7,995 MarbleXLazuli Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    Add Vapor trails for when planes pull high AoA and high G turns

  • A.A.I ADFX-014A Senko 4.5 years ago

    @Weebsruinedthiswebsite no one asked for your bad vibes. Pls head out the door and take them with you

  • RF-4EJ Fantomu 4.5 years ago

    @AltmzTrn_39 The power of anime fuels our 200 iq to full power

  • . 4.5 years ago

    @Potato21 So because I'm a weeb makes my opinion not matter. If you haven't caught on, i'm a human, just like every single one of you, but because i like anime means that my views don't matter. That sounds similar to racism, dont you think

  • . 4.5 years ago

    Alright listen here, all you frickin normies. There is nothing in the rules that says we can't put anime girls on our thumbnails. There are people in the world that enjoy anime, deal with it. You complaining about this crap doesn't make it go away. I and all the other aircraft loving weebs on this site will continue to post anime on our thumbnails and there is nothing you guys can do about it.

  • A.A.I F-14Acc Model 001 -Crosswind- 4.6 years ago

    Nice work, especially the lore, i love it all. Sadly since this is a challenge, i can't immediatly upvote it like i want badly. i want to see what others create. But to let you know, you have a mega head-start, this plane looks amazing. I can't put it into words

  • Vietnam-Era Naval Attack Challenge [OPEN'NT] 4.8 years ago

    I got my plane on lock and im on my way

  • I-401 Iona but its Jundroo's F/A-18 Hornet 3.4 years ago

    This is so heavily underrated. Like the originality and the creativity. This thing needs to be on Highest Rated, like now. Good job mate

  • . 4.5 years ago

    @banbantheman You too man, I think i'm going to take a nap and cool off. I normally don't do this and my day has been a piece of crap, So i'm sorry for unleashing it on you

  • . 4.5 years ago

    @banbantheman You just got done saying my opinion doesn't matter. I know what racism is very well, my parents had to live through it. You can hate me for liking anime, but then move on. If you don't like anime, don't and try to tell a weeb that anime sucks, demonstrated here we will fight back. SP is a sandbox game made for everyone interested in aviation or construction or whatever, it wasn't made for just weebs nor was it made for people who don't watch anime and etc. I and other weebs like i said will continue to do our weeb crap, deal with it and move on to another build instead of complaining about it

  • . 4.5 years ago

    @banbantheman Talk about forms of discrimination.

  • F-15J-ANM Iguru 4.5 years ago

    Yes another cultured man who has watched Girly Air Force as well. We are nearing the best waifu in the whole series. Good build

  • LF-22 F.2M -MIKU COLOR- 4.6 years ago

    Seeing a loli version of Miku on a 5th gen fighter jet just cured all my life problems. Thank you for this beautiful blessing

  • SU-30SM -Archange- 4.6 years ago

    @belugasub It was kind of obvious from the start. No two people on this planet can build the exact same way.

  • Spectre Force B-1R Lancer 2.9 years ago

    I've actually seen pictures of this concept design. it was cool. as a big fan of the Lancer I love this. Good job

  • Dad's punishment 3.3 years ago

    Jokes on you, Im into this~

    good build btw

  • X-02s Strike Wyvern V1 3.5 years ago

    Ayyy I saw this in MP that one time, nice work

  • Poyasakai FA-33G Drake [VMFA-236 Philia] 3.7 years ago

    Su-30 but better and more weeaboo.
    Marble's Seal of Approval

  • SEPECAT Jaguar GR.1 3.8 years ago

    Beautiful plon, friend

  • A.A.I ADFX-014A Senko 3.9 years ago

    @Viper_Z3R0 Arms Race!

  • A.A.I F-4X CCV Aura Phantom -Silver Fox- 3.9 years ago

    @Viper_Z3R0 I can't wait to meet them

  • A.A.I F-4X CCV Aura Phantom -Silver Fox- 3.9 years ago

    @Griffon1 @EngineerOtaku @CaptainSquadronLeaderX hi guys. sorry for my disappearance. School is painful

  • A.A.I F-4X CCV Aura Phantom -Silver Fox- 3.9 years ago

    @Griffon1 <<Long time, no see... Buddy>>

  • CVN JS Miku (First 1,000 part build) 4.5 years ago

    @Inuyasha8215 Same to you. Your now Platinum

  • A.A.I ADFX-014A Senko 4.5 years ago

    @Weebsruinedthiswebsite No one asked you to come and comment on my plane

  • RF-4EJ Fantomu 4.5 years ago

    @NavalBlaze Yes. A very cultured man.......inhales unlike Rex

  • . 4.5 years ago

    @DOX But people complaining "eW aNiMe GiRlS" is getting old. It basically saying ew a black pilot or ew a meme, Let people be themselves, If i want an anime girl on my thumbnail, i'm going to put one, if someone wants to make one of Trump's planes, they can do that. it doesn't automatically make the plane bad. So every one of these "normies", instead of wasting your time commenting on how disgusting anime is to you. Shut up and go build your own planes with your own thumbnails

