I pray the smoothskins won't make a big deal out of this because another Ghost of Kyiv build popped up again. Would be disappointing if this gets taken down out of people bringing politics once more Speaking from experience here. My MiG-29A with the Ghost livery got removed by mods due to the severe abuse of the report system by a ton of people who made a mess out of it
@PPLLAANNEE I mean, it's meant to simulate an arrow. It doesn't have to go too far to hit something. And you can always set the maxTargetingAngle to 100 or above so it would stay on target without having the skeleton always look. Anyone can just face and aim towards the enemy to make it look like how an actual skeleton shoots.
But it's your build anyway and who am I to change it. It works great as it is.
And you could've used an elongated Guardian for it's arrow since it looks much closer to that of it's actual Minecraft counterpart, but an Interceptor works too I suppose.
Scary thing about this is that you don't hear any clunky footsteps when it walks, nor the sound of it's bow popping when an arrow goes airborne. It's a dead giveaway in Minecraft that one is nearby thanks to the sound.
And you could've used an elongated Guardian for it's arrow since it looks much closer to that of it's actual game counterpart, but an Interceptor works too I suppose.
Didn't ask to be tagged but this speeder is top shelf in quality, simplicity, and functionality. Would definitely rip though Krakabloan waters with this everytime I feel like it.
That's close to realism right there.
Some build screenshots look like they're taken from real life of an actual plane with good reshade mixing. You'd almost think it's DCS on HD or straight up reality itself
@kakaha I did say "to be begin with" in my reply. And this just goes to show how people are still hung up with the past and outright just deliberately forgetting what the symbol really is, which is just sad.
One insane man changing the meaning of something good into bad and people today are keeping it bad is just ridiculous in my honest opinion.
You saying that I won't change anything from submitting video game post makes it look like I'm trying to make a massive difference here. I know very well that it won't. I'm explaining to make the user I replied to understand what the swastika really is and not as how recent history portrays it. People will refuse to see the actual truth behind it but it never hurts you to tell.
@HololiveFan To be honest, the Swastika was never even a bad symbol to begin with. It's only recognized until modern time as it is because of some angry man with a ridiculous mustache using it for his fanatical dreams and ideology.
The Swastika, for thousands of years until that famed painter from Austria stole it and used it as a symbol for his you know what, has been a symbol for good luck and well being. Long before NSDAP even existed. Look into it even. If you don't believe me
If I were to submit a modded build and I want it to have some symbol of good luck other than the stereotypical four leaf clover or any other sort, I'd gladly take the swastika and slap it on. There's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't break the rules since I'm not pushing some agenda that's meant to stay down since everyone knows it's bad. And I'm using it as intended. Not in the way that almost the entire population of the world generally sees it according to recent history.
@OkaNieba Xiao's old. He's been fighting since ancient times but never changed. Zhongli accepted the change in history and is gradually fitting in with modern society. Which is why I used the F-14A on him
@OkaNieba User got banned. Checked account and they don't exist anymore
@PriyanshuGM Cope with what you have. People like what I do. Otherwise they would have complained to high hell already (which the mods will highly likely ignore cause nothing I post violates the rules)
Seriously you need to be more open instead of staying in your own little world thinking you're the better/superior one just because you dislike something the other guy does.
. imagine getting 20k points with only putting anime girl liveries on someone else's aircraft
According to majority of your posts, you do the exact same. Modifying other people's builds. You and I aren't any different, really. We both slap shit onto builds, post them, and people appreciate it.
. also naming the variant wrong.
Honestly would people really care at this point when it's already out there? I get that the UPG is a hunchback and with many other details, but don't forget. That was RD's build, he intends to keep it simple, and I will too. Besides, what difference would it even make other than aesthetics?
vetol ay-ayrdvrk omggad tuf landng eksdee eksdee xdxdxdxd !!!!!111oneoneone
wher arbreks
+8wher hol
Funky Trees? No. This isn't just about trees anymore
This is Funky Forest.
+10Next up: Revolver Mouse Trap
+2Pretty average AA turret
Civilian Osprey
+1I pray the smoothskins won't make a big deal out of this because another Ghost of Kyiv build popped up again. Would be disappointing if this gets taken down out of people bringing politics once more
+3Speaking from experience here. My MiG-29A with the Ghost livery got removed by mods due to the severe abuse of the report system by a ton of people who made a mess out of it
2k parts. I choke
Take an upvote instead
10 months late but I'll comment anyway
@PPLLAANNEE I mean, it's meant to simulate an arrow. It doesn't have to go too far to hit something. And you can always set the
to 100 or above so it would stay on target without having the skeleton always look. Anyone can just face and aim towards the enemy to make it look like how an actual skeleton shoots.But it's your build anyway and who am I to change it. It works great as it is.
