No, I'm not trying to start an issue here. I'm only speaking out what I think. If that's a problem with you, I suggest you keep on walking and go do your business elsewhere.
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes Then just follow the people that you find most interesting. It's only overloaded cause every chance they get they hit the blue button on a profile.
Not downplaying any users here or saying that they're bad and should be unfollowed. But if the reason that they have a ton of people they follow is maybe they're friends with them, I think a friends list would work out instead of just cluttering their jetstream tab with a ton of posts that they have to ask to be tagged. This defeats the purpose of having the jetstream in the first place.
But then again, there's a ton of good builders that exist. And I can understand one would indeed follow them cause they like the said builder's product quality. But again, it's their own fault for having a pile of content shoved up their eyes when it really doesn't have to be that way.
Jundroo's better off making SimplePlanes II using latest Unity3D for better rendering and optimization. Just like what CursedPlanes said below, the code used to make SP is a little ancient by today's standards. It would be nice if the second game allowed to port builds made here, to there so it can be further improved with newer features.
But then again, you're gonna need some ludicrous brainpower or even a miracle for that to happen.
Worst case scenario is we're all gonna have to move to Juno if they decide to abandon SimplePlanes altogether.
I wouldn't really call it stealth if there's two guided bombs hot glued on the back of a supposed 5th gen strike fighter
Let alone it having external hardpoints in the first place
@32 @Korzalerke2147483647
That's what I'm saying. That one should stop caring about how many points they'll get or should expect to get high points "for all that effort" and just build what they desire with care and passion, not letting the fame and numbers get into their heads.
Cause in the end, all these thousands of points won't yield you anything of actual use in this site and community other than the attention that you got for being a great/decent builder. Good on you if you get recognized, but don't let the increased popularity affect your general way of doing stuff.
Just enjoy the process. People love what you made after you submit them? Good for you. I understand some people change overtime and some use this kind of popularity as their drive to get better, but I'm just putting this out for the new ones who are aiming to be good builders. You can make the derpiest build you could ever cobble together and people will either like it or hate it. It won't matter. As long as you built something and you enjoyed it, you're okay. Just don't break the rules.
You want to improve? Go right ahead. You need help improving? There's a ton of veteran users out here willing to lend a hand, and a ton of examples to study that might help you chisel your own designs the way you want it to be. Just don't rely on points for validation in this community, cause you already have been valid in the first place.
If you feel sad about your points, you should really just stop caring cause it's just a number in front of a color pad that really gives you nothing Just build what you want to build and post it. People will like it or will not. Don't base your stay on this community just for a bunch of digital ranking.
I glued a cannon to a jet engine, XML'ed everything to simulate hyperdrive
..forgot to turn the damage scale to zero, fired the hyperdrive cannon, watched as my jet became metal powder flying at 5000+ knots ascending past 100k feet
@TheCommentaryGuy You never specifically said what "mfs" you were referring you in your last comment. The term can be applied to both people and objects nowadays you know.
I think you're the one who needs to think before you comment. Not everyone works like you.
@TheCommentaryGuy The way you put it makes you look like you have a massive grudge against the thing. Ever thought about the guy behind the stick being at fault instead of the plane itself that can't even fly on it's own? Or the guy designating targets for the pilot being dumb painting friendlies instead?
Seriously your hate for the plane is misplaced. It's like cussing on a hammer for breaking your finger when you're the guy who's holding it in the first place lol
In my SP universe, Snowstone is an Arctic island that's minimally inhabited. It's largely a polar island base occupied by the TFM's more high-end units such as it's B-2 Spirit fleet at the Ice Base.
@TheCommentaryGuy You're saying it as if it's a daily occurrence.
Shit happens out in the field. You either cry about it now and move on to learn from mistakes or hold a grudge against a plane that doesn't have a life. It's just childish.