  • . 4.5 years ago

    @DOX If i think the plane is good i'll fly it, regardless of their being an anime girl or not

  • . 4.5 years ago

    @DOX Yes thats perfectly fine as that is your choice

  • X-02 Wyvern [v2.0 With Rail-gun] 4.5 years ago

    How do you make aircraft able to PSM. is it naturally or scripted, if so how. But good build

  • Welcome to the asami isles NAVY (Requested by DarkMarble1) 4.5 years ago

    @EngineerOtaku I strive to make sure credit is put where credit is due. Despite the video, the F-14J series as im calling them for the rp is still under going retrofits as you saw with the Kai Stealthcat. I hope that is still cool with you

  • Pimp my Tomcat Challenge (Closed) [Results coming Soon] 4.6 years ago

    @Viper_Z3R0 Can't wait to see it

  • GIS Suggestions, Maps, Current and Future 4.6 years ago

    Tokyo, Japan

  • A.A.I F-14Acc Model 001 -Crosswind- 4.6 years ago

    @AccilianMilitaryAircraft Also if you didn't noticed.......... I really, really, really,really,really,really, really,really, really, really,really,really,really, really,really, really, really,really,really,really, really,really, really, really,really,really,really, really,really, really, really,really,really,really, really,really, really, really,really,really,really, really,really, really, really,really,really,really, really,really, really, really,really,really,really, really,really, really, really,really,really,really, really, REALLY love this plane........Yes I'm insane Owo

  • DHC MRF.02B Prinz Eugen -RON Razgriz- 4.7 years ago

    Sweet build. good work

  • Boeing C-17 Globemaster III 2.9 years ago

    fastest updoot in the west

  • The Arguably Perfect Aircraft 3.2 years ago

    Agility is important for evasion and just the overall case of arriving within visual range combat, not to mention if you encounter another and equally as potent stealth aircraft, you'll be relying on IR tracking or Visual sight to find him, which is automatic visual range combat.

    Durability doesn't really matter since a missile will blast any plane out of the sky, no matter the armor. That also causes a weight penalty. The less weight = more effective

    Definitely make it cost effective, since then you can field more in the case scenario of losing some units if that were to happen.

    Other than that, the aircraft could be multi-role, adds on to cost-effectiveness, makes it less of a logistical nightmare, and less unit complexity.

    Then it just comes down to whatever mission you need the aircraft to perform generally

  • AQF-24 Type-A «AVR-Comet» 3.2 years ago

    This a beautiful and crisp aircraft, amazing detail and the afterburner design, also flies amazingly. this make Belka very happy Comrade

  • F-15C Eagle (Cipher & Pixy) [Read desc. before download] 3.3 years ago

    So, Have you found a reason to fight yet, Buddy?

  • Marble class ekranoplan 3.5 years ago

    @KitsuneassemblylinesKAL sorry about that. On our discord server we made a running joke that whatever I shot down, killed, etc I ate and harnessed its powers

    mainly to cover my plot armor reasoning

    So I guess this would be me if I was an Ekranoplan

  • The Next Chapter... In my own journey 3.6 years ago

    @Strucker Arigatou

  • Mitsubishi T-2 3.6 years ago

    also I like how no one mentions that the pilots are actually Senko and Shiro with tails and ears and everything. Very impressed with the attention to detail

  • A-10C Thunderbolt II (DORIFTO) 3.6 years ago

    Deja Vu!

  • A.A.I XF-2 Mirage Thunder 3.6 years ago

    @Griffon1 Its time to lead the low cost charge

  • A.A.I XF-2 Mirage Thunder 3.6 years ago

    @Falkenwut Arigatou

  • A.A.I XF-2 Mirage Thunder 3.6 years ago

    @EngineerOtaku yeah for some reason it didn't auto-credit so sorry about that

  • F-22 Raptor by FranzPeterSiegfried (Modified By Nerfaddict) 3.7 years ago

    Man I miss Franz, He inspired me to join this site. Ima enjoy this aircraft. Thanks for preserving it

  • A.A.I F-414A Bloodhound-R 3.7 years ago

    @Inuyasha8215 Arigatou

  • Hey, long time no see 3.8 years ago

    @CaptainSquadronLeaderX alright, alright... i know im slackin

  • Hey, long time no see 3.8 years ago

    @Beefy Hello again
