Sometimes lift and/or drag can cause this. Changing the center of mass (the red sphere) could fix this, but as you said it doesn’t. This could only be solved in flight with trim, but that’s all that I know
Using RCS thrusters could help, however the main issue is the weight and balance. You’ve made the VTOL as a plane first, having an almost perfect COL,COM, and COT distribution. However, when the wings tilt, the aircraft’s COT becomes extremely high, as all the engines are on the tops of the wings. This also moves the majority of the weight backwards as well, too close to the center of lift. As such, the gyroscope doesn’t have the power to counteract this force, and it becomes uncontrollable. My recommendation is to build the aircraft like building a helicopter first, then try and transition it to an aircraft.
Hey Rambo! Definitely my favorite plane by far to fly of yours. Found out about the issue with the airbrake not retracting and decided to take the liberty of fixing it, ended up working perfectly! If you’d like I can send the fixed engine so you can fix the aircraft :)
Well it seems like you mostly do air corps aircraft from WW2, so maybe branch out and work on some naval carrier based designs. These would be a good test of your abilities. Ideas can include torpedo bomber, dive bombers, fighters, ASW, scout seaplanes, you name it.
Oh lord I didn’t realize, the majority of those parts probably comes from the gun pods. I can take em off and see what that does, is that ok?@TheAviationBoy
Oh my god y’all are awesome 🤣 doin well @WinsWings just workin through college.
+2GG Y’all.
+2Sometimes lift and/or drag can cause this. Changing the center of mass (the red sphere) could fix this, but as you said it doesn’t. This could only be solved in flight with trim, but that’s all that I know
+2It also breaks all reality and creates a singularity @PPLLAANNEE
+2@Trainz448 think bigger ☠️
+1@WinsWings thanks mate!
+1@Trainz448 same here, they’re so unique
+1@WinsWings We are so back 💪
+1@Amirreza1Ipchi0e5Haq if you wanna ad a cockpit go ahead, I didn’t plan on doing one, thanks for the help btw
+1@WinsWings that’s crazy dude, congrats!
+1@WinsWings Yep, I’m in a long-form RP scenario so I have a reason to be back lol
+1@WinsWings thank you! It’s pretty much my old NAA bluebird but updated
+1Tbh this is one of your most well put together aircraft. Good work mate!
+1Using RCS thrusters could help, however the main issue is the weight and balance. You’ve made the VTOL as a plane first, having an almost perfect COL,COM, and COT distribution. However, when the wings tilt, the aircraft’s COT becomes extremely high, as all the engines are on the tops of the wings. This also moves the majority of the weight backwards as well, too close to the center of lift. As such, the gyroscope doesn’t have the power to counteract this force, and it becomes uncontrollable. My recommendation is to build the aircraft like building a helicopter first, then try and transition it to an aircraft.
+1Heya mate, just been busy with life. You’re very welcome for introducing you to this game! @WinsWings
+1I’d love to see your take on the Kalinin K-7
+1No problem mate, Ive had that same issue and changing the wing number works@Grant14299
+1Changing the wing in the files to “Wing-2” changes it to a structural wing but it also keeps the control surface as well.@Grant14299
+1Pretty cool mate. Do you know what the record for the largest plane is on SP?
+1Yo dude, I absolutely love your aesthetic, plus the contrast between old generation aircraft and the new generation.
+1Fun fact I had to make the engines smaller because it originally had a power/weight ratio of almost 4.5
+1Holy hell this is top tier stuff
+1Thank you so much mate! @PlaneFlightX
+1@MrCOPTY heeeeellll yeaaaahhhh 👌
Hey Rambo! Definitely my favorite plane by far to fly of yours. Found out about the issue with the airbrake not retracting and decided to take the liberty of fixing it, ended up working perfectly! If you’d like I can send the fixed engine so you can fix the aircraft :)
@Karroc9522 THICC BOAHS
Huh interesting additions
@MrCOPTY huh?
@Amirreza1Ipchi0e5Haq Also dont worry about anything else but the delta wing thats the only part i need help with
@Amirreza1Ipchi0e5Haq No weapons, ill take care of that part
He has returned. Keep up the good work!
Slight issue with the flight characteristics, it wing stalls when you do any hard maneuvers.
I have surpassed this design. The Olympus Mons II has a wingspan of 429.8ft and a length of 257ft
Just shy of the biggest feasible aircraft in SP
@Graingy I couldn’t think of a better name lol
@Graingy pretty much
@DimitriIqbal91 yes? I’m General Blackbird, leader of the GVAF
@Hahahahaahahshs here’s an updated version:
@Hahahahaahahshs I know, I was short on time and wanted to get the main aircraft done first, I’ll get to work on the cockpit
Well it seems like you mostly do air corps aircraft from WW2, so maybe branch out and work on some naval carrier based designs. These would be a good test of your abilities. Ideas can include torpedo bomber, dive bombers, fighters, ASW, scout seaplanes, you name it.
Tip: never use gyroscopes in fixed winged aircraft, only use them in Helis or VTOLS.
Kinda what I was goin for @ChamDel78
Oh lord I didn’t realize, the majority of those parts probably comes from the gun pods. I can take em off and see what that does, is that ok?@TheAviationBoy
? @MemrWii
Thank you @MrCOPTY
I just saw it and downloaded it. Haven’t flown it yet but it looks amazing as usual @SimplePilot28465
Thank you! @SPAircraftOfficial
Btw, cockpit is fully VR adapted.
@WinsWings Thanks mate! I’ve got something big coming up too