15.1k Rodrigo110 Comments

  • proper mouse control 4.2 years ago

    Sure, there’s a mod for that.

  • Remastering + Big Project on the way! (Teaser) 4.2 years ago

    Thanks man, good luck to you too :)@Blue0Bull

  • Douglas C-47 Skytrain 4.2 years ago

    No worries! ;) @Planeacceleration

  • Can someone do me a big favor? 4.2 years ago

    just put ! [] (link) and remove the spaces

  • Can someone do me a big favor? 4.2 years ago

    No problem! http://imgur.com/L8L5ydq.jpg

  • Avian 2/180 Gyroplane (N656JT) 4.3 years ago

    Fantastic! Great job on this one!

  • Cluster Bomb 4.3 years ago

    I’m not a brat; I’ve seriously had to work for the few valuable things I have in my life. @Kurzweil

  • Mods 4.3 years ago

    I’m not sure about you but I think privacy is a higher priority than being able to use mods on some game. @CrashFighter05

  • It’s time 4.3 years ago

    @Mobius1Cyka I literally said it could have an option to have or not have Maywar - so yes, it is inclusive. You can't cop out of a weak argument by saying 'goodbye'.

  • It’s time 4.3 years ago

    @Mobius1Cyka I'm not being an elitist at all.. it seems like you're making this about yourself. I am literally only saying that some people with old mobile devices shouldn't mean that the devs don't let people with more powerful devices have Maywar when we can obviously run it. You seem a bit insecure about your device; not once did I insult it... I simply said that the game should be catered to modern devices, which can definitely run Maywar. I never gave you any advice or told you what to do... so what does 'it's my life not yours' have to do with anything?

  • It’s time 4.3 years ago

    For gods sake why should you having a weak device cripple the rest of us who want maywar and could easily run it? There could just be an option to unselect the island if your device can’t run it. @Mobius1Cyka

  • It’s time 4.3 years ago

    I know that it doesn’t, but it should. @SubXTribe

  • It’s time 4.3 years ago

    I will generalise; because I’m talking about modern mobile devices. I don’t know how old your device is but it must be pretty old considering even my 2014 iPad performs significantly better than that. Maywar should exist on mobile. @Mobius1Cyka

  • 7segment display 4.3 years ago

    Yeah that’s the best thing to do I reckon @TheMachinist

  • 7segment display 4.3 years ago

    Yeah; mobile devices have got crazy powerful recently. I can literally run 3000 parts smoothly at low physics with everything else on high. I could probably get like 7000 if everything is on low @TheMachinist

  • 7segment display 4.3 years ago

    Damn my iPhone 8 runs 1500 parts at max settings really smoothly - and it’s like 3 years old. @TheMachinist


    Yeah I’m making an aircraft with 1,300 parts and there’s loads of tiny contraptions I’m making. I keep on making progress; and then the game crashes and puts me back where I was 10 minutes ago. It’s really frustrating and needs fixing.

  • Craft Rework 4.3 years ago

    I look forward to it!

  • Time flies... 4.5 years ago

    I just realised that my SP account has existed for 25% of my life which is pretty crazy

  • Desperately Needed Fix to the Undo Button 4.5 years ago

    Yeah that’s pretty rough haha

  • ZGMF X-10A Freedom Gundam 4.5 years ago

    Very, very cool!

  • Update 1.9.205 4.5 years ago

    Sounds great! Maybe I’ll get back into the game...

  • Types of SP players 5.1 years ago

    So true @CruzerBlade

  • F-69 XCraft 5.1 years ago

    Tried it out and it tilts to the right a bit but overall it’s great finally being able to fly the cockpit the way I envisioned! :) @IlikeToFlyandcrash

  • Highly Detailed Cockpit 5.1 years ago

    Haha don’t worry about it. It literally took me over a year to put this together working on it on and off. There’s so many tiny levers and stuff anything I changed would always stop something working and by the end I had so many levers and switches to check were working after every single tiny change. @ViridiCinis

  • F-69 XCraft 5.2 years ago

    Thanks for this, I’ll try it out later!

  • BRONZE! 5.3 years ago


  • Building a helicopter 5.4 years ago

    Gryos have a bad wrap because people don’t know how to configure them properly. If you use them correctly they are absolutely fantastic things. @BlueCitrus @F4f879

  • Building a helicopter 5.4 years ago

    Gryos with intuitive controls, takeoff power somewhere between 70-80% for realism, good stability... etc. The fundamental shape of the nose and main fuselage shouldn’t be that different from a plane, though the rear should thin out much faster towards the tail rotor.

