5,954 Maximum777 Comments

  • Rally Championships 6.0 years ago

    Oh man would it be cool for mobile, I have so many rally and Baja inspired vechicles, oh it would be fun, too bad I don't have a pc

  • Takswagen Calico WH-2 4.9 years ago

    That speedometer is incredible

  • MiG-29K 5.9 years ago

    @randomusername well thanks, I worked hard on it, saw a real one in a museum, decided I could make it in SP and then ended up creating this, and all on mobile! I'm so proud of it, and it feels like it flys more realistic than your typical simple plane in this game, it might just be because it looks great but I'm quite happy with it for now, thinking of building more realistic planes like this soon.

  • Simple_Land 6.0 years ago

    It looks like the land that's in the SP classic reflections

  • Performance SCT V5 Blackout 4.7 years ago

    @Shanethepain1 thanks, that was the goal, soft but strong, sadly however it's not getting nearly as many downloads as it's first iteration, maybe I just didn't get the first screenshot bright enough? All in all hopefully my next build does a bit better.

  • A Vanilla BG Helicopter! 4.8 years ago

    @Aweyer26 sure go right ahead, good luck with the build.

  • Pegasus 60-MK 10 (SUPER PEGASSUS) 4.8 years ago

    Ok a couple things, I'd say increase the roll rate, it's not exactly slow when you're at it's too speed but at lower air speeds it does roll pretty slowly. Another thing is the rear landing gear has no suspension and it really would benefit a lot from having something tl cushion a hard landing, it really doesn't take much to break the rear on a hard landing. Last thing is it handles decent, it's very stable but you could probably squeeze some more turn rate out of it if you made the rear horizontal stabalizers and elevator a bit bigger.

  • Transcendental Thrash Metal 4.9 years ago

    @Wakescar that's awesome, I'm just a nerd for suspension and have had pretty much expienence only with RC's, hobby grade for 6 years, but I've had toy grade cars for all my life, and only recently, just a few months ago, I got my driver license which has been great as I think due to RC expienence I'm really good at driving, my spacial awareness is really good and I park better than both my parents, we also have a Subaru, and even though it's automatic it's still so fun to drive, I also seem to be the only one who knows how capable it is in dirt and loose stuff, I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with it when it gets passed down and is my car officially, reguardess though, my next build here is going to be a Baja build that's another attempt at making working 3 link pan hard bar suspension with realistic steering.

  • Performance SCT V5 Blackout 4.9 years ago

    @An2k so to get the sway bar for the front suspension to for one not be too stiff and allow for a ton of travel, and two, fit in there, I had to use more shocks than I'd usually do for a sway bar, but indeed, the horizontal shocks in front of the rear suspension are part of the front sway bar which I did some crazy stuff to to get it to fit in such a confined space.

  • Dakar Rally Car V1 - Gold Edition 4.9 years ago

    @Evenstsrike333 ya I mentioned before that was almost accidental, finished the build, had 668 parts, only logical step was make it have 666 for the meme but there was also exactly 5000 drag points, 5000 points is gold, you get the idea but I kid you not the two pieces I removed must of been blocking some drag from being calculated because after I uploaded it I noticed it changed the drag to 5008, and I had done nothing else to it during testing except for make some parts not collide, so ya, a bit of a fail bit it's whatever at this point, I still couldn't be happier with it. (Oops this is long)

  • P-1112 Aigaion Prototype (Ace Combat 6) 4.9 years ago

    HA, you've also played Ace Combat, at least probably, gotta try to spawn it as an AI and land on it lol.

  • Dakar Rally Car V1 - Gold Edition 4.9 years ago

    @JonTKocz yeet, I do it all, I fly rc planes, drive rc cars, Fly FPV quads, and I do some free flight stuff as well as I do have a collective pitch heli. Ive made tons of things in this game, especially cars based off of rc's, you would probably enjoy checking out some of my crawlers.

  • Dakar Rally Car V1 - Gold Edition 4.9 years ago

    @CalebRepublic I kid you not, I finished the build and looked at the part count and it said 668, so there was only one logical thing to do.

  • SkyWolf S-10 4.9 years ago

    This thing is so pretty though, I love how it looks

  • Gold Prix "Record Car" 2 5.2 years ago

    Oh also I went as far as adaptive downforce that opens at high speeds to let the car have less drag, which also, if you hit the breaks, comes back and gives you more traction as well as more drag to stop quicker.

