A nationless fighting force that took on the responsibility of maintaining world balance and peace. Manpower of the entire TFM is comprised mostly of volunteers or transferees from different national militaries, while another portion of them consists of defectors from organizations and militaries that were fought by them over the years.
The TFM consists of 4 branches. The Global Ground Combat or Army, Global Naval Combat or Navy, Global Air Combat or Air Force, and the Orbital Surveillance and Scouting Branch or Space Force.
They also have special branches which are utilized for more specific missions and dispatches:
-The Strike Force Regiments are their special forces, which are sent behind enemy lines to conduct fast, precise raids to disrupt enemy logistics and cause crippling damage in hostile heartland.
-The Anomalous Paranormal and Scientific Events Division, shortened to A.P.S.E.D, are their more obscure force, only called upon to deal with unknown or unseen threat,s such as demonic activity, and disruption of natural energies that cause harmful or just nuisance anomalies in the world.
They possess no nuclear weapons, are entirely reliant on their strength and strategic capabilities to combat threats to the greater good of the globe. They participate largely in humanitarian missions as well, and are possibly the biggest contributor to causes that involve the betterment of those in a low state and quality of life.
The TFM is supported by NATO, EU, and the Arab League. It's also from them where they get their volunteers. Men and women who are willing to serve for the world and it's people.
@Sabertoothyt526 Guess you're not the sharpest tool in the shed from the looks of this reply alone. No point continuing this debate over a mistake you won't admit to doing.
@Sabertoothyt526 At least I don't go into comments begging to check my posts out. And unless your eyes are starting to fail you and your cognitive abilities are becoming that of a senile old man, autocredit exists.
I'd be flying this thing from Maywar to Snowstone if my laptop didn't bitch out when a build is over 700 parts. Take an upvote anyway cause this is smooth.
My laptop committed self murk when I first loaded into the world with the mod active, but I'll figure out how to reduce the particle count somehow
@Boxp That's meant to happen. It's supposed to simulate the pilot's POV when the jet goes into a full aft stick turn. HUDs "disappear" into the sides all the time whenever the pilot's head moves off-center since they're just projected onto the glass kind of like a hologram.
@SyntheticL It's already set down as the J-11 so you're a bit too late on that
Tactical Forces Military
A nationless fighting force that took on the responsibility of maintaining world balance and peace. Manpower of the entire TFM is comprised mostly of volunteers or transferees from different national militaries, while another portion of them consists of defectors from organizations and militaries that were fought by them over the years.
The TFM consists of 4 branches. The Global Ground Combat or Army, Global Naval Combat or Navy, Global Air Combat or Air Force, and the Orbital Surveillance and Scouting Branch or Space Force.
They also have special branches which are utilized for more specific missions and dispatches:
-The Strike Force Regiments are their special forces, which are sent behind enemy lines to conduct fast, precise raids to disrupt enemy logistics and cause crippling damage in hostile heartland.
-The Anomalous Paranormal and Scientific Events Division, shortened to A.P.S.E.D, are their more obscure force, only called upon to deal with unknown or unseen threat,s such as demonic activity, and disruption of natural energies that cause harmful or just nuisance anomalies in the world.
They possess no nuclear weapons, are entirely reliant on their strength and strategic capabilities to combat threats to the greater good of the globe. They participate largely in humanitarian missions as well, and are possibly the biggest contributor to causes that involve the betterment of those in a low state and quality of life.
The TFM is supported by NATO, EU, and the Arab League. It's also from them where they get their volunteers. Men and women who are willing to serve for the world and it's people.
Cannon cart cannon cart
@Viperonursix I didn't stutter when I said my point.
+2Picture angle? Sure. Plane? No.
+2tundr bord
+4@AerospaceGeek Use this
@Viperonursix Dedicated dive bombers were never maneuverable in the first place. This is accurate.
+3@Aludra877 She already did
@KaiLCU Yeah, I got the Nirai company from GOF2. Glad to see people still remember that gemstone of a game
+1@VChart updated chassis, new roll cage, new front bumper, headlights, stability.
Yes, I fly ACRO.
+13A = Killing myself
C = By G-loc and severe concussion
R = And merging with my shadow
O = beans
+1New look, same great taste
+6Bugger, but with more tactics
+1@Sabertoothyt526 Guess you're not the sharpest tool in the shed from the looks of this reply alone. No point continuing this debate over a mistake you won't admit to doing.
+1@Sabertoothyt526 At least I don't go into comments begging to check my posts out. And unless your eyes are starting to fail you and your cognitive abilities are becoming that of a senile old man, autocredit exists.
@Sabertoothyt526 That's pretty much the same as advertising your build on someone else's post.
@ReinMcDeer I replaced the nose gun with an actual 20mm cannon and it feels damn authentic now. Very guten tag
+3I'd be flying this thing from Maywar to Snowstone if my laptop didn't bitch out when a build is over 700 parts. Take an upvote anyway cause this is smooth.
+2The A-10's grandpa. Brought the brrt before the brrt.
+3@ThomasRoderick You're making it look like you're trying to start a scandal here.
@ThomasRoderick GoF2 is exactly where I got the name from to be honest
Special Tags:
Credits for the HUD and interface
@SpartanSR91 - For rotator FT coding help
Mein Gott
My laptop committed self murk when I first loaded into the world with the mod active, but I'll figure out how to reduce the particle count somehow
@GuyFolk I'll fix them up. No problem.
@GuyFolk - Credit for airframe base
You know why I'm here.
+1Kill My Self
+1That torpedo snap drop though
Autocredit fix - GuyFolk is the original builder of the aircraft
@Boxp That's meant to happen. It's supposed to simulate the pilot's POV when the jet goes into a full aft stick turn. HUDs "disappear" into the sides all the time whenever the pilot's head moves off-center since they're just projected onto the glass kind of like a hologram.
+2Prism Bugger
+1without the light splitting
I wish I could spotlight this but you don't really need it from me lmao
+1(And I can't in the first place cause lower points)
@DatRoadTrainGuy19 Blame the fandom. I just hopped into the bandwagon cause I thought it was kinda accurate
@DatRoadTrainGuy19 Welcome to the Ganyuverse. We have Qiqi, and the Cocomilk source