Lest go all Android user vote for android version!!
Make android version
No mod please
When android version release sir?
Bruh third picture 🤣 i know that
@MOPCKOEDNISHE bro please add android version because new version
Mom can we buy K-9 pack?
I need the link
You have no mod version?
Without mods please
That's a fritz-x?
@Superliner350 let's Destroy them Pestilence turns to ashes! Slava rossia
CN type-058
@HioriKazano nggak kok bang udah bagus itu
Makasih bang
Bro can i use the VLS
Bang pinjem chassis triumf nya
@heyImGerman kemarin gua coba di A-235 gw hasilnya diluar nalar🤣
@heyImGerman thanks bang
@KK2 Yap betul
Without mod please
@Yuka0663 you can searching tor-m1
Yuka can i request HQ-17 but using tracked chassis and custom missile
Modern warship detected
@Mousewithamachinegun122 hi good to see you too
Nice build
@MrsKiwiexe and the missile you using custom missile or not?
Bro where your S300?
Хай живе вільна Україна
Awokawokawok bojo ireng
@Aviator720 спасибо брат
@KMIIndustrial yang nyergap 2 orang bang
@KMIIndustrial sorry bang tadi barangmu ku tinggalin
Pancake Tonk object 775
@KAIST next make any projects for Russian SPH/SPG
I Will take my ak47 and shoot them all
PAL bikin kapsel lah
Aduhai ramah sekali namanya bang🤣
@AndrewGarrison Andrew, please make custom tank Track for android capable
Sepuh kembali
JS Yamato Aegis
Wait your 2B1 oka
Where the S-75 DVINA
@ApriadiEinstein tank armata gw aja udah 958 part itu pun pas baru spawn agak ngelag dikit
200 part lagi bakalan sama nih kek armata hw
@Reval87 adios pak
Lest go all Android user vote for android version!!
+15Make android version
+11No mod please
+10When android version release sir?
+8Bruh third picture 🤣 i know that
+7@MOPCKOEDNISHE bro please add android version because new version
+7Mom can we buy K-9 pack?
+3I need the link
+3You have no mod version?
+3Without mods please
+3That's a fritz-x?
+2@Superliner350 let's Destroy them Pestilence turns to ashes! Slava rossia
+2CN type-058
+2@HioriKazano nggak kok bang udah bagus itu
+2Makasih bang
+2Bro can i use the VLS
+2Bang pinjem chassis triumf nya
+2@heyImGerman kemarin gua coba di A-235 gw hasilnya diluar nalar🤣
+2@heyImGerman thanks bang
+2@KK2 Yap betul
+2No mod please
+2Without mod please
+2@Yuka0663 you can searching tor-m1
+1Yuka can i request HQ-17 but using tracked chassis and custom missile
+1Modern warship detected
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 hi good to see you too
+1Nice build
+1@MrsKiwiexe and the missile you using custom missile or not?
+1Bro where your S300?
+1Хай живе вільна Україна
+1Awokawokawok bojo ireng
+1@Aviator720 спасибо брат
+1@KMIIndustrial yang nyergap 2 orang bang
+1@KMIIndustrial sorry bang tadi barangmu ku tinggalin
+1Pancake Tonk object 775
+1@KAIST next make any projects for Russian SPH/SPG
+1I Will take my ak47 and shoot them all
+1PAL bikin kapsel lah
+1Aduhai ramah sekali namanya bang🤣
+1@AndrewGarrison Andrew, please make custom tank Track for android capable
+1Sepuh kembali
+1JS Yamato Aegis
+1Wait your 2B1 oka
+1Where the S-75 DVINA
+1@ApriadiEinstein tank armata gw aja udah 958 part itu pun pas baru spawn agak ngelag dikit
+1200 part lagi bakalan sama nih kek armata hw
+1@Reval87 adios pak