  • Gold Prix "Record Car" 2 5.2 years ago

    @PiggyTnT Ya the only thing that annoys me is the fact that vechiles can be as simple as your vechile and still work incredibly well. My goal with my vechile, the G1 Racer, was to put complex stuff that's super realistic. Cantilever suspension and swaybars, on a 4 wheel, 4 engine chassis is realistic apart from the 4 engine~engine per wheel thing, but that's just SP for you. In racing IRL a brick with a bunch of wheels can't work, the track's too bumpy and the plus side to using auctual suspension is you can use the abality to soften the vechiles swaybars to get different handling characteristics and tune a vechile for a specific track etc, if the track in SP wasn't perfectly flat it would be a much more interesting and competitive thing to race on because, while here ok the track currently, all you need is a brick with very little drag, or some nuts thing like the super looper, but if eventually, more tracks or other car orientated slands are added, my vechile can get it's chance to shine as it is an extremely capable chassis, the suspension is impressive to say the least, but where suspension isn't needed as the game is RN, the suspension just becomes dead weight and drag that's just not needed for a fast time. All in all I'm happy with my realisim, but I have a question and that is how does your vechile handle off if the track, over bumps etc? My build, the G1 Racer, is incredible it just eats bumps and so far I've seen very few vechiles capable of doing what it can do, I think it's likely best described as versatile. Anyways I think I may just make a new on road chassis and see what I can do.

  • Victoreior-2 5.4 years ago

    @Ventus thanks, I've kinda just had it sitting around so I decided I should probably upload it. All I had to do was finalize the AG's and set everything up properly, its a really good all around plane

  • Victoreior-2 5.4 years ago

    The quick release missle pods are super fun, try attacking the enemy base, the lasers can't stop all the missle's!

  • Dakar Rally Truck V4 Leafspring Chassis 5.6 years ago

    @tylerdeveneuxmusic I'm trying to make it look like this Red Bull truck.

  • Performance SCT V4 5.6 years ago

    @LiamW And to think that I've auctualy made this better than the version uploaded here though, the next version of this I have doesn't break so eaisaly, and this version all ready takes a lot to break, I'm very happy with it and I'll call your name when the updated version is out.

  • Sway Bar suspension 8x8 X2 5.6 years ago

    @wello And that's why you dont add useless blocks. And if you added weight the suspension would need to be re tuned, I'd suggest lessoning the angle the shocks are at before just throwing more suspension on to it.

  • Sway Bar suspension 8x8 X2 5.6 years ago

    @wello well sure but that would be the easy out, you see, the point of suspension is to keep the vechile stable and keep all wheeles in contact with the ground to give the vechile more traction, you made it more top heavy and thus it no longer performed as I had originally designed. I'd recommend redesigning it to have more weight lower down and see if you could re build the swaybars to be stiffer. Adding a gyro is basically like cheating, that's why I never EVER use them in cars and push myself to design vechiles that are stable all on thier own. Think about it, adding a gyro, that basically defys physics anyways, (it wouldn't be possible for something that small to do what it does) makes all the swaybars useless, and makes all the balancing I did useless. The fact that it wouldn't work IRL is the reason vechiles have suspension like they do and why I built it the way I did, so no don't add gyro to fix a stabality issue, tinker around and see what you can tune or adjust to fix the problem at hand with in the suspension.

  • Sway Bar suspension 8x8 X2 5.6 years ago

    Ya, autocredit, thinking I'm going to remake this soon as well, start from scratch and design some nuts swaybar independent and then go from there.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 5.6 years ago

    @VerldVarIII I have an upload if literally just the Chassis.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 5.6 years ago

    @VerldVarIII strange I thought the download lock due to too many parts was removed...

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 5.6 years ago

    @VerldVarIII the V1 version has a lot less parts, but best thing you can do is remove the lights and like un nessery parts, the roll cage, scale details, or just remove the whole body.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 5.6 years ago

    @shipster thanks, I put a decent amount of time into re tuning and all around finalizing it's performance characteristics.

