15.1k Rodrigo110 Comments

  • Guys this is the most beautiful thing I have found 6.8 years ago

    God, it’s just ridiculous how even google is hopping on this train of attention seeking prats saying they identify as whatever they want to.

  • Portrait of Giorgio Montagner, the Simple pirate, King of Pirated edition. 3.7 years ago

    Worst pirate I've ever seen...

  • An Open Letter to the Developers 3.8 years ago

    Not to be patronising but the issue is a lot of simpleplanes community is very childish and basically can't seem to deal with the responsibility of having any power. It's just crazy - I come back after a few months and almost every single person I knew has a completely different name and I can barely work out who anyone is - takes away from the community aspect when you might run into the same person three times with three different names and not realise they're the same person.

  • [WEBW] F-136 GE600 SVTOL 6.7 years ago

    I think 3552 parts is way too many parts than this needed. As it is, nobody can use it; which leads me to suppose that the only reason this exists is as basically a very complex and beautiful structure which doesn’t actually have a practical use; which is fine. It’s like a sculpture.

  • The Final SimplePlanes Weekly, with Awsomur. 4.7 years ago

    I've been here since the start of the game and SP has 'died' about 10 times! SP is only alive because of amazing community which is still here 6 years on! Thanks for making this game great everyone!

  • Highly Detailed Cockpit 6.1 years ago

    I originally made this with the intention of creating the best cockpit ever made in SP. As far as I am aware even in its unfinished state it is? Keep in mind that literally everything is functional. The display, every switch, the throttle, the knobs, the artificial horizon... etc. Correct me if I’m wrong and provide a link.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 6.7 years ago

    You are being ridiculous. This was incredibly innovative and revolutionised SP at the time of its making. This aircraft set the blueprint for the creations we have today. The tools which we had to make planes back when this was made were very primitive; and this looked better than anything people had seen before. @Johawks1976

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 3.6 years ago

    I didn't realise Andrew was in support of censorship, totally lost respect for him now. This mentality where you can't have any point of view against the 'norm' is probably the absolute worst mentality you could have. Free speech - that's all I have to say.

    Also your view on BLM is absolutely right, it's done nothing but increase racial tensions and put peoples group identity (race) ahead of their individual identity (character) which is exactly the opposite of what MLK wanted.

  • Grammar police pls stop 6.5 years ago

    I disagree, I think even on the Internet people should try and use proper grammar otherwise sometimes you can’t understand what they say and they have ridiculous run-on sentences.

  • Guys this is the most beautiful thing I have found 6.8 years ago

    If you are transgender, you are the gender you were born as; though with surgical operations done to mutilate and add or remove artificial appendages. Who a person feels like they are is a different matter; In purely anatomical terms, they are biologically either male or female. @Gravity

  • Yo andrew garrison whats wrong with the discord I cant chat 6.8 years ago

    What does discord have to do with Andrew Garrison?

  • Textured fuselage mod coming soon... 4.2 years ago

    Is it just me or are mods kind of carrying Simpleplanes right now?

  • Registration Number Question (Moderator help please) 6.6 years ago

    Yeah, there’s up to a 30 year jail penalty for building replicas of private planes on SP @Planefun

  • SimpleQuiz 3.8 years ago

    What about general knowledge instead of maths? Might genuinely be interesting

  • Spitfire 3.9 years ago

    This is unbelievably good for something made in simpleplanes... if the game was actually like this then I think it would probably be one of the most popular ww2 games. I'm at a loss for words, I know how hard this must have been! Devs please make the game look and function like this!!

  • Issues still plaguing simpleplanes that havent been fixed. 6.9 years ago

    Also the dogfight mode needs to be able to set up 2v2 or 3v3 fights and game modes like defend the carrier modes... etc

  • Why Under 20 Part Builts Are Important - my thoughts 3.1 years ago

    Obviously it's not true that anyone can make a plane good with 1000 parts because otherwise everyone would do it. You don't need to drag down builds with lots of parts to justify low part builds. @Dathcha

  • In regard to the "Andrew" builds. 3.2 years ago

    Yeah it's not funny but what kind of moderation is this - subjectively deciding that something is 'low effort' and removing it. As long as something is not immoral people should have the freedom to upload anything they want, that's ridiculous that you would censor the builds people can put up just because you think it's not funny anymore

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 3.6 years ago

    What Andrew has done is disgusting and it's exactly this kind of mentality that is bringing down Western Society...

  • My watch is ended. 3.8 years ago

    I understand - I just hope the devs will put your amazing mod to use in an update or something like that. It really is one of the best mods SP has ever seen.

  • Teaser shot for the 1.7 Update 4.7 years ago

    Damn I remember being so hyped about this, hard to believe it was 3 years ago...

  • Ramble about personal issues and gripes with the game. 6.4 years ago

    What I’m angry about is the fact that they missed with the chance of multiplayer with SP, and then didn’t learn from their mistakes with SR2. All I want is a 3v3 battle mode with 10-15 part AI planes and just one (or two if your PC is good) online friend. I would love that so much, but it’ll never happen now. I can’t believe that after all this time and after so many people asking for any kind of multiplayer they still haven’t added it. I’m shaking my head honestly.

