Well, you can look at my mk7 autocannon, cause it works just fine, the ai need to lock at your aircraft first, and once they lock, they can shoot cannon and guns and fire back at you, make sure to place the missile first as a primary weapons
@Thiccmemegod34 the key is the missile, the missile have a 360° lock angle, thus it can aim and lock at your plane wherever you are, be sure to add the missile first, and then the cannon, the ai will use the first weapon on the list,
Thankyou @Aeromotive for such an amazing xml input for the WEP,
@Alemao put them first
@DanDaFreakinMan its a hard kill type of countermeasures, it explode the projectile by shooting at it, exactly like this build
It hit uss beast and changed its course, noice
+1I forgot to mention, the missile work as a "radar", its easier if the max targeting angle is 360, and max range is 15000 (15km maximum range)
Well, you can look at my mk7 autocannon, cause it works just fine, the ai need to lock at your aircraft first, and once they lock, they can shoot cannon and guns and fire back at you, make sure to place the missile first as a primary weapons
@Thiccmemegod34 the key is the missile, the missile have a 360° lock angle, thus it can aim and lock at your plane wherever you are, be sure to add the missile first, and then the cannon, the ai will use the first weapon on the list,
+1@TheBababooey firingDelay 0.1 or 0,
+2Thankyou, i dunno how to use it so i just put the "engine" As subassemblies and add 2 more on the upper side of the wings to achive ballance :v
Whoever saw this, how to take this down? Help
Thank you for thiss!! I take the main body and build another arc 170, why many of the fuselage have 1.7 scale tho?