1,451 NishiKinuyo Comments

  • Lunar Arc 6.7 years ago

    Getting some really wild RNG when testing a new design on this.
    Sometimes I get zero missed rings, other times I've had as many as eight...
    Makes fixing a plane a bit harder because I'm sometimes left guessing just what went wrong.

  • The Dragon 6.9 years ago

    @DerekSP Yes, that should be fine. The main issue lies with successors to other people's planes.

    Anyhow, time for me to make another superior IJN plane to beat all opponents.

  • Cruiser Aurora--The symbol of the Octorber Revolution 7.2 years ago

    One of the few russian ships to survive Tsushima.
    The IJN sure did a number on the russians there. :P

  • Bandit Run 7.2 years ago

    @SlowJet Even better, a 5000mph star fortress. j/k
    Just wait and see. ;)

  • Bandit Run 7.2 years ago

    I might not win this, but at least it'll give people some laughs and gasps of amazement.
    Then again, I might win this on reliability alone if RNG favours me.

  • Trench Run 7.6 years ago

    I'm miffed.
    I lost to a glitch plane.
    Imo, glitch planes should be forbidden in non-mod tournaments.

    Nope, I managed to be a finalist and I'm still bronze, which was at The Dragon from 5 months ago.

  • Trench Run 7.6 years ago

    Did ¿Andrew? run a validation check yet?

  • Trench Run 7.6 years ago

    Oh please, you can reach 730 or so using only a single engine.

  • Trench Run 7.6 years ago

    Got my usual style of entry ready for this tournament.
    I expect to be decent competition for the others.

  • Mystery Tournament 7.7 years ago

    Inb4 it crashes or glitches through every ring and a 1500mph plane beats it. ;)

  • Mystery Tournament 7.7 years ago

    Think I see one slight problem with your plane: a lack of discernable landing gears.

  • Mystery Tournament 7.7 years ago

    Oh goody, then I should pass the validator no problem.

  • Mystery Tournament 7.7 years ago

    Hm... it is all right to enter a successor to one of your own originals, right?

  • Daredevil 7.7 years ago

    Myes, myes, keep glitching like that and I'll have all the more chances of winning. ;)

  • Daredevil 7.7 years ago

    @FlyingFanatic Pretty sure your plane needs to finish the course within 3 minutes to even qualify.

  • Daredevil 7.7 years ago

    Right, got another glorious example of the finest Imperial Japanese engineering as entry for this.
    May the eight million bless this plane and bring it to victory.

  • Indy Air Race 7.8 years ago

    Got two decent designs doing the course in resp 40 and 50 seconds, although they got an issue with missed rings. :(
    So either I need to improve that, or pick the one who's more likely to get least time penalty.

  • Screen Tearing 7.9 years ago

    Guess I'll try running it with it disabled then.
    Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Seems the problem persists regardless of VSync state.
    Guess I'll just have to live with it then.

  • Screen Tearing 7.9 years ago

    Then it is doubly weird that I get screen tearing since VSync exists to remove it.
    So with it enabled I shouldn't be having it.
    Maybe my hardware is so OP that it needs triple buffering as well; and I'm not sure if this game has it. :D

    Anyhow, thanks for the help.

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.9 years ago

    I am reminded of an animated short film called: The Cockpit: Sonic Boom Squadron.
    Think there might be a video of it on youtube.

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.9 years ago

    @ZKillerwolfe @SkullsAndCrossbones
    Shinpu soujuushi? Tennoheika banzai!
    May my glorious Nishi A1N Akufu be guided to victory by Shouwa-Tenno! ;)

  • Oceanview 8.0 years ago

    And time for a last-minute entry change.
    Prepare to be surprised by this glorious Nippon-ish artwork. ;)

  • Oceanview 8.0 years ago

    Got a new and improved Senden as entry this time.
    100% Reliable according to my tests.
    May Shouwa-Tenno bless my plane and let it win.

  • The Dragon 8.0 years ago

    Well, looks like I am the beloved of the all-might RNG; I placed second. :O
    Tennoheika banzai!

  • Typhoon Circuit 8.1 years ago

    That was bullshit; 3 missed rings in the second race and a crash in the third.
    Didn't have any of that happening while testing it. D:

    Anyhow, pointers for improving my airplanes is appreciated.