  • Dakar Rally Truck V3 5.7 years ago

    @CDRxavier the white bars are sway bars, they keep the axle level allowing the vechile to take a turn and not just compress one side of the suspension and roll but rather evenly distribute the load across the axle so instead of compressing one side they compress both, if you built them rock solid the axle liter cannot roll left or right and only goes up and down, I built them slightly flexible so that the axle can roll some and auctualy do its job and absorb bumps I kept it's abality to push there though so that it doesn't flip, also push means... Auctualy this takes a bit more explaining um, IRL race and sports cars have stiffer sway bars so that they dont roll too far left and right and instead slide along the ground when they go too far where most cars would flip, it's known as pushing instead of catching, most regular non sport vechiles don't have super stiff swaybars and absorb bumps better than race cars but can't take a turn nearly as fast or with as much control because they will catch and roll over, and I'm not talking a curve in a road at 60mph, I'm talking a hard right doing 100mph, riding the edge of a slide in and out of the turn. Street cars basically are a balance of push and catch, it's all a balance of do you want a Smoove ride or something that literally dosent flip taking a turn at 150mph, street cars drive well but not anything close to any sports or race car because regular streets are not perfect and have plenty of bumps and various lot holes, you get the point, race tracks do not, they are basically perfect, super Smoove and clean, there's no loose rocks and the ground is made to be gripped by racing tires at high speeds that don't have much tread. Rally cars are interesting they basically are the best of both worlds, they have plush suspension that's even better at absorbing bumps than street cars, but they also have the abality to Push and handle Amazing with stiff swaybars for on road and REDICIOLUS suspension for off road, this is greatly exzagerated in Rally Trucks which are top heavy, they are made for more endurance racing, like the Dakar endurance race, going over terrain nothing else can, they do however sacrafice a lot for this, they don't do on road very well and would never survive the corners an F1 car can take etc. Onlyt making it around bends by spinning thier tires and having less traction because if this. The big monster truck F1 you built is so simple and big it just dosent care, and also you made it so wide it's pr

  • ZENITH 5.7 years ago

    @CDRxavier I just realized how long what I typed is ... Woops, sorry you don't have to read it, it basically explains 4 links suspension^_^

  • Dakar Rally Truck V3 5.7 years ago

    Btw decently stable, cimpaired to other True Solid axle vechiles like this, that have as much suspension travel as this one, good luck driving something this big, with out sway bars, that still uses true 4 link, at 140mph on road, not much else can handle it with out swaying back and forth.

    Also for this to drive properly you MUST run it with PHYSICS SETTINGS: HIGH, otherwise the swaybars do not work and allow the vechile to roll extremely eaisaly and it just doesn't handle like anything.

  • ZENITH 5.7 years ago

    Ok I see the problem and why you used shocks on your links, your suspension geometry is way off, I'll upload something explaining how suspension geometry has to be for suspension to work like it does IRL and all in all work properly, sadly simple planes disagrees most of the time and makes incredibly realistic suspension just explode but I'll explain later.

  • Dakar Rally Truck V3 5.7 years ago

    @CDRxavier I originally made this suspension to be really really scale looking, I wanted it to look real, and in the end I discovered a lot messing around with the swaybars but what I found is that if you basically give the rear tires no sideways traction it won't flip when you turn, and the problem is you can't turn so making it over steer was really the only way to make it drivable, I also made it easy to work in by making the chassis itself a sepreat part from the body, which btw is attached by one pole dead center in the chassis, I'd recommend taking it off and messing with it the chassis alone, anyways for the next version I'm changing the body to make it able to ride lower and I'm overhualling the shocks, they just like to expload right now and I got to fix that.

  • F-15 Eagle 5.7 years ago

    Here's some places to improve for when you give it weapons and challenge my Mig 29
    Ok so the rotator controlled vertical stabalizer's and elevator are cool and scale bus siginificantly reduce the aircrafts stabality, IRL this does not occur but with in the SP flight model it causes the aircraft to basically loose vertical stabality than regain it, than loose it and then regain it in a cycle thats oblivious in flight once you understand it, the fix is just using controll surfaces and doing away with the whole stabalizer movie, OR hiding more vertical stabalizer's somewhere, also bringing them further from the main wing may help some but it's still in need of more vertical and some more horizontal stabalization. I also noticed that because it's so small it's just less stable, I'd scale it up a bit and see if that makes it better, you could also use the bigger engines then and give more to the scale factor because of how powerful this plane is IRL.

    Takeoff is sketchy mainly because of stabality but because it's custom gear when it retracts, it carry's it's momentum and manages to somehow affect the plane in flight. Non custom gear does not but possibly make the gear retract slower and maybe make it lighter.

  • Zero-G MK1 Floating Ship 5.7 years ago

    @Hyattorama that's what I'm thinking of doing for the bigger ships but keeping this version balanced with only one VTOL was hard, and it was way more fun being light, it carried less momentum and you could go fast but still be able to change direction reasonably quickly so having it to where about half the VTOL Slider was a hover and you could controll your altitude entirely independent from the heading of the craft made it easier to test, and made it more fun anyways literally my thoughts exactly with making it more of a gravity slider, no gravity when it's all the way up and regular gravity with it down and maybe having the trim slider be the altitude adjustment, activating upwards and downwards thrust makes lots of sense to me so I think I'll do that for the next thing I build.

