29.1k Mattangi2 Comments

  • Covetous XII 5.5 years ago

    SledDriver bleeds out in the corner

  • LEAVING TIME. 4.4 years ago

    bet your dad left you without making a leaving forum

  • why'd my post get taken down? 4.7 years ago

    looks like SP did a youtube

  • The repeated Obama posts are SPAM 6.7 years ago

    Thanks a lot, Obama

  • wut? 6.5 years ago

    So this is what dividing by 0 is like.

  • German Corsair 4.6 years ago

    haha yes plane has upvotes lemme report it

  • Hello 5.2 years ago

    @JamesBleriot kid. There's a VERY clear cut difference between lying about your identity to impersonate another user, which is against the rules (that's a crime, actually. It is called "identity theft," and when it is not blatantly obvious that it is a joke, you can get a few years of jail time), and making an alternate account where I very specifically clarified 1) who I am, and 2) for what singular purpose that account was created for. You need to learn and understand the difference between a joke and actual misconduct. This doesn't only apply to SP. Nobody thinks of you as some virtuous God by reporting every joke, or even every non-joke action, that you think every so slightly crosses the line.
    Read the rules.
    "Don't make alternate accounts to upvote your own stuff."
    Does it say "don't make alternate accounts," or does it say "don't upvote your own stuff?"

  • F55 Super Dasher 6.6 years ago

    you forgot the Youtuber Jelly tag...

  • WHY AM I BROWN!!!!????? 4.6 years ago


  • Happy Birthday SimplePlanes 2019! 5.2 years ago

    The cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie

  • Mattangi where you at bruv 6.5 years ago

    cant think of a good comeback
    ... trivago.

  • What do you think? 4.2 years ago

    @Embo based as fuck

  • On recent issues 4.5 years ago

    German Corsair isnt first anymore we need to get it to at least 300 upvotes

  • . 5.3 years ago

    *big daddy andrew

  • Someone Is Converting SP Replicas Into 3d Models And Trying To Sell Them 5.5 years ago

    damn it i missed it, does anyone have any screenshots of the account while it was still up?

  • A Really Thicc Ant 6.7 years ago

    I would smash

  • I need to apologize for some things 6.8 years ago

    For a 16 year old, you know a shoit ton about cars. good for you!

    Good, luck, my friend. No matter who you think you are, and no matter who i think you are, it does not matter. You are the demonsniper8, the first person to truly befriend me on this site, the person who told me i was probably a former platinum builder who started their account over (XD), and the first person to truly appreciate my builds. Remember the Biome? I do. You gave it an 18 out of 20. and a 10/10 for looks. You were my go to person for advice, and when i uploaded a car, i waited until you either upvoted or spotlighted my build. Because i belived that the moment you saw my post, it would mean that it would become a hit.
    For a time, whenever i typed in the word "dem," the middle autocorrect bar would auto fill the name demonsniper8. Thats how much i searched your name up!
    I know what you are going through. I have me some wierd ass condtions myself. Trypophobia? The fear of little holes. I get chills up my spine whenever i see a beehive. Its infuriating, and frustrating. Though this does not even come close to what you are dealing with, just know that you were here for me in every step of the way, and i will be here for you as well.
    I really appreciated your work for me. I really wish you had received more credit than you did. I mean that F40? Phenomenal! I Think the best F40 out there.
    You were my first friend on this SimplePlanes site.
    No matter who you are, and no matter who you think you are or aren't, you cant change that you were there from the beginning for me, and neither can I.
    Thank you.

    • Henry.
      The origional account creator.

  • F-15E Strike Eagle 4.4 years ago

    @Blue0Bull ok trump supporter

  • 3D MILK 4.5 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 pls make an onlyfans

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    dont worry little fella we're gonna

  • Yak 15 X5 5.3 years ago

    this is the guy that stalin told you not to worry about

  • Blaze- Sandsift Drift 5.4 years ago

    bruh the water looks like korea

  • Advanced Rendering 5.9 years ago

    hi, the mod seems to be completely broken now...
    The sky is purple, and the non-custom camera doesnt work anymore...
    is a fix coming out?

