I... don't have one. I'm simply using my Toshiba Satellite or, what I like to call it TOUGHLite (It survived a one-foot throw). Even though it's tough, the specs are beyond potato(Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz and 2 GB RAM)
@CruzerBlade I would, but i'll let you do it, i'm working on a high-maneuverability aircraft right now, and i'm not very good at making decals for airliners
Looks cool! I love how futuristic it looks, but in my opinion, the front looks sorta fragile, then again... it's the future, where a small spring could destroy the whole machine (It happened on my dad's Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, bought in 2012 i love to use it, it's heavy, but man... it barely lags, i accidentally broke the spring to turn on the device, and now, it's just broken) Anyways it looks nice! (Can't judge how it performs though, studying on gliders)
+1@SiYanto ok, lumayan lah, Laptop tahun 2013-an, daripada gw pake Toshiba Satellite C600, laptop yang keluar tahun 2009, jadi nih Laptop udah 1 abad.
+1Also, don't forget to RUSH B.
+1@evilbadger34 AH! Finally! Good to know that you're working on something Hides away SP Shortcut from Desktop I've totally haven't work on anything...
+1I... don't have one. I'm simply using my Toshiba Satellite or, what I like to call it TOUGHLite (It survived a one-foot throw). Even though it's tough, the specs are beyond potato(Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz and 2 GB RAM)
+1Great job!
+1@FrostbyteZero Download this build and then modify it
+1FROKEN gr8 m8 I'd r8 it 8/8 m8
+1@Spacedoge12345plane when its done
+1@Gameboy21 oh gr8
+1wow, now i need to get a new laptop
+1@mikoyanster Ok then
+1@CruzerBlade have fun then, like try to create a p-51 to reach 2500 MPH without any jet engine(s)
+1@CruzerBlade I would, but i'll let you do it, i'm working on a high-maneuverability aircraft right now, and i'm not very good at making decals for airliners
+1Looks cool! I love how futuristic it looks, but in my opinion, the front looks sorta fragile, then again... it's the future, where a small spring could destroy the whole machine (It happened on my dad's Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, bought in 2012 i love to use it, it's heavy, but man... it barely lags, i accidentally broke the spring to turn on the device, and now, it's just broken) Anyways it looks nice! (Can't judge how it performs though, studying on gliders)
+1@NativeChief1492 No Problem!
+1tag me
+1ternyata kamu indonesia?
+1@F104Deathtrap actually, i asked them why, they said it's because there's an exam coming (damn, theese samsung keyboards are floppy)
+1@F104Deathtrap i played my laptop for too long, pls no tag mod
+1You know i do
+1da first plane! do you ever thought that you will be one of the best user in the WHOLE site?
+1Was it supposed to install 2 custom maps? (one is named "Greenscreen map", and the other one is called "Custom map"?) (i'm using a windows 7)
+1........ why, just WHY
+1Okay @Airdude and @FastDan
+1Yeah, it's been a LONG time, but since platinum users always "Bully" me, i decided not to share this annoying thing
+1we can set throttle while autopilot is active you know...
+1@FastDan meh
+1@Gestour uh oh
+1Terkadang kita harus lebih caper (xD)
+1EDIT: saya juga, saya bikin teaser biar dapet perhatian lebih banyak (xD)
@CruzerBlade emang iya...
+1F-16 kan buatan amerika.. amerika itu kan kapitalis, Indonesia punya F-16... jadi ya... entahlah...
+1@Gestour Thanks! It was actually just a 25 Minutes build... the testing took 15 Minutes so.. 40 Minutes
+1@Gestour Okay.. the AI has succesfully fly my plane
+1@Awsomur I agree, these meteors are rogue (xD) and Thanks!
+1Thanks! @Gestour
+1Thanks! @CruzerBlade and @SSSvaSSa
+1Thanks! @tylerdeveneuxmusic (sorry, forgot to tag you, i uploaded this at 11PM)
+1and @DJ123
@CruzerBlade kek, sy masih sd dgn ijin orang tua maen simpleplanes (xD)
+1@CruzerBlade Heh, Tes saya baru aja selesai hari ini, cuman hari sabtu depan ada T.O.
+1It's not exactly "Ugly" but it's a bit rough on the edges.
+1Ngetag di description nggak berfungsi gan... Tapi keren!
+1@CruzerBlade okay... kalo udah jadi ya...
+1Keren! Kita berdua lagi bikin sesuatu (xD), tag aku ya.. (mau enggak aku tag kamu di pesawat ku?)
+1FIRST TO COMMENT!! (xD), also, nice!
+1Thanks! @tylerdeveneuxmusic @getorge
+1Thanks! @Gestour
+1:'( meow
+1RAVEN? Sounds like my aircraft company, Ryn Air VEhicle compaNy