  • Guys this is the most beautiful thing I have found 6.8 years ago

    I saw someone claiming there were 80... I guess there are as many genders as there are physical objects to identify as... it’s just so stupid! @TheDerpingMemes

  • A response to Chancey21 6.8 years ago

    Oh well, it’s in the past now :) @Chancey21

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 7.2 years ago

    What? It doesn’t work anymore, I said it used to work in earlier versions of SP @danman12

  • will there ever be mods in mobile? 3.7 years ago

    No, apple won't let it happen because mods run executable code which theoretically could be viruses and apple prides itself on virus security. On android - they used to have mod support but they don't anymore. Not sure if it will ever come back.

  • If you delete your comments etc, please stop. 3.8 years ago

    It doesn't say anything in the rules about mentioning other players in posts - also he was asking BogdanX to stop deleting forums. Is it ok to pluck new rules out of the air when you're a moderator and is it not ok to specifically ask a user to stop doing something? @EternalDarkness

  • Simple Planes 2 3.9 years ago

    This ones a big one - the ability to make scenarios. For example one team with 5 aircraft and another team with 3 aircraft and a destroyer. Of course this would need better AI and better optimisation to work but the possibilities would be endless and really cool.

  • Clouds 2.0 4.1 years ago

    @MidnightSun That says more about your bad taste than anything else

  • Suggestion for the SP and SR2 sites. 6.6 years ago

    It would have prevented a lot of people deleting their account in a hissy fit only to regret it half an hour later and then make an alt... like almost every big account that’s been deleted.

  • Rosenbauer Panther 8 x 8 Fire Engine in HONG KONG International Airport 6.7 years ago

    Nice, but when you make trucks; please scale it down to 1:1

  • A Really Thicc Ant 6.8 years ago

    There is no such thing as a perfect buil-

  • AlienIndustries Antelope STOL - Tropic Air Express 6.8 years ago

    There’s something in the way this thing slowly drifts along in the sky that makes it incredibly relaxing to just fly from island to island making a pit stop here and there. A really nice job on this aircraft!

  • private jet incident 7.0 years ago

    In what world would a pilot ever leave an airport without knowing for sure that they have enough fuel to reach their destination?

  • Upvotes and downloads 7.0 years ago

    Even on the non-detailed aircraft, not everyone has time to download all of the builds that they like, but still respect the amount of work that went into it; so they just leave an upvote.

  • Weapons Bay Fuselage 7.1 years ago

    Thanks, that’s great to hear @Awsomur

  • My Honest Opinion of Cuttable Fuselages in SP... (Plus news for Jundroo) 2.4 years ago

    Define "ultimate sandbox game"... to me the ultimate sandbox game would mean you can realise theoretical ideas in a way that isn't extremely janky or flat out impossible. When it comes to an aircraft building game, I would like to choose gun type, ammunition storage, painted on decals and camo schemes and engine types.

    SP is not, in any sense, the ultimate sandbox games. It is extremely limiting and is completely missing some features. I look forward to FlyOut, I'll watch development with interest. @ollielebananiaCFSP

  • Spitefire LF Mk-IX E 2.7 years ago

    lmao new SP players are spoiled @PevertzJJ

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.4 years ago

    Is this ever going to happen? You shouldn't start a tournament if you can't finish it, I put a lot of effort into my entry and now I can see it was for nothing. @DJ2keroni

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.8 years ago

    I don't understand - people are still submitting their planes over a week after the deadline - when will this finish and when will the dogfights start? @DJ2keroni

  • (The Krakabloan Democrat, Dec 3, 2020) Victory! The war is over! Maywar has been pounded by our mighty hands! 4.3 years ago

    Not to be a dampener but wars endings are a bit more complex and nuanced than 'the last enemy solider was killed in a tank explosion'.

  • Stork Island 4.7 years ago

    It’s very hard to run for full desktops, let alone a mobile device... @TheMitsuboshiBoi

  • Possible items for next update 4.9 years ago

    Definitely turrets that target enemies independent of player control

  • Francene Island 5.8 years ago

    That looks incredible! Shame I can’t use it :(

  • SR2 is now on Steam 6.4 years ago

    Ive been playing your games for ages, and you guys have such a special connection with your fan base. I’ve never seen any other Dev team so involved with their community, so I just want to thank you so much for doing what you do. :)

  • Cargo Plane Challenge (Closed) 6.6 years ago

    I’m building a cargo plane. It’s currently on 1650 parts, but I am building it on mobile; so technically it’s mobile-friendly.

  • [WEBW] F-136 GE600 SVTOL 6.7 years ago

    It’s not whining, you two are actually ridiculous. Stop creating a problem where there isn’t one, and move on. If it wasn’t for your uncalled for and useless reply that comepletely missed the point of my comment (where I wasn’t complaining! For the last time!), this would have never happened. @BaconAircraft @Blue0Bull

  • [WEBW] F-136 GE600 SVTOL 6.7 years ago

    I’m not complaining, and I don’t want to build one myself. You are completely missing the point. The fact is, nobody can feasibly use this on an actual plane because of its part count, so it’s not practical. Instead, it’s more like a beautiful and intricately detailed statue which, as nice-looking as it may be, cannot be practically used. @BaconAircraft