  • An idea for automatic turrets: 5.4 years ago

    The product isn’t inferior, you can’t download mods because of the increased security. Would you rather download mods on a game or have your bank details hacked into and stolen? Anyway; apple mobile devices are far more powerful than any competitor mobile devices, allowing them to run SP at much higher frame rates... so much for an ‘inferior product’. The only thing I’ll give you is that Apple products are overpriced, however; they are still fantastic products. @doge

  • An idea for automatic turrets: 5.4 years ago

    Honestly this is such a simple and yet amazing idea that would be a very exciting addition to the game and easy (?) to implement as well. I’m surprised the devs haven’t added it yet to be honest.

  • Rheinstahl forces MUTT Mammut 5.5 years ago

    You have to have more points then the person you spotlight in order to spotlight them @Hawkeye156

  • Rheinstahl forces MUTT Mammut 5.5 years ago

    @Hawkeye156 I completely understand how you feel. Great builds don't get the attention they deserve. I would spotlight this if I could!

  • Highly Detailed Cockpit 5.5 years ago

    Not true. Just got an iPhone 7 and it works very well scaled down inside a plane. If you have a sufficiently powerful device it doesn’t lag at all. @shipster

  • -Maelstrom Initiateur (feat. detailed cam view) 5.6 years ago

    Amazing view with the HUD!

  • Maelström Airbreaker (feat. detailed cockpit) 5.6 years ago

    Wow this looks fantastic, great job.

  • Aristotle M5A “Wolf” 5.6 years ago

    Lol @Flightsonic

  • Aristotle M5A “Wolf” 5.6 years ago

    To what? Sorry for reply a year and half later... @Flightsonic

  • Defender AFV (W.I.P) 5.6 years ago

    Quite interesting, I like it!

  • GOOFY PLANE 5.6 years ago

    Hey how’s life @Romj041658

  • Highly Detailed Cockpit 5.6 years ago

    This was actually originally made for a fictional aircraft. @WarHawk95

  • Highly Detailed Cockpit 5.6 years ago

    Don’t worry, I’ll probably be back again. I do go through phases of building, if not on here then on SR2. I’ll keep you posted anyway. @ViridiCinis

  • The Chaf/Flare Button 5.6 years ago

    Thanks :) @AndrewGarrison

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 5.7 years ago

    I’m so happy that SP is finally updating to the newest unity. Hopefully this will give you opportunities to add lots of new interesting mechanics and parts to the game.

  • Gay pride twist plane 5.7 years ago

    Maybe, but you can’t deny that some of the things in the bible are outdated. For example, what about the way women are treated in the bible? It’s very outdated, and I said, there’s nothing wrong with that as it’s 2000 years old; you just have to take the stuff that is still relevant nowadays. @UByx

  • Destruction Map Mod 5.8 years ago

    I’ve just sort of been sitting around not really working on my build. I’ll probably do the same as you and get spurred into action with the next update. Glad to hear you’re still active though. Have you got SR2? Or any plans to get it if you don’t? @ViridiCinis

  • Destruction Map Mod 5.8 years ago

    How’s your builds going? Any new ideas on the table?

  • Device help 5.8 years ago

    Interesting that you said that without tagging me. @Squirrel

  • Device help 5.9 years ago

    Is that serious?
    1. Is clearly a bug that will be fixed in a week or two (as it literally states at the bottom)
    2. Is part of the same bug. My brother has an iPhone 6 and it has never had any problem with overheating or battery life
    3. Basically the tech version of propaganda. With a title worthy of buzzfeed clickbait “is Apple falling from its previous heights?!” It states a bunch of things which are just blown out of proportion. Yes a couple of MacBook keyboards stopped working because they got a few crumbs under them. So what? They replaced them and fixed it in the next generation. It also says the MacBook Pro i9 has overheating problems; but they were patched a while ago... I can’t say I’m surprised that a generic “what’s happened to Apple!?” website has got its facts wrong. The last video highlights what I think is the worst part about Apple; and that’s dodgy employees and overpriced things. However, I don’t think that entirely represents customer service. Sometimes, like in my case (luckily) I’ve got an iPad replacement for free, but others seem to have a bad experience. I’m not sure why that is, but I think it must be just which employee you get at the Apple shop. Anyway, stop saying case closed and showing me tech propaganda articles. We can respect each other’s opinions, but the whole argument can’t simply be put down because you think you’re right.