the gun part, there's a reason why i put the guns in the wings. I did have the gun underneath the fuselage like the real thing, but it always shot itself. Probably because the gun's too close to the fuselage, or the use of hollow fuselage? I don't know, but that's pretty much the reason why i decided to put the guns in the wings

  • MiG-21 Flight Sim (Read desc.) 4.2 years ago

    @UsualPioneer Indeed :(

  • Android Map 4.3 years ago

    Certified bruh map

  • SP 2A1 "Cheetah" 4.4 years ago

    @KettleKip I personally can't answer that

  • X-02 just did a 360 4.7 years ago

    The link to the plane is available to those who want to try

  • X-02 just did a 360 4.7 years ago

    @ZWLenning There is no gyro tho

  • X-02 just did a 360 4.7 years ago

    @rexzion I don't think this pro-gamer move was ever mentioned in the franchise, so I thought it'd be interesting to post it here

  • Fighter-GERWALK test 4.7 years ago

    @Notaleopard @Epickitty

  • Simple Tiger I v2.0 4.9 years ago

    @TheBritishAviator Alright, that's good. Will be looking forward to that.

  • Simple Tiger I v2.0 4.9 years ago

    @TheBritishAviator The resized cannon at the very front of the custom gun gives the recoil. Then it is absorbed by the shock absorbers and thus making it look better than the stock cannon recoil. This method is now common in tank buildings. You should try making one, and see what you can come up with.

  • Simple Tiger I v2.0 4.9 years ago

    @TheBritishAviator Creating it from scratch using fuselage and shock absorbers.

  • SimplePlanes - Subscriptions 5.0 years ago

    I cough Fell for the cough Joke...

  • X-33 "Howler" 5.3 years ago

    @Mustang51 I'm glad you liked it. ^^

  • X-33 "Howler" 5.3 years ago

    @Mustang51 Yes it does. My mind wants to gather the Gripen, Rafale, F-16XL, and X-31 altogether. And here i have it. To be honest, the entire plane was created after the intake tube. This is because i want to try creating planes with full length intake tubes, and this plane is a test for that.

  • Mosin Nagant 5.3 years ago

    @TOMJeb117 By around a few days back, i lost interest in my Wyvern. Since heck, it's not going as my expectations. It's way below. So i thibk i'll just post the unfinished one, and see if someone wants to help with it.