  • How dumb is the AI in game? well... 6.7 years ago

    Wait, USS Tiny II?
    There’s a second one?

  • The SimplePlanes Etiquette #1: Using other's creation. 5.0 years ago

    @Spikerya as a joke. I added a 3500 part milennium falcon cockpit to the car. That's obviously a joke. You might not find it funny, but I dont care, im allowed to do that. The FIRST comment I get is from RU.

    Now if you are referring to the re-upload I did, then yes, that was me "ripping off" her build with the sole intention of pissing her off, as a response to her quite sad attempt to gain sympathy for herself by making a forum post where she pretty much begged for sympathy and made herself some sort of victim of harassment. Harassment! Because apparently uploading a 100% legal successor of your car is harassment? (and actually, i did give credit in the second post, albeit it was very misspelled).

    So you tell me who had worse etiquette, me, who uploaded a completely legal successor and then one not so legal re-upload, or RU, who literally told me to f myself and then tried to peg HERSELF as the victim, voluntarily publicizing the drama herself, and then begging for even MORE sympathy by deleting her acc and then making a forum when people started to realize that maybe she wasnt the victim here.

  • Flying Empty Dinner Plate 5.4 years ago

    @IStoleYourMeme they would have straw plates

  • Hurricane Dorian 5.5 years ago

    if you drive into the eye and then walk with it at the same speed it moves, you should be fine.

  • spreading awareness for abused nose gear 5.5 years ago

    the hunchback of notre dame got a bodykit i see

  • Overload V1.0 Released 6.7 years ago

    What’s the difference?

  • I am black 4.5 years ago

    @Eiro impossible my dad is still out buying cigarettes

  • SimplePlanes - Player Content Feature #2 4.6 years ago

    @JustDatGuy discrimination, pc master race and you know it

  • Nightmare 4.6 years ago

    windows version pls

  • Idea for simpleplanes 4.6 years ago

    hook ur penis up to a breast pump and activate whenever the page updates

  • The SimplePlanes Etiquette #1: Using other's creation. 5.0 years ago

    @JamesBleriot twice actually, and both times you publicized it, which was idk not funny or commendable? I think I had this conversation with you before. I have no idea why you seem to love reporting on my bans, but its really cringy dude. And im not trashing anyone. Literally RU told me to F*ck off. I'm just reacting to that.

  • Functional Bombsight - All-Altitude, All-Weather 5.2 years ago

    I guess high school maths IS useful in the real world

  • Flying Toilet with Hulk Poop 5.3 years ago

    hulk doesnt poop because hulk does not have a butthole

  • Schwerer Gustav 5.3 years ago

    i have a bigger gun but im not allowed to talk about it

  • Um what 5.3 years ago

    someone just failed NNN

  • Checkmate Mattangi2! 5.3 years ago

    im so sorry, please dont eat me

  • The Usage of KTHXBYE 5.4 years ago

    @YourWife does it count that i used to be a star football player so im allowed to murder my wife and get away with it?

  • An Unfortunately High Part Count 5.5 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii not exactly

  • Silver Users need to be Nerfed. 5.7 years ago

    plot twist: theyre all the same person

  • Our games are now free for education 5.9 years ago

    I taught a cat how to scratch its front legs with its rear legs once. I'm pretty sure I should be given educator status.

  • Mustangs 6.3 years ago

    thats why you go with camaros.

  • What do you think about me now? 6.7 years ago

    I think...
    You might be a thing...
    That flies.

    Comedy: 100

  • I am slowly getting my arsenal back together 6.7 years ago

    Wow. You know what they say.
    The early bird gets shot by the poachers who know that most animals are out at night.

  • Aquila CR1 No Regret Racing No.1 6.8 years ago

    I Hated the car (irl).
    Then I saw how you made it.
    Now, I love it.
    You changed my opinion on something.
    That's an enormous feat.
