431 ODINxKANE Comments

  • Why so many "no one likes my plane posts"? 9.0 years ago

    Likes me* sorry on a cell phone

  • Why so many "no one likes my plane posts"? 9.0 years ago

    Sofa, to an extent I would agree, however there is a difference between validating and begging or playing the no one likeshould me game...

  • Ask questions to make your builds better 9.0 years ago

    @HellFireKoder thank you kindly I'll try it out tonight

  • Ask questions to make your builds better 9.0 years ago

    ah great... hopefully the modding support once its up and running on steam will make that a bit easier, because i have no idea how to do XML modding

  • Narsicism at it's finest 9.0 years ago

    And dont give me too hard of a time for my spelling/ grammer, i am sitting in the breakroom on my mobile phone trying to type this out with my sausage fingers on a tiny touch screen.

  • Narsicism at it's finest 9.0 years ago

    while i agree points are way over rated, i think that the game is certainly directed at a much wider group than just kids. Don't take that out of context, it is certainly simple enough for most kids to build something that will fly, but this game can become a lot more complicated when you start figuring in COM, COL, COT... adding or subtracting surface area to control surfaces, adding anhedrial or dihedrial to wing surfaces etc... I think that this is a great game that is enjoyed by many, and i believe that the original idea wasnt for this to become a popularity contest, it was designed to give a sense of satisfaction knoing that some of your creations caught the eye of other people. Im pretty happy if an aircraft gets a couple downloads.

  • Why so many "no one likes my plane posts"? 9.0 years ago

    @Warbrine I like your post, now if some "unrecognized" players will read this and the other posts that are linked to it, start doing some homework and figure out how to build planes in thier style, maybe we will have less of the "no on likes my plane" posts....

  • How does this sound 9.0 years ago

    The Ole SAC B-47 one of my favorites, the bomber that had fighter in its blood... beautiful bird. Relatively clean lines should be doable, good luck I look forward to seeing it done.

  • 10 steps to get upvote and downloads in SP 9.0 years ago

    I agree with all the points except number 1, you don't have to be popular already just be willing to communicate and be active in the forums and the game... I guess rather than be popular work on becoming popular would be my replacement for number one...

  • Guys. I've been thinking about update ideas and came up with this, 9.0 years ago

    @General360 alright, ill give you that one, only heard the engine run in person once, it was in a test cell...

  • CedCo C57 Explorer 9.0 years ago

    great attention detail, i upvoted before i downloaded :)

  • Why so many "no one likes my plane posts"? 9.0 years ago

    @BlueHawk lol as do I, and that's how it should work, not just build something and get undeserved praise

  • Guys. I've been thinking about update ideas and came up with this, 9.0 years ago

    no there is no converting to spitfireism lol i have been a fan of the spitfire, hawker huricane (even if it was almost out of date by the begining of the war), mosquitos and the low level bombing raids they were famous for, Lancasters and the bouncing bomb raids against the german damns, or the tall boy bombs dropped on the german battleship tripitz amoungst other targets, or maybe the Short Sturgeon (also used the merlin i believe) that was so instrumental in anti U boat operations. I dont discriminate on british vs american, but here in America it still stands P-51 is better known thatn most british WW2 aircraft minus maybe the spitfire.... personally i think they are all great aircraft worthy of admiration.

  • Guys. I've been thinking about update ideas and came up with this, 9.0 years ago

    agreed, but your average 20 something that knows little about WW2 let alone British aircraft and British engines, will probably be able to know what a P-51 mustang is. Also your correct and it was by dumb luck that the mustang got it after the epic failure of the first test models showing the mustang to have horrible performance issues at altitude runing its original underpowered Alison engine. The whole point behind my post was that it is an epic engine with a distinctly beautiful sound.

  • Why so many "no one likes my plane posts"? 9.0 years ago

    It's not so much that it's pathetic, it's that people want instant gratification, they believe that the build they made is bigger/ better/ faster/ better looking or cooler than the rest, but unfortunately one person's diamond is another persons old coal, so just because I think mine is the best, doesn't mean I need to be upset when it doesn't get much attention, I should continue to strive to make it better and eventually the work will speak for itself and people will take notice.

  • Guys. I've been thinking about update ideas and came up with this, 9.0 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld very true but that is the plane that has the famous merlin roar that most people can understand

  • Why so many "no one likes my plane posts"? 9.0 years ago

    Exactly it's not who can build the fastest or coolest planes, it's who can build the interest and best following... although cool looking planes do indeed help lol.

  • I'm new to simpleplanes 9.0 years ago

    Welcome, tip: just play with sandbox mode to learn how and where pieces can be placed try to find out how the connection system works and how you can manipulate it to work for you not against you...

  • F-82 Twin Mustang (Replica) 9.0 years ago

    Beautiful job sir... I may have to try building the F-82

  • Why so many "no one likes my plane posts"? 9.0 years ago

    @Baldovino have I checked out your builds, very nice

  • Why so many "no one likes my plane posts"? 9.0 years ago

    lets not get this wrong we all want more upvotes, but take the time to build a quality product and take the time to get your name out there...

  • Guys. I've been thinking about update ideas and came up with this, 9.0 years ago

    My goodness if they make a merlin engine that sounds like a Merlin engine, slap that baby into a mustang and let the awesomness commence.