  • Zero-G MK1 Floating Ship 5.7 years ago

    @Hyattorama I plan to make a much bigger version that's armed and has infinite fuel which will make it fly as long as it holds up to fire and hopefully be able to basically carry any weight and be like some crazy Star Ship Enterprise style flying battle ship of sorts, and I'm thinking of enabling a gyro and be able to turn it on and off to make some of the flying easier.

  • ADF-11F Raven 5.8 years ago

    I also plan to make a very informative video on how to fly it and link it here vvv

    Lol, I haven't done it yet, suffer

  • my lemans 2018 build 6.3 years ago

    @38460 ok, well I'll have to see if I can make some sick on road suspension for this, any preferences? (Assuming you're ok with me building a chassis/suspension for the body)

  • Nascar Build off Challenge: BASE 6.6 years ago

    @LiamW, well of course, the whole point is for it to be a suspension performance build off

  • Sulper Scale Crawler Chassis (3 link panhard and 4 link with realistic steering) 6.7 years ago

    I think the most annoying part of this build was getting the parts to connect to the right things, I had a lot of issues where parts would suddenly become stiff because they decided that they were connected to the chassis or a different random part of the suspension by bypassing a rotator and connecting straight to the part that was supposed to be able to move fluidly because of the rotator and if you removed the rotator while the problemed part wasn't connected to anything else it would just float there, working to make this on mobile was hard, but I did it and I'm very satisfied with the result.

  • Sway Bar suspension 8x8, Best suspension yet! 6.8 years ago

    hahaha,you'll laugh at this thing, It's kinda like the spin tires 8x8, and the things just stupid! It wheelie's and has 4 sets of solid alxe suspension, and the things really tiny, it's probably the smallest most complex thing I've made, I still have to upload it though, I'll Link it in a minute here.

  • Glass Suspension Buggy 1.6 years ago

    :D the 3 auto generated images have cool blue accents because of the glass, they look amazing.

  • Dakar Rally Car V1 - Gold Edition 4.3 years ago

    @Baconboi1 sure thing but out of curiosity what do you have in mind?

  • Onroad 6X6 4.5 years ago

    @Ap12909 same, good to know people still play and still care about builds like mine.

  • Onroad 6X6 4.5 years ago

    @Ap12909 been busy tbh. I've also been playing more multiplayer games with my friends lately, sea of theives, minecraft, valorant, cosmoteer, and auctualy some SP modded multiplayer but it's really buggy, anyways I just haven't been on SP for a while, I also have had summer homework for AP classes etc, so I've been busy reguardess of just playing games with friends, anyways I'll probably be playing some SP pretty soon, I auctualy do have a few just about finished builds I need to upload so I'll be doing that soon.

  • H-14 (a fully mechanical helicopter) 4.8 years ago

    It looks nice, besides that I haven't had the chance to fly it yet

  • I-16 (my first attempt to replica of planes) 4.9 years ago

    @Frenchman you should build off of the feed back and get it flying better, make a V2, add some more features etc

  • I-16 (my first attempt to replica of planes) 4.9 years ago

    @rexzion I'm just as confused as you! this thing is so popular its rediciolus, it's over rated for seemingly no reason, he missed so many details as well, I made an I-16 and I made it because I think the plane is amazing, I had allready known tons about it and my goal was to match it's performance in game to it's performance IRL, I also want for some of the basic details, I matched the count and placement of all the guns, I matched the time it takes for the wheels to go up, I couldn't match the shape perfectly because it flew too poorly, so I compromised there to allow for better flight characteristics, and in the end mine certainly looks prettier than this and to see if any of this hope held up I put this and my I-16 up against each other in a dogfight, both flown by AI and mine absolutely destroyed this one, yet in the end I got far fewer Upvotes for a plane that flies just like it's IRL WII counterpart down to top speed and turn rate, it's more accurate in every way, anyways, idk why SP is like this, but stuff gets unfairly represented all the time and I guess that's just how it be, it is what it is.

  • I-16 (my first attempt to replica of planes) 4.9 years ago

    if you do make a V2 be sure to look up where it had its guns, its top speed, how it handled in the air, and its open cockpit with all its quirks like how you out the gear down, its a very strange plane, and it had many really weird quirks, you should include a few more of them if you do make a V2.

  • Chevy K5 Blazer V2 6x6 4.9 years ago


  • Onroad 6X6 4.9 years ago

    A goal with this build was to make the suspension as compact as possible, I think it ended up working out really well.