41.5k MrVaultech Comments

  • Need help with missile speed increase 5.7 years ago

    Add the XML attribute "maxSpeed" and add whatever number you want in its separate space, with Overload

  • This needs to stop! 4.5 years ago

    There's a surpising amount of people in a part of the SP community who don't hang around the site, more specifically on Discord, who feel that if things are to a painful amount of hyper-realistic detail, then what you've created is absolute trash and shouldn't even exist. I'd guess it would be ironic to say most of their own "superior" creations tend to fall either into the trappings of fictional designs they usually call out, or are just shameless copies of real equipment that just one way or another performs worse than what they copied.

    Just an example, I was asked on Discord what type of ceramic I used for one of my vehicle's armor, I'm not even kidding with that...

  • Almost 4 years out of date 6.0 years ago

    Not to mention all the planes in the pic are horribly outdated by todays SP standard...

  • How does one write a good bio? 4.4 years ago

    Just do

  • Propeller engines in SP are sluggish as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu dge 5.0 years ago

    Not hate towards the busy devs or the question in general, but it took something like a year just for them to increase the maximum size of fuselage blocks from 5 to 10, doubt they'd get around for something like tweaking the engines in a decent time, especially now.


    Just because two people revoked/reverse their signing doesn't mean the whole effing treaty failed.

  • New Moderator 4.9 years ago

    What's with all the mods being in SPMC?
    Like, I get its a place everyone knows each other already and know what to expect and blah blah, but kinda feel it might cause an echo chamber, like what happened with Official Discord Staff.

  • The SPW, with Awsomur [49] 5.4 years ago

    I'm pretty much here with Aeromen, since CptJacobson had become very known to steal parts from people in the SLRP server after two users uploaded a whole host of evidence, and in some instances he did himself.
    Overall, I know he had stolen a whole turret of a tank from Waemoth, then later inadvertently admitted to "taking inspiration" from Waemoth's turret despite it looking very obviously he had straight ripped it from Waemoth's tank.
    Not to mention he has ripped an indeterminate amount of someone else's ship for his own that I believe hasn't been uploaded.
    And overall, this one picture of a post he made on SP pretty much sums up his skills at running a country.
    If the above links aren't showing my opinion on CptJacobson being a spotlight, then I'm not really sure what will...
    Though, it's whoever's decision, being Jim1the1Squid's suggestion apparantly.

  • An Actual Discrace To The SP Community. 4.6 years ago

    How somethimg that takes the appearance of very little work recieves so many upvotes and spotlights, things I've considered almost my entire time here as gestures of recognition from people that you made something they like and they appreciate your work, when some of your best stuff gets absolutely nothing, it's genuinely a disgrace.
    I may not agree with everything said in the forum, but the sentiment of "upvote for meme value" on something that isn't even a meme is just bad.

  • Victory 5.8 years ago

    it's trying it's best, diets only do so much

  • Planes that look good in thumbnail but look like potato in cross section 4.2 years ago

    Almost always depend on those when looking at stuff with custom thumbnails or custom designers.

  • What is this “Funky trees” thing? 4.4 years ago

    Trees that got some groove

  • Desperately Needed Fix to the Undo Button 4.9 years ago

    Would definitely love to have this fixed, been having to deal with it since I first began playing, and it's genuinely the worst bug in SP's designer imo.

  • What annoys you the most about the SP website? 5.0 years ago

    Kinda feel like there could be more mods, might end up ending a fair few of the gripes people have.

  • M4 Sherman Tank 5.6 years ago

    love checking into SP just to get gatekeeped over a Sherman

  • I hate Halcyon and it’s allies 5.7 years ago

    Alright, everyone quit with this witch hunting nonsense.
    Last thing we want is more shenanigans after yesterday.

  • Why is everyone making Bf-109s all the sudden? 7.1 years ago

    The Luftwaffe is slowly building up a backlog of 109s to contest British airspace in the coming weeks

  • Toyota Supra P-Type (MA67) 4.4 years ago

    Pretty weird sub ngl.

  • What gear do you want on my 180? 4.9 years ago

    Tracks plz

  • The SPW, with Awsomur [49] 5.4 years ago

    Wasn't CptJacobson banned from SP a few months back for actively stealing large chunks of peoples builds, just to pass them off as his own?
    not to mention, and this can be subjective, but me and a lot of others from my former SLRP find him a pretty bad RP'er

  • CH-21C Shawnee 5.7 years ago

    that's a weird looking hotdog

  • [RP]Who would Win? 5.8 years ago

    I'd put money on Halcyon for the sole reason the country has absurd amounts of equipment you'd expect from 10 years in the future (which I guess is expected from the RP since everyone likes to throw around "2030" and "2045" and etc in posts), yet has WMDs you'd expect from 100 years in the future with literally no explanation how, or any sort of infrastructure to even remotely support such a super weapon.
    Not to mention they apparently have the most advanced transport, landing craft, and resource management systems because they can just manage to land massive armies on small hostile islands with no repercussions to supply, infrastructure, moral, or loss of allied life.

    Though, CRV does have a really nice and well put together emblem/flag.

  • Illegally Obtained Van 4.3 years ago

    Can't wait to obtain this thing through such illegal means, that it loops back around into being legal.