@AWESOMENESS360 Would depend on the battle start. If the golem and Ratte would start up at close range the golem would just toss the whole thing upside down
If they had range the Ratte would probably blast the golem with it's cannons before it could get close enough
Though I would say I like the Su-57 cause of it's "looks can be deceiving" appearance i.e it's ridiculously agile for it's massive size, I'd have to side with the F-22. The Raptor just looks clean from nose to tail and you'd almost think it's a star fighter than a jet if you don't know your planes.
A.Is in this patch have become major retarded. Some would just pitch up in the middle of flight and loop around for no reason unless you lock onto and force them to change course
@FedexGuy Honest Answer: It's gotten a whole lot bigger since I first joined and I'm all in for the next Archon chapters. Especially since the next nation to be unlocked is already in the pipeline. Answer for certain people: Hehe more girls i drool
@gigachad Your mentality regarding a game that's been stereotyped for ridiculous stuff along with the people that play it is funny. But I won't hold anything against you for it. If I am what you think I am just because of that game, then I'm proud to be the biggest pile of horse crap you've ever seen. Just so you'd be happy.
Stay safe.
Achievement Unlocked:
+2The real experience
Now, we put bomba to simulate kabooma
+3No, I'm not trying to start an issue here. I'm only speaking out what I think. If that's a problem with you, I suggest you keep on walking and go do your business elsewhere.
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes Then just follow the people that you find most interesting. It's only overloaded cause every chance they get they hit the blue button on a profile.
Not downplaying any users here or saying that they're bad and should be unfollowed. But if the reason that they have a ton of people they follow is maybe they're friends with them, I think a friends list would work out instead of just cluttering their jetstream tab with a ton of posts that they have to ask to be tagged. This defeats the purpose of having the jetstream in the first place.
But then again, there's a ton of good builders that exist. And I can understand one would indeed follow them cause they like the said builder's product quality. But again, it's their own fault for having a pile of content shoved up their eyes when it really doesn't have to be that way.
How much did the Kremlin or Pentagon pay you to do this
+2Fun fact: People died in this swim tube
+1First glance I thought it was some kind of modern assault gun
Honestly, screw the B model. The A and C were far more practical. They work out just fine.
+1"Be not afraid my child"
+12I think should be.
Never bothered blocking the guy cause I wanted to see him clown himself out more. Too bad he redlined himself a little early there.
+2"Do you want it petrified or vaporized"
Judgement: Da.
+33rd thumbnail screams
That's not even trolling. It's just outright theft of Russia's last 5th gen fighter
+1Jundroo's better off making SimplePlanes II using latest Unity3D for better rendering and optimization. Just like what CursedPlanes said below, the code used to make SP is a little ancient by today's standards. It would be nice if the second game allowed to port builds made here, to there so it can be further improved with newer features.
+1But then again, you're gonna need some ludicrous brainpower or even a miracle for that to happen.
Worst case scenario is we're all gonna have to move to Juno if they decide to abandon SimplePlanes altogether.
I wouldn't really call it stealth if there's two guided bombs hot glued on the back of a supposed 5th gen strike fighter
Let alone it having external hardpoints in the first place
The salt illusion 3rd
@TFF7565 “WA”指的是该战斗机驻扎的赖特空军基地
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes Read SilverWolf's comment and keep walking.
+2@32 @Korzalerke2147483647
+3That's what I'm saying. That one should stop caring about how many points they'll get or should expect to get high points "for all that effort" and just build what they desire with care and passion, not letting the fame and numbers get into their heads.
Cause in the end, all these thousands of points won't yield you anything of actual use in this site and community other than the attention that you got for being a great/decent builder. Good on you if you get recognized, but don't let the increased popularity affect your general way of doing stuff.
Just enjoy the process. People love what you made after you submit them? Good for you. I understand some people change overtime and some use this kind of popularity as their drive to get better, but I'm just putting this out for the new ones who are aiming to be good builders. You can make the derpiest build you could ever cobble together and people will either like it or hate it. It won't matter. As long as you built something and you enjoyed it, you're okay. Just don't break the rules.
