I find it funny how I've only found out about this remix after 4 years lmao. I was looking for TNI-AU F-16 references and came across both this, and my own on the image results.
@BeastHunter on ios/android, it's because of the beta hasn't dropped out yet, or not everyone has access to it. my concern here is that simpleplanes 1.10 might be the last version i ever play if 1.11 continues to only support 64-bit
I know at this point that 32-bit is older than humanity itself, but I'm sort of sad to see that it requires 64-bit version of Windows. Still, I'm very much looking forward to the update.
@V @scratch @BMilan I tried and the results are disappointing. Everytime the game launches, it would reset all of the values back to how it was. Though, I haven't tried swapping out the file with the modified one mid-game. I'm a little busy at the moment so if you'd like to try it out, then feel free to do so.
Edit: the file you are looking for is located at C:\Users\ [your current username] \AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes
@BMilan hmmm, that makes me wonder, if that's truly the case then i'm going to try and modify it to show a different color. though i'll have to keep a back up of the original in case something bad happens.
I find it funny how I've only found out about this remix after 4 years lmao. I was looking for TNI-AU F-16 references and came across both this, and my own on the image results.
@Dogepro1086 ...that's why i asked...
@SatryawanArya serah
@Dogepro1086 look at the pic. those backgrounds are not there anymore
+14@Gudboyyy nothing, but just to show people how good you are at building (or posting idk)
hi leaving i'm ur mom
this is absolutely nuts!
+1screw placing down hemispheres one-by-one this is infinitely better!
@ArthurPlayer ping me if you have answers
+2@MrShenanigans why are you commenting in a year old post
@BeastHunter eh this thing is already suffering from lagging on 32-bit. installing 64-bit windows would worsen it
+1@BeastHunter on ios/android, it's because of the beta hasn't dropped out yet, or not everyone has access to it. my concern here is that simpleplanes 1.10 might be the last version i ever play if 1.11 continues to only support 64-bit
i can't believe andrew upvoted your post ->
+2lol i was actually working on a gripen when the update came out
@SimplyPlain not sure if this will help, but try disabling some mods. i used to get that back then and disabling mods that i don't use helps
also, does the lights light up the surrounding or are those achieved with reshade?
+2Will this update be available in 32-bit or will it be 64-bit only?
+4Things having different color may have been the result of it, but a white missile trail shouldn't be black, at worst it should be gray.
+8@BaconEggs avast has previously quarantined sp for me, i'm not surprised if it does the same
@PotatoJenkins1 it is on steam
I know at this point that 32-bit is older than humanity itself, but I'm sort of sad to see that it requires 64-bit version of Windows. Still, I'm very much looking forward to the update.
@Hawker180hurricane they do have points, iirc they're still at platinum
"Also nice build tho"
@Khanhlam thanks
@Khanhlam no one knows until dev releases beta/confirms something. still, i'd rather have a knots speed indicator for my planes rather than a mph one
don't depend your life on a single video game update
+3that said, i'm very excited for the beta too
@Khanhlam on the gui yes, but on the part itself? i doubt it
@Gluck yes there is a flying pyramid but all i remember that after destroying it, it just drops back down
@Gluck what?
by putting an asterisk around the text
edit: this might be useful
would it be too much if i request for a speed indicator that uses knots instead of mph?
@V @scratch @BMilan I tried and the results are disappointing. Everytime the game launches, it would reset all of the values back to how it was. Though, I haven't tried swapping out the file with the modified one mid-game. I'm a little busy at the moment so if you'd like to try it out, then feel free to do so.
+3Edit: the file you are looking for is located at C:\Users\ [your current username] \AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes
@BMilan hmmm, that makes me wonder, if that's truly the case then i'm going to try and modify it to show a different color. though i'll have to keep a back up of the original in case something bad happens.
+3JR E235?
also, are we allowed to modify the hulls slightly? because i'm thinking of adding shovel/plough, cage armors and maybe some ERA blocks.
i'll see what i can do... even if i don't win, at least i'm going to have fun :D
v-tail... f-22?
nice, could do with more stuff added, but then again, i don't know much
tag me on the hercules
@One2 it does, especially when you look at the sky with all the lens flare stuff
have a random cyrillic alphabet:
Weed-Sniffer 11 standing by
+1@Sparky6004 it's still better than being constantly under the cloud. flying out of storms etc would be cool, even if it's just some paper
@Sparky6004 how about flat clouds that you can go over, not necessarily a 3d one, but it's better than nothing
@asteroidbook345 wait you have to be a certain rank just to embed images?
@KnightOfRen I did some digging earlier, and it seems like it's only related to their jets. If I'm wrong then please correct me.
no re-uploading of built-in ai planes without any substantial modification has to be one of them.
+7also whats with the honda?
@FlyingPatriot op is playing on android