Should just be in the mods menu. Overload would probably be the one you're looking for if you want full XML edits for the text. Just enable that and you're set
@Sparky6004 @Red920 That's why I said If you can, do it. If you can't, don't.
Putting up hashtags telling people to pray for Turkey won't do anything other than make it a trend that'll only die out until people wouldn't give a rat's ass anymore. I'm only saying that solid help is better than a few words on a screen that 80-90% of the
general population could care less about cause it doesn't concern them.
And I'm sorry about your poor upbringing and I feel you for that, but it really doesn't help with the point here.
@Dathcha Gonna have to agree with that. Instead of just putting hands together closing eyes and talking to oneself, start moving and send actual help. Praying can only do so much and make one minimally feel better about themselves.
Send help, not prayers. If you can, do it. If you can't, don't. Take action, not thought.
Move AND think.
I click once and the build goes back to what it originally was. Gets real frustrating especially if I'm changing stuff in cockpits. Sometimes even outright switching to the last build I flew/drove wholesale
@Kmserika It'd be a bit hard since Dainsleif is Khaenri'ahn and the fallen nation has quite the advanced tech. I'd have to find a perfect aircraft to match him
We serve build destruction in all flavors. IncludingFuselage meatballs, part displacement, disfiguring of details, and our bestseller, reversion to square one.
RIP Doc Hudson
+5Should just be in the mods menu. Overload would probably be the one you're looking for if you want full XML edits for the text. Just enable that and you're set
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes shut
Banned for doing a major, intentional oopsie.
+1It's better you don't know what he exactly did
+1Just report and tag a mod next time something like this happens
As the great shark of the ocean once said:
It's removed
@GuyFolk - Su-57 Felon base
Alexa, play Fortunate Son
+2ChatGPT done goof'd up a bit there
+4Henderson did not look like how I thought he would
@Sparky6004 @Red920 That's why I said If you can, do it. If you can't, don't.
Putting up hashtags telling people to pray for Turkey won't do anything other than make it a trend that'll only die out until people wouldn't give a rat's ass anymore. I'm only saying that solid help is better than a few words on a screen that 80-90% of the
general population could care less about cause it doesn't concern them.
And I'm sorry about your poor upbringing and I feel you for that, but it really doesn't help with the point here.
Not made in China by the way
+6E gel
airshow meeg
Be different, with your own twist.
@Red920 Good on you for that. But that was for those who just yelp out pRaY fOr TuRkEy without giving a day's worth of help even though they can.
@Dathcha Gonna have to agree with that. Instead of just putting hands together closing eyes and talking to oneself, start moving and send actual help. Praying can only do so much and make one minimally feel better about themselves.
Send help, not prayers. If you can, do it. If you can't, don't. Take action, not thought.
Move AND think.
Cold war lawn dart
Make flying German Sherman
This has got to be the most unconventional design I've ever laid my eyes on and I'm all in for it
Hell Dugg
I click once and the build goes back to what it originally was. Gets real frustrating especially if I'm changing stuff in cockpits. Sometimes even outright switching to the last build I flew/drove wholesale
dust grassjumper
+1Title's longer than an average lifespan
+2Fun fact: The real Vickers Venom is actually a failed WW2 fighter
If it works, it works
+3Celebrate again when you reach 69k
+1baloon shotdown ovr south carl by fugg-22 bird of prey
Make the figurine a nuke
Too bad I can't use this to down rats in MP. It just crashes when I load in with players around.
+1Fox two
+6that blue-purple burner looks real juicy
John Cena: Are you sure about that
+1I'd be great if you make the standard F-35A too. Been waiting around for a smooth flying one for quite a while
F-10 Thundercat
+2Missed the opportunity to call it Battle Blimp
+2Almost thought this was a guided APFSDS dart cause of how pointy the nose cap is-
+2@DameTheMobileFriendly I knew that gun was a low pressure 100mm with a coaxial 30mm autocannon. Guess my hunch wasn't wrong-
+1@Kmserika It'd be a bit hard since Dainsleif is Khaenri'ahn and the fallen nation has quite the advanced tech. I'd have to find a perfect aircraft to match him
I'm getting BMP-BTR vibes from this build
+1Welcome to Undo Diner
We serve build destruction in all flavors. Including Fuselage meatballs, part displacement, disfiguring of details, and our bestseller, reversion to square one.
+4That's one way to cause a nuclear meltdown
Time to hit some naval targets in the Black Sea-
+2[User has been banned]