try these webtopings bar
type this into your browser the actual search bar at the top where your tabs are at
@FalconDynamics hey sorry to bother you but can you make a fly by wire tutorial for this aircrafts fly by wire because the fly by wire on this aircraft is unlike any i've ever seen and works the best and is incomparable to others also my rating 10/10
@GuardianAerospace my only 2 complaints is that the auto brake feature doesn't have a overloaded option so whenever i go on bandid final approach it instantly crashes nose first and when i do have enough speed it barely pitches but that's the nature of the aircraft the other complaint is the other problem is the flaps barely work that's all 7.8/10
i have a suggestion if your interested i noticed that there's not alot of f-4 phantoms' that are mobile friendly and possibly see if you can make one just an idea.
@Hahahahaahahshs do what you must
@brians1209 congrats on a hundred upvotes also question what are you making next?
try these
webtopings bar
type this into your browser the actual search bar at the top where your tabs are at
@Christiant2 Lol
@SimpleFlow when will you post soon ?
@SKLV95 sorry i didn't finish i will try tho
how many parts so far
i love taking out the convoy supper fun
+1cool vid
+1@Majakalona pls
+1good work keep it coming :D
+1@brians1209 just came back to check on this aircraft its doing way better than i expected also well deserved congrats on 84 upvotes
way better than anything i can make keep up the great work 10/10 also take this upvote/spotlight
+1@FalconDynamics hey sorry to bother you but can you make a fly by wire tutorial for this aircrafts fly by wire because the fly by wire on this aircraft is unlike any i've ever seen and works the best and is incomparable to others also my rating 10/10
make a plane for my challenge pls me beg
+1@GuardianAerospace my only 2 complaints is that the auto brake feature doesn't have a overloaded option so whenever i go on bandid final approach it instantly crashes nose first and when i do have enough speed it barely pitches but that's the nature of the aircraft the other complaint is the other problem is the flaps barely work that's all 7.8/10
@MABURv2 you should try to make an ejection seat. it would be good with your builds
@XPA thanks also
+1@XPA question can i modify your f-5 vr version and post it?
lol i flew that pline just a few hours ago also congrats well deserved you put tones of details in your craft that i am a fan of
+1Your welcome
@Christiant2 change the wing type from wing-3 to wing-2
@Hahahahaahahshs this
@Hahahahaahahshs well your plat now thanks to me and my 400 points
@Hahahahaahahshs you should be PLATINUM now due to my wizardry and yes i did the math for the points
@Hahahahaahahshs almost got you to plat
i have a suggestion if your interested i noticed that there's not alot of f-4 phantoms' that are mobile friendly and possibly see if you can make one just an idea.
+1cool build
@brians1209 lol iphone 13 used to be able to handle 3200 parts but apple nerfed the performance of the 13 with a software update :[
@brians1209 the most part count thing i can run is a CV-25 air force 1 by realsavageman with 2700 parts.
@brians1209 it helps alot because im on mobile
also very nice screenshots
+110/10 and low part count also
congratulations :O :D well deserved
+1@Majakalona ?
+1of F-32-Ghost
+1also a name F-32-windowmaker
make this plaine just tilt the elevators down like the f-4
combine the font from 3 with the logo of 2
i will finish soon just tag me here
got to go ill finish later
saw this in real life the only airworthy one left
@SKLV95 i might do a few but im in school right now
@SKLV95 you can enter if you want
@SKLV95 thanks