the reverse thrust is called the reverse afterburner, at first i thought it wouldnt work if it flew backwards. But it did! (also, do the backwards flying at a high position.)
Hello @Suubk27 , can u please make this without the glass?(fuselage glass) because im on my old handphone and cannot download the new update. Hope u make it! Its my fav design or aircraft.❤
Iphone when u turn on airplane mode
+5i found this on my google notification. it was worth it!
+2the reverse thrust is called the reverse afterburner, at first i thought it wouldnt work if it flew backwards. But it did! (also, do the backwards flying at a high position.)
+2@PlaneFlightX Ok. Thanks for the Information!
+2@BoganBoganTheKid your mom's cringe
+2@IceCraftGaming you are everywhere lmao
+2@IceCraftGaming 4k me 😎😎😎😎😎😎
+2Noice! Good luck buddy!
+2Lol golden toilet 😂
+2@Ohwe you dont hear its 780 parts or just do it in low quality
+2The lion air 737-9 is now real!!
+1Southeast Asia! (im Indonesian)
+1its a nice plane, but the name of the plane came out from my own mind.
+1@ApplejuiceYT2 OOOH. your AVK-72?
+1Cannot change design on wing. only the text is allowed. (edit: now changing designs is ok)
+1Good luck! cant wait to fly this aircraft when it's released!
+1i will ready to make my tab die
+1@HorizonOfficial , how's the winglet?
+1@IceCraftGaming dang
+1airpod shotty ima catch a body you lookin real sussy
+1@Laggy here you go!
+1Simple,Cool,Interesting, Flies good. 11/10!
+1@IceCraftGaming thanks!
+1@IceCraftGaming thx for upvoting!
+1Hi guys! Im back with a better knowledge about Aviation! 🥳
+1@KhoirulAnam makasih
+1@Suubk27 is Irkut from russia?
+1@IceCraftGaming yay!! Thanks!
+1when the tenk is sus
+1Ultra noice
+1Can someone translate @FlyingPatriot i cannot speak russian
+1@IceCraftGaming lol
+1@IceCraftGaming lol
+1Please Sulawesi island in Indonesia if you can...thanks
+1@IceCraftGaming Thx!
+1Hello @Suubk27 , can u please make this without the glass?(fuselage glass) because im on my old handphone and cannot download the new update. Hope u make it! Its my fav design or aircraft.❤
+1@IceCraftGaming Ok!
+1My first ever plane to join a challenge. Thx for letting me in! @IceCraftGaming !!
+1How to give link
+1Can i join?
+1@IceCraft yes
+1It must be hard. I cannot even build a simple plane, Following!
+1Purrfect for wright airport :)
+1@Star737 its old plane