105 RealismBuilder Comments

  • Boeing 2707-200 Super Sonic Transport 6.3 years ago

    Wow. I added extra engines so it could go hypersonic. The fuselage began minor warping at 900 miles per hour. Began severe warping at 2200 miles per hour. Critical failure happened at 2250 miles per hour. At that point, the aircraft exploded. I am going to try installing Gyros inside this aircraft and see if it can go even faster. Excellent build quality.

    After further testing: During flight test departing Wright Airport, to Krakabloa, then to Avalanche, which took around 3 minutes. At 30000 feet, it hit 4800 mph. I think that is faster than the SR-71 went.

  • T28/T95 (GMC)-Super Heavy Tank 6.3 years ago

    I love it! Except for one problem: The gun doesn’t work. Other than that, YES!!! Excellent work!

  • Panzerkampfwagen Maus II Ausf.B 3.4 years ago

    @stevemc01 The E-100 used the Maus 2 Turm. There were problems with the Maus turret, so the Maus 2 turret was designed. The version the E-100 used had reduced armor on the side to keep weight down.

  • R200 Volitus Heavy Gunship 6.3 years ago

    I find that this is has a very nice weapons system. But then there is the flying. I find it interesting, and hard to fly. But, this is the first time I flew this. Found it hard to get close enough to be able to reliably use the heavy ordnance laundhers carries by this.

  • XF-24 3 months ago

    @superconstellation One of my previous aircraft that didn’t make it to publishing used that system. The XFA-90C. Full moving engines. They…. Caused a large amount of low speed instability.

  • XF-24 3 months ago

    Updated version, modified for combat operations.

  • XF-24 3 months ago

    @superconstellation Also, a more refined version is in the pipeline. Sustained ~33 degrees per second turn rate at 650 mph, and Mach 3 capable with the Auxiliary engines.

  • XF-24 3 months ago

    @superconstellation It does.
    I pulled them off the Wasp

  • Stalin IS-7(real track) 6.3 years ago

    @243687034 Now it is working. However, I don’t know if it is due to the 1.5fps lag, or the physics. I would recommend only using this on PC or on a high end phone or tablet. I can’t wait to try this on my PC.

  • MBT-70 6.3 years ago

    This is an AMAZING TANK! One of only two that I have seen that actually use ARMOR via XMLd Fueselage Blocks. Sights are a great touch as well. I fully did not expect the 20mm to work. I was very pleasantly surprised. Note: Only Drive this with Physics settings at maximum.

  • Stalin IS-7(real track) 6.3 years ago

    Um, how am I supposed to drive this? The gun system works great, but the drive itself... whenever I try to drive it on my IPhone SE, it explodes. I push the throttle up to 2 percent, start moving, then something explodes, leading to the whole tank exploding. It happens when I push it to 100 without trying to drive. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?