  • What an absolute chonkster 4.4 years ago

    Can it stand up to the Giga Char 2C though?

  • Has anyone been upvoted by a mod and dev?? 4.4 years ago

    Devs used to quite a lot a few years ago, but by now its mostly just the mods occasionally upvoting.

  • Now That's a Corvette 4.6 years ago

    Man, ikr, fav captain was the 7th Doctor, better known as Optimus Prime.

  • Breakwater VIMG 5.2 years ago

    I found this quite a wonderful plane, it flew amazingly well and turned like nothing else.
    The weapons too were pretty fun to use, petting me able to sink the USS Tiny while turning around to attack the Wright Convoy.
    The only complaints I have over this aircraft is maybe seeing about moving the primary wing back a little bit so CoM wasn't right on top of CoL, which I think would help with difficulties I had taking off.
    Its that, and maybe the cockpit should be a bit taller, but aside from those minor gripes, its a well made and detailed aircraft. I especially enjoyed the cockpit view.

  • P.020b-128m "Žaneta" 5.2 years ago

    cough cough the only thing not to scale would like be the dummy, the thing you said why "this is one massive vehicle"
    So yeah, I'm pretty tired of hearing people from IDA just coming up and acting all superior with vehicles that can't drive straight in some cases, don't build in scale just to complain to others about scale, and cough cough uncalled for insults and threats

  • P.020b-128m "Žaneta" 5.2 years ago

    Ah, yes, defaulting to the "not to scale" excuse, y'know, the one that might as well be "just because"?
    Edit: isn't it also ironic for you to claim my to-scale Psuedo-MBT is giant, just for when the same claim is made your way just for you to say "it's not to scale"?

  • Most likely Quitting 5.6 years ago

    who knew poking holes in your shoddy and paper-thin logic made you toxic?

  • [SLURP] HOOOOOOOOOOOOH 5.7 years ago

    I've stated this in another post on the same subject, its just theres a few people who absolutely refuse to use Discord (for various reasons I don't believe), and I'm pretty close to announcing SLRP move to Discord and anyone who can't will be left behind.

  • [SLRP] Operation Chicken Hawk decoded 5.7 years ago

    Yeah, I guess I can send some support your way.
    I've got a cargo ship mostly filled with my expeditionary force in the Pacific that I can redirect to your islands.
    That, and a ballistic missile submarine.

  • A-10 Livery vote 5.7 years ago

    Ah, such lovely choices of liveries;
    -slighty grey white
    -slightly dark white
    -slightly greyer white
    though 163rd Squadron I find the best grey

  • (DONE) Any Helicopter Expert(? 5.7 years ago

    That's a weird looking hotdog.

  • New Roleplay Idea! 6.2 years ago

    I'm just curious, but how's this any different from the numerous ahistorical RPs already done of WW2?

  • How do I ACTUALLY FIRE the REAL MISSILES? 9.1 years ago

    Use some magic, but not too much.

  • All Fictional nations, ASSEMBLE! 1.9 years ago

    I've got an older nation which needs some info updated, the Ostpreußen Reich. Its got a flag and lore which needs to be added to the prior listed forum, capability to produce domestic vehicles, and I've been past gold longer than a fair few people on the site.
    I would be interested in contributing to a new MBT since developing AFVs is what I've spent most my time focusing on the past few years.

  • He-119C with Ar.E 381 TV Guided Missile 2.4 years ago

    I appreciate you uploading this as a successor of my Rastus first before deleting it just to reupload it after bypassing the successor system.

  • The REAL Andrew Garrison 4.2 years ago

    Andrew Garrison is secretly a paid actor

  • How to get featured? 4.2 years ago

    Idk, mods just tend to feature what they like, but considering how rare features have gotten over this year they must not like much anymore.

  • What to post first? 4.4 years ago

    Van pls

  • Simpleplanes should be mobile exclusive 4.4 years ago

    Uh, SP came out on PC a while before mobile...

  • Unconventional Seaplane Update 4.4 years ago

    No u

  • ME-262 WAS A WASTE OF RESOURCES 4.6 years ago

    was kinda thinking you went along with the joke at first, but, like...

  • [2020] List of Active SimplePlanes RP Discord Servers 4.7 years ago

    There's SPMRP, but it's no longer on Discord. It got moved to an unlisted post from what I hear.

  • P.063a-128m "Åsa" Light Tank Destroyer 4.8 years ago

    Yeah, as long as credit is given, I'm well beyond fine.
    And be aware, the cockpit is inside the optic on the top of the gun, just to make taking it off a bit easier.

  • New Moderator 4.9 years ago

    No disrespect to you getting into it, since its like practically the ciuntry club around here, though find it kinda odd there's so many Mods (and a Dev for a while too) in there.

  • Surprised how much better I am at building 5.0 years ago

    Going back at your old builds and comparing them to new stuff always is the best feeling

  • Tank News SP! 5.0 years ago

    I've just built my tanks with actual spaced armor, it makes them pretty survivable against modeled shells, and works absolute wonders when all parts are set to DisconnectOnly

  • What are "Funky Trees"? 5.0 years ago

