I like the work put into this, especially the interior details but the wanky flight control and the low effort wings are ruining it, i know you can do better wings and flight control
I tried this beta and for some reason like when i play with a 1000+ parts build and play the game at first it doesn't lag but few minutes after playing it lags a lot.. like drops from 60 fps to 15
I don't know if it's from my device but I'm playing on an iPhone 8 plus it can handle more than 3000 parts and even more on lowest settings
Well it's pretty easy.. all you need is to make a hollow fuselage vertical fill whatever you want, after you did that grab another hollow fuselage the same size as the first one.. and you gonna basically minus the first fuselage vertical fill from 100.. put the result in the second one vertical fill.. for example if the first fuselage vertical fill is 80.. the second one vertical fill needs to be 20
If the first is 55 the second is 45 and like that
The last step is to copy the first one position and paste it to the second one to make it a perfect fit and just slap a hinge rotator
@WolfSpark i mean yeah ofc a big explosion would make it less fun.. But i mean a relatively sized explosion
Also i like the way how irl missile detonate near targets.. I once saw a missile that is used against tanks in a test fire
It's so cool it detonated right above the tank while probably moving mach+ idk, and realistically a long range missile like this would be pretty expensive and it would suck for the gov if they didn't hit one while on war, so they would probably use a "proxy and detonate" to lower the chances of it not hitting a target
Idk that's a shitty ass situation nvm a damn government that have the power to make such weapons would have infinite budget.
@AWESOMENESS360 and the one mf with an auto turret cheating in every dogfight.. It will surely be hilarious and fun.. Hell I'd say it'll be more fun than DCS
The vertigo got such a glow up
Did you show it to your dad? He's gonna be proud fosho because this is really a very accurate replica
I mean don't blame me as far as i know everything is expensive in America @SimplyPlain
+1Pov: you live in America @SimplyPlain
I like the work put into this, especially the interior details but the wanky flight control and the low effort wings are ruining it, i know you can do better wings and flight control
Time to join the uncivilised culture... s13p
+1Yeah like a rev up @DanDaFreakinMan
Shut up and take my upvote
+3I tried this beta and for some reason like when i play with a 1000+ parts build and play the game at first it doesn't lag but few minutes after playing it lags a lot.. like drops from 60 fps to 15
+1I don't know if it's from my device but I'm playing on an iPhone 8 plus it can handle more than 3000 parts and even more on lowest settings
How i did that?
Well it's pretty easy.. all you need is to make a hollow fuselage vertical fill whatever you want, after you did that grab another hollow fuselage the same size as the first one.. and you gonna basically minus the first fuselage vertical fill from 100.. put the result in the second one vertical fill.. for example if the first fuselage vertical fill is 80.. the second one vertical fill needs to be 20
If the first is 55 the second is 45 and like that
The last step is to copy the first one position and paste it to the second one to make it a perfect fit and just slap a hinge rotator
Hey what's wrong with simping on andrew's foot @Red0Bulll
Yoo i actually own a school you know
@WolfSpark i mean yeah ofc a big explosion would make it less fun.. But i mean a relatively sized explosion
Also i like the way how irl missile detonate near targets.. I once saw a missile that is used against tanks in a test fire
It's so cool it detonated right above the tank while probably moving mach+ idk, and realistically a long range missile like this would be pretty expensive and it would suck for the gov if they didn't hit one while on war, so they would probably use a "proxy and detonate" to lower the chances of it not hitting a target
Idk that's a shitty ass situation nvm a damn government that have the power to make such weapons would have infinite budget.
I went way off the main topic lmao
Imma fuckin make it display "reeeeeeeee" when someone locks on me
Gotta use that new fuse thingy
Smol boi
@AWESOMENESS360 and the one mf with an auto turret cheating in every dogfight.. It will surely be hilarious and fun.. Hell I'd say it'll be more fun than DCS
@Freerider2142 lmao it'd be like vr chat but for plane enthusiasts lol
+3@KfcGaming i meant the mobile controls, where you can change the size and position of each individual button.. Not a plugged in keyboard goddammit
It already came tho
@MrOofington bruh nations often buy 50 aircrafts at once how the in the f they gonna buy 1.9k units?
That's like billions
@jamesPLANESii your comment about semi hollow fuselages aged like a fine wine
+2Andrew, please make Mobile players be able to change the positions of on screen buttons like every single mobile game have
This is exactly what we all wanted
+1Nice kok
Nice kok
@Thebigmerganzer with that simpleplanes will turn into DCS real quick lol
happiness noises
+5@Fox00One i know, I'm playing along with it
+1I respect creators who make little details perfect
For example the engine noise sounds VERY realistic and it really gave me an experience
@Fox00One oh well you know that's how it goes haha
+2Sussy Baka
Even if i sold both of my kidneys, my balls..
I wouldn't afford this shit
+2I like your creations, very simple and always accurate
+2It's perfect for AI planes where it doesn't take a lot of parts but does the job pretty good
SP devs after doing the 3288th player content without a new update for 10 years: STONKS 😎
+72 SU-57s spinnin in da sky
2 SU-57s spinnin in da sky
2 SU-57s spinnin in da sky
+7@TheRealJBerry ok..?
Wierd aliens... Anyway
@TheRealJBerry are you taking a piss no one contacted me nah man we ain't playin
Wait i have a similar video i made but never uploaded, imma upload it one sec
here it is
@MrGreen indeed!
This is enough to make a grown man cry
+2Mig-21 drug addicted lost cousin:
+1Comments wouldn't be deleted if it was about other conflict... Just saying
+3@IdnManufacturer ain't no political thingies, logic homie
+1@iniMiiW already said that, I'm bored.. nExT
Bro this is cringe imma delete that post.. Because now I'm not bored anymore and i feel... Cringy
@tsampoy the funny thing is that most of mobile users get a new phone every year for like 800$
+3@Vincent_ ayo congrats
I've heard that the 104 has one of the highest landing speeds and it really shows up in this design