@RyooSensei It's basically editing the main rotor and putting the tail rotor in "head hold"
Specifically you remove the first 4 1 from the main rotor in the edition in those you put them at 0 In the first 2 No in those 2 others yes
Ryoo u should try to make helis just look up a simple guide in how to stabilize them
From my side, if you make a bell 207 I will turn it into the police maverick of GTA SA
Holy Gyatt 🙏
+10The one thousand crops stare
+4New Ground Target
+3Jesi wi need to cuk
+3@SamTheUncle Communism Is Better w
+3(Im Joking Communism Is Sh Get Me Out Of Here)
The pregnant plane
+2@RyooSensei ill continue with the minecraft style builds but not for now
+2Off-brand F-15
+2Bro just installed simpleplanes 😭
+2I am simp
+2How to defeat americans:
+2@VeroViper It's not my fault that rockstar made that paint decision
+2@upperflat since im from a third world country i have it pirated
+2Boig sentri
+2Do The Mercedes CLR
+2@Majakalona ok 🗿
+2Temu F22 Raptor 🗣️🔥
+2When My Pookie Bear Lebron James
+1The Sov-Draken
+1@RyooSensei kinda i lost interest but im not sure about it
+1Ill download it
+1Pregnant Submarine Hunter
+1When MCL36 (Simple)
+1Keep doing ur studies bruv
+1Nice Plane Buddy
+1My guy is underrated
+11st Upvote
+1Man i need to revisit portal
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore HawkTua Next Lmao
+1LGBT air
+1I spent 4 minutes scrolling the dang info
+1@RyooSensei It's basically editing the main rotor and putting the tail rotor in "head hold"
Specifically you remove the first 4 1 from the main rotor in the edition in those you put them at 0 In the first 2 No in those 2 others yes
Or Just Use A Heli Of Mine And Copy The Rotors
+1@RyooSensei Do you know how to fix helicopters yet?
+1That censored part 💀 i couldnt find a way to do a reupload for thiz
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore "Uuuuh We Didnt Have Time To Paint Them"
+1Off-brand ATR
+1Using it for the Black Mesa Source Apache
+1Fish 🔥
+1Greetings from ur neighbor country
+1@RyooSensei doing the Annihilator helped more
+1@MA2211c thank u
+1@NormalCv580enjoyer Yup
+1Dorito drone
+1Ryoo u should try to make helis just look up a simple guide in how to stabilize them
+1From my side, if you make a bell 207 I will turn it into the police maverick of GTA SA
Hard asf