And you could've used an elongated Guardian for it's arrow since it looks much closer to that of it's actual Minecraft counterpart, but an Interceptor works too I suppose.
Scary thing about this is that you don't hear any clunky footsteps when it walks, nor the sound of it's bow popping when an arrow goes airborne. It's a dead giveaway in Minecraft that one is nearby thanks to the sound.
And you could've used an elongated Guardian for it's arrow since it looks much closer to that of it's actual game counterpart, but an Interceptor works too I suppose.
Didn't ask to be tagged but this speeder is top shelf in quality, simplicity, and functionality. Would definitely rip though Krakabloan waters with this everytime I feel like it.
That's close to realism right there.
Some build screenshots look like they're taken from real life of an actual plane with good reshade mixing. You'd almost think it's DCS on HD or straight up reality itself
@kakaha I did say "to be begin with" in my reply. And this just goes to show how people are still hung up with the past and outright just deliberately forgetting what the symbol really is, which is just sad.
One insane man changing the meaning of something good into bad and people today are keeping it bad is just ridiculous in my honest opinion.
You saying that I won't change anything from submitting video game post makes it look like I'm trying to make a massive difference here. I know very well that it won't. I'm explaining to make the user I replied to understand what the swastika really is and not as how recent history portrays it. People will refuse to see the actual truth behind it but it never hurts you to tell.
@MrAdhmGamer It's a joke. Figure it out
On that note, this build looks incredible. Sadly I can't fly it due to over 1k parts, but take an upvote anyway @RamboJutter
@HololiveFan To be honest, the Swastika was never even a bad symbol to begin with. It's only recognized until modern time as it is because of some angry man with a ridiculous mustache using it for his fanatical dreams and ideology.
The Swastika, for thousands of years until that famed painter from Austria stole it and used it as a symbol for his you know what, has been a symbol for good luck and well being. Long before NSDAP even existed. Look into it even. If you don't believe me
If I were to submit a modded build and I want it to have some symbol of good luck other than the stereotypical four leaf clover or any other sort, I'd gladly take the swastika and slap it on. There's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't break the rules since I'm not pushing some agenda that's meant to stay down since everyone knows it's bad. And I'm using it as intended. Not in the way that almost the entire population of the world generally sees it according to recent history.
He has seen it all
He has been in all
He has felt it all
He knows many, and will know those that are not yet known
He is the tree of wisdom.
+1@WNP78 Was about to comment this
+3@OkaNieba Xiao's old. He's been fighting since ancient times but never changed. Zhongli accepted the change in history and is gradually fitting in with modern society. Which is why I used the F-14A on him
+2Xiao is from Liyue
Liyue is China in the Genshin world. I think you'll get what comes next and why
F-16 Warring bird
F-16 Snek
+1Are those wingtip gas tanks or bombs?
+1@TheCommentaryGuy No use replying to the user. They've been banned
@OkaNieba Ah, the weapons. That's why.
+1Why does it have an Ace Combat tag-
+4@OkaNieba User got banned. Checked account and they don't exist anymore
+3@PriyanshuGM Cope with what you have. People like what I do. Otherwise they would have complained to high hell already (which the mods will highly likely ignore cause nothing I post violates the rules)
Seriously you need to be more open instead of staying in your own little world thinking you're the better/superior one just because you dislike something the other guy does.
imagine getting 20k points with only putting anime girl liveries on someone else's aircraft
According to majority of your posts, you do the exact same. Modifying other people's builds. You and I aren't any different, really. We both slap shit onto builds, post them, and people appreciate it.
also naming the variant wrong.
Honestly would people really care at this point when it's already out there? I get that the UPG is a hunchback and with many other details, but don't forget. That was RD's build, he intends to keep it simple, and I will too. Besides, what difference would it even make other than aesthetics?
+2put a jumpscare warning next time
+1Kool beet
+3@tarikGR It slipped my mind before submitting the jet but oh well
+1@GranRemodeler The better turnfighter's gonna get the first hit
+1You're an idiot.