1,034 MrNinja Comments

  • V2 8.4 years ago

    This thing is fun to fly. Nice plane, err, rocket :)

  • Yeti Scramble 8.8 years ago

    I'm getting around 1:13, but haven't tested it much, and am guessing it won't be totally reliable. Didn't feel like putting in too much time in designing, and just entered this one for fun, hopefully I'll get a few rounds in. Good luck everyone!!!

  • Steam Beta 8.9 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison , just out of curiosity, what is preventing the new islands from coming to / running on mobile? RAM limits, cpu, storage etc.

  • Flyweight - Oceanview Speedway 8.9 years ago

    The AI can learn how to fly planes? I thought it just worked how it worked.

  • Rjet 4.0 "Tempest" 8.9 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor it doesn't accelerate in the sandbox (decrease size of drag cones in back to allow it to). It worked well on Android, but the props exploded first thing in the tournament, so I'm wondering if I was able to get it past 750 mph due to something with the Android physics engine, and not on PC. Thanks for the upvote too!

  • I might try to make my own app! 8.9 years ago

    I don't know if you have codding experience or if you're just getting into this, but if you are just starting out, and have an iPad, check out Codea. You can export and publish an app, it's in lua so it's alot faster than other languages, and you can publish apps to the app store (export zip file, then publish using xcode). There's also a great community, and you can make almost anything with it (it's quite powerful with alot of libraries).

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison , any chance we could get the next tournament started right after this one ends (open for submission + 4 day timer) rather than the wait that we've had between the last couple of tournaments?

  • Neu Racer 8.9 years ago

    Tested on Android, high physics (same as tournament), got 1:49.

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    @DangerousTyler , in a little bit over 13.8 hours, the tournament will start, ant there be a link to the live stream in the tournaments page and on this page you'll be able to access the bracket and see your previous and upcoming matches.

  • Remembering SimpleWheels (Last Year's April Fools Joke) 8.9 years ago

    I loved simple wheels, and spent way too much time on it for an April fools joke :). Made one that went way off the map, sent the brain flying (it didn't roll at all, so technically not a wheel, but still pretty great)

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor , you'll see in the race!

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    Just got 1:33 :)

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    I seem to have found a little glitch in the physics engine. I can get a plane to accelerate to 900+ mph unmodded. It explodes, but i think i might be able to get it stable enough to work.

    ~ Got it up to 1600 before exploding, un modded props only :)

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    One question, how does "nudging" work, on Android. Would this https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/252462/Beta-Fine-Tuner-Mod-Fine-tune-position-and-rotation-without-leaving-the-edito count as nudging, or would that be considered XML modding. Thanks

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    I've got a plane (14000 lbs, 5 turboprop engine [2 facing forward, 3 facing backwards] and 1500 drag points), but can't get it above 710 mph and 1:51 in the tournament. My question is what engine configuration do you use, esp regarding propeller pitch and stuff. With auto it struggles for awhile, then the engines kick in after awhile and start working well, it accelerates to 720 mph, and goes. Fixed accelerates to 710, but takes a long time to accelerate (percent of pitch doesn't matter really). Then manual i find confusing. With throttle govorner the engine accelerates extremely fast, and the plane gets up to 710 mph. What i don't understand is how the pitch range scale and pitch settings work - even with range scale set to zero it accelerates the same. Any help / tips appreciated. Thanks!

  • F1 Funk Drawer 8.9 years ago

    Nice win on Lunar Arc!

  • RJet 3.1.1 Fission 9.0 years ago

    @tank570585 Yup, thanks for the testing, and good luck in the tournament.

  • RJet 3.1.1 Fission 9.0 years ago

    @tank570585 thanks for the quick testing. If it's not too much to ask, could you try it with smaller ailerons on the wings to see if that makes a difference?

  • RJet 3.1 Fission 9.0 years ago

    @tank570585 Could you test this version, see if it helps. I increased the size of the elevator.https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/7nEnL9/RJet-3-1-1-Fission

  • RJet 3.1 Fission 9.0 years ago

    @tank570585 Thanks for testing it!!!

  • Anyone willing to test planes on lunar arc? 9.0 years ago

    Could someone test this https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/s9aE3M/RJet-3-1-Fission

  • Lunar Arc 9.0 years ago

    Coudl someone test this plane, and tell me if it finishes and the time? Thanks.https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/s9aE3M/RJet-3-1-Fission

  • Lunar Arc 9.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison the commentary was great, esp when the guy crashed into the back of my plane. I just about burst out laughing when you guys went "Oooohhhhh", as I didn't hear the commentary going on earlier.

  • Lunar Arc 9.0 years ago

    @Thelaw11 , or someone else, would you be willing to test my plane? Thanks. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/s9aE3M/RJet-3-1-Fission

  • RJet 3.0 "Quantum" 9.0 years ago

    Thanks @GrumpyRacing!!! And thanks for the upvotes!!! (Never expected an upvote from the dev @AndrewGarrison !!!)

  • Typhoon Circuit 9.0 years ago

    Ahhhh, they crashed into the back of my plane and counted as a loss for me.opponent crashed second round, and opponed won third round. If they wouldn't have crashed into me first round, they may have crashed and I'd have had a chance. Good game nonetheless fighter MX.

  • Typhoon Circuit 9.0 years ago

    Haven't won a match yet in a tournament (crashed) for the last 2, but managed to win 3 matches this time so far!

  • Typhoon Circuit 9.0 years ago

    @Spiraxd Happens to me often with my plane. I'm using android, and I'm hoping the version they're using for the tournament won't have that problem. Im hoping it's platform based.

  • EFx-2836 (with wheels!!!) for daredevil 9.0 years ago

    Going against me in daredevil - good luck :) !!!! (Manatee)?

  • How to make stable racing planes. 9.0 years ago

    @DanAviation , the problem is, when i do that I have a) extremely sluggish elevator performance b) extreme vibration when flown by the computer (as is someone during the last tournament commented when I made it through, and I quote "Virbrate to victory"