Eehhh I don't think they should be able to take out bridges or destroyers-- it's make things too easy.
I do, however, like the idea of a damage system instead of just getting ripped apart by a stray bullet.
Okay, first. Get yourself some VTOL engines and make sure they have plenty of air.
These VTOL engines split their thrust evenly through ALL the VTOL outputs you have. RCN's are controlled by your WASDQE keys, but they're automatically assigned an axis based on where you put them on your aircraft. the Gimbal thrusters work via the VTOL slider unless you set it otherwise. If it still doesn't work, try posting screenshots in the forums so I can see what you're doing.
I don't like XML modding, so I do think this would be acceptable. It'd give me a way to make more professional looking aircraft without needing to cheat :D
I'm impressed. I do have a trick with the meatballs for you, though. It'll make them look even better and blend into the wing like a real insignia. Make the meatballs out of a 0.25 thick fuselage block, then add two fuselage cones to it. Fashion the size of the components to your liking, slap it on the wing, and boom! A nice, sleek, unmodded roundel for you aircraft.
Did you make this...? Like-- actually make it, from scratch, by yourself? No alt accounts or that much previous experience, considering your rank..... I am beyond impressed, my friend. Perhaps we could work together some time?
@General360 Yay thank you! Wonderful. I tried un-modded insignia XD They look a little funky, but I hope it look close enough to the actual Italian symbol.
@Flightsonic Aye. Jelly's doing it all wrong. I believe "arrogant" would be the word to describe him. Forgive me- I'm not trying to contribute to hate speech but this has got to end.
@DeezDucks I don't really get online at all anymore, but we could colab here :3
I'm not really into cars, sadly- but maybe we could put together some kind of aircraft to surpass my Ethereal? I've really been looking for an outstanding breakthrough. No Mods, thos please :\ I got a philosophy for mods.
Yeah, Jelly... He's just not-- Like... I'm a lover, naturally, so it takes a lot for someone to get on my bad side. Jelly is on my "Okay, you're annoying me now" side. Which is still pretty hard to get on. Simply put: He's a tool. Forgive me.
Likewise. I feel, much like I did with Besiege, my refusal to mod anything has kinda' left me in the dust. I hit a great spike of interest before! I was hitting milestones like mad, but now, I've kinda' stagnated and I don't know what to do.
I'm alright ^_^ Thanks. I am sick, but I'm feeling better having my yogurt.
You see, I got the Rota virus a week ago and it's taking a long while for my stomach's mucus lining to recover, so I'm eating lots and lots of yogurt and taking it easy.
@AV8R I managed to launch a few missiles at the defenses and I knocked them out once!! Problem: The aircraft was made for diving..... Not landing. Biggest facepalm EVER
@CanofBeans Flat bottom is for much larger aircraft like cargo planes and bombers. It helps create a lot of stable lift, but doesn't prove to be too maneuverable. At least I think that's it.
I did, too. Try flying my Peregrine over Maywarr with mouse as joystick. It'll mess you up, oddly enough.
Why not both? One for peasants such as I, and one for amazing rigs like the mods.
Eehhh I don't think they should be able to take out bridges or destroyers-- it's make things too easy.
I do, however, like the idea of a damage system instead of just getting ripped apart by a stray bullet.
Do fighter-bombers count? What kind of bomber? Light, medium or heavy? I got a decent heavy one.
Okay, first. Get yourself some VTOL engines and make sure they have plenty of air.
These VTOL engines split their thrust evenly through ALL the VTOL outputs you have. RCN's are controlled by your WASDQE keys, but they're automatically assigned an axis based on where you put them on your aircraft. the Gimbal thrusters work via the VTOL slider unless you set it otherwise. If it still doesn't work, try posting screenshots in the forums so I can see what you're doing.
I don't like XML modding, so I do think this would be acceptable. It'd give me a way to make more professional looking aircraft without needing to cheat :D
I'm impressed. I do have a trick with the meatballs for you, though. It'll make them look even better and blend into the wing like a real insignia. Make the meatballs out of a 0.25 thick fuselage block, then add two fuselage cones to it. Fashion the size of the components to your liking, slap it on the wing, and boom! A nice, sleek, unmodded roundel for you aircraft.
.__. Uhhhh... Okay?