You want to improve? Go right ahead. You need help improving? There's a ton of veteran users out here willing to lend a hand, and a ton of examples to study that might help you chisel your own designs the way you want it to be. Just don't rely on points for validation in this community, cause you already have been valid in the first place.
If you feel sad about your points, you should really just stop caring cause it's just a number in front of a color pad that really gives you nothing
+2Just build what you want to build and post it. People will like it or will not. Don't base your stay on this community just for a bunch of digital ranking.
This and my Kicking Whacker would be the best of friends when it comes to gamebreakers
+1I think you fed your plane some nasty beans
+1vat do ve kook, komrads?
+2I glued a cannon to a jet engine, XML'ed everything to simulate hyperdrive
..forgot to turn the damage scale to zero, fired the hyperdrive cannon, watched as my jet became metal powder flying at 5000+ knots ascending past 100k feet
@TheCommentaryGuy Sure. That was a joke. Let's end it at that.
@TheCommentaryGuy Like I said again. Not everyone works like you.
@TheCommentaryGuy You never specifically said what "mfs" you were referring you in your last comment. The term can be applied to both people and objects nowadays you know.
I think you're the one who needs to think before you comment. Not everyone works like you.
@TheCommentaryGuy The way you put it makes you look like you have a massive grudge against the thing. Ever thought about the guy behind the stick being at fault instead of the plane itself that can't even fly on it's own? Or the guy designating targets for the pilot being dumb painting friendlies instead?
Seriously your hate for the plane is misplaced. It's like cussing on a hammer for breaking your finger when you're the guy who's holding it in the first place lol
I read your profile picture
Hate me.
+1In my SP universe, Snowstone is an Arctic island that's minimally inhabited. It's largely a polar island base occupied by the TFM's more high-end units such as it's B-2 Spirit fleet at the Ice Base.
This one's pretty cool though. Tons of detailing.
+1Mick The Moose
@TheCommentaryGuy You're saying it as if it's a daily occurrence.
Shit happens out in the field. You either cry about it now and move on to learn from mistakes or hold a grudge against a plane that doesn't have a life. It's just childish.
@TheCommentaryGuy There are things called the JTAC and training.
@AWESOMENESS360 Would depend on the battle start. If the golem and Ratte would start up at close range the golem would just toss the whole thing upside down
If they had range the Ratte would probably blast the golem with it's cannons before it could get close enough
Huh Pee Gaa
@ReinMcDeer - F-16C base
Though I would say I like the Su-57 cause of it's "looks can be deceiving" appearance i.e it's ridiculously agile for it's massive size, I'd have to side with the F-22. The Raptor just looks clean from nose to tail and you'd almost think it's a star fighter than a jet if you don't know your planes.
+2@LunarEclipseSP - Challenge author and original builder
Florida man moment
+2Minecraft cave noises
+1A.Is in this patch have become major retarded. Some would just pitch up in the middle of flight and loop around for no reason unless you lock onto and force them to change course
@TheCommentaryGuy But did you need to continue slinging hits after saying what you were supposed to say? I personally think you didn't have to.
Honest Answer: It's gotten a whole lot bigger since I first joined and I'm all in for the next Archon chapters. Especially since the next nation to be unlocked is already in the pipeline.
Answer for certain people: Hehe more girls i drool
@gigachad Fighting fire with fire won't exactly put out a burning building, would it?
@TheCommentaryGuy Cease fueling the fire. The last thing I need is this comment section getting disabled.
@gigachad Your mentality regarding a game that's been stereotyped for ridiculous stuff along with the people that play it is funny. But I won't hold anything against you for it. If I am what you think I am just because of that game, then I'm proud to be the biggest pile of horse crap you've ever seen. Just so you'd be happy.
Stay safe.
@gigachad Still generalizing there. Don't take it the wrong way, but that implication is just outright stupid by itself.
Welcome to the gamebreaker squad.
We specialize in traveling the realm beyond reality, coming back with three feet and sixteen eyes.
@TheTomatoLover So you upvoted even though you don't like this