Did you make this...? Like-- actually make it, from scratch, by yourself? No alt accounts or that much previous experience, considering your rank..... I am beyond impressed, my friend. Perhaps we could work together some time?
@MasterManufacturing Thank you so much!! :D Worked real hard on it :3
@General360 Thank you! ^_^ So glad you like it.
@General360 Yay thank you! Wonderful. I tried un-modded insignia XD They look a little funky, but I hope it look close enough to the actual Italian symbol.
@Flightsonic 'Igorrant' Arrogant + Ignorant... Jelly, have a Snickers. Oh-- this is you when you're not hungry...? .... Okay then.
@Flightsonic Aye. Jelly's doing it all wrong. I believe "arrogant" would be the word to describe him. Forgive me- I'm not trying to contribute to hate speech but this has got to end.
@Flightsonic The thing where he called that one guy a lying... yu-no-wat.? Yeah, Jelly's immature.
@General360 OUT WITH IT MAN O__O
Hi =3
@DeezDucks I don't really get online at all anymore, but we could colab here :3
I'm not really into cars, sadly- but maybe we could put together some kind of aircraft to surpass my Ethereal? I've really been looking for an outstanding breakthrough. No Mods, thos please :\ I got a philosophy for mods.
This is amazing.... 1940's Japan would have loved this.
Yeah, Jelly... He's just not-- Like... I'm a lover, naturally, so it takes a lot for someone to get on my bad side. Jelly is on my "Okay, you're annoying me now" side. Which is still pretty hard to get on. Simply put: He's a tool. Forgive me.
Likewise. I feel, much like I did with Besiege, my refusal to mod anything has kinda' left me in the dust. I hit a great spike of interest before! I was hitting milestones like mad, but now, I've kinda' stagnated and I don't know what to do.
Forgive me.... Who?
No toothless. Am disappoint. (jk :3)
More of a squid . 3 .
@jsaret Thanks ^_^
@Umbreon Well I know how to do that, but I'm having trouble duplicating the aircraft itself. It's a little complex.
@djbanana @ShatteredAviation Can you two stop? Take the conversation somewhere else, please.
I'm alright ^_^ Thanks. I am sick, but I'm feeling better having my yogurt.
You see, I got the Rota virus a week ago and it's taking a long while for my stomach's mucus lining to recover, so I'm eating lots and lots of yogurt and taking it easy.
@ElGatoVolador Oh, I did that ages ago.
@bjac0 So I spent 3 hours trying to get into it fooooorrrr... Bragging rights?
@Flightsonic C'mon. Salien space bird ship. Git too et.
@Flightsonic Yes they do :P I don't think a six-foot tall anthropomorphic sparrow can carry a 500 bls. bomb. Get on it, Sonic.
@Flightsonic How about a jet created by hyper-intelligent bird people? That's what I'm doing =3
@Ezri Cheers!! :D 🍻
@Ezri It doesn't show in the drag view.
@Skua It's all a joke x3 Just a little parody on people like this.
@BigBlockieBob @RedstoneAerospaceDivision @TehDuck @Flyingtacos @Frant24 @SimpleTechAndResearch
I'd love to see all of these :D How exciting!
@Ezri That's good. White means less drag. Red means more drag. Swept wings, even in SP, do help reduce drag :D
@Upquark Meh not really. I've just been working with different airframes, trying to find something a little more versatile than the Ethereal.
@Upquark I never left but thanks :P
I don't do it for the upvotes, but it is a tad disappointing.
@Somenewguy Straight wings rip off at super-sonic speeds :P
@Skua Oh neat thanks :D
@Himynameiswalrus Eehh this was really meant for people, like me, who'd rather do it legit. I'm sorry, but I absolutely despise XML editing.
@AV8R I managed to launch a few missiles at the defenses and I knocked them out once!! Problem: The aircraft was made for diving..... Not landing. Biggest facepalm EVER
@CanofBeans Flat bottom is for much larger aircraft like cargo planes and bombers. It helps create a lot of stable lift, but doesn't prove to be too maneuverable. At least I think that's it.
@Skua Actually- I've found Canards are super useful at high speeds ^_^ Pitch gets a bit sticky above 600mph.
@SimpleTechAndResearch Yeah I;d like that. More realistic damage and engine failures and all!
Wait-- what about the base's defenses? I've tried carpet bombing the place, but all of my bombs are hit with some kind of defense laser.