FlightArms would like to obtain rights for limited production of a light multirole variant of this airframe. This is to aid in the currently ongoing war between the world alliance against a resurging Darkcorp. 32% of profits will go to Atlas Military Aviation, but percentage is negotiable since this airframe is of AMA ownership.
@CoolPeach I get it. I'm a dumbass. Anyone else want to shit on me just send one up my discord. I got it working anyway, so you can assume I do have a brain
@PlanariaLab Jeez sorry. Not everyone knows how to code, let alone do FunkyTrees. We're a bunch of pathetic Neanderthals who don't know how to tinker with this kind of crap.
I'm having the same problems as the previous users. When I save it as a subassembly, the HUD becomes useless and the outer indicators are the only ones functioning. Any way to fix this?
Your works of fantastic airframes are a blessing to our military, and to all allies across the world. This will not go unnoticed.
To honor your Industries, your staff, and all the employees and agents who make it possible for hardware such as this available for those who need it, we are establishing a new fighter squadron bearing the name of ATLAS as a sign of our respect to you and all who work under this company. God bless, and may you soar higher, Atlas Aviation.
-Commanding Gen. Robert Arnold Kingsley, Founder of the Tactical Forces Military.
@Default4 Wow you're that bored to turn a harmless post into a controversy. "Sexualizing"?? Can you grow up? There's literally women out there walking around in short outfits that almost look like underwear but they don't give a rat's ass about it, neither is anyone b*tching about it in their faces. You're indirectly saying that women are getting sexually assaulted because they dress like whores, which is an invalid argument. Have your morning coffee and think about it. Don't be a douche.
@Default4 Why is this a problem to you? Can't I do what I want without people like you making crap out of the smallest of things? You're speaking as if I'm doing some form of prostitution tf
@Kangy I can understand that but I'm not desperate to get more upvotes that I resorted to involving anime. It's not that big of a deal. And the character isn't even involved in any anime that currently exists. She's of my own creation.
Great to see you back, man.
+2That's one good looking mother fokker
See what I did there
+2cough Vertigo
+4SP team figurines pls
+1Missile really said Suprise motherf_cker
+1Comrade Frogfoot
+1Thanks for the upvote and spotlight @Sergio666
@ThomasRoderick When the Bleep Bloop turns into Hostile Target Spotted. Firing missiles
+1-C.W Lemoine
FlightArms would like to obtain rights for limited production of a light multirole variant of this airframe. This is to aid in the currently ongoing war between the world alliance against a resurging Darkcorp. 32% of profits will go to Atlas Military Aviation, but percentage is negotiable since this airframe is of AMA ownership.
@MrOofington On the way
Cockpit HUD by @PlanariaLab whom I've pissed off due to my inability to understand basic instructions
@CoolPeach I get it. I'm a dumbass. Anyone else want to shit on me just send one up my discord. I got it working anyway, so you can assume I do have a brain
@PlanariaLab Jeez sorry. Not everyone knows how to code, let alone do FunkyTrees. We're a bunch of pathetic Neanderthals who don't know how to tinker with this kind of crap.
I'm having the same problems as the previous users. When I save it as a subassembly, the HUD becomes useless and the outer indicators are the only ones functioning. Any way to fix this?
+1@Griffon1 Standby. It's coming.
+1Do you want to explode?
+4@Xx24reminder Thanks
Description updated
+1@AtlasMilitaryIndustries Spelled my name wrong
Your works of fantastic airframes are a blessing to our military, and to all allies across the world. This will not go unnoticed.
To honor your Industries, your staff, and all the employees and agents who make it possible for hardware such as this available for those who need it, we are establishing a new fighter squadron bearing the name of ATLAS as a sign of our respect to you and all who work under this company. God bless, and may you soar higher, Atlas Aviation.
-Commanding Gen. Robert Arnold Kingsley, Founder of the Tactical Forces Military.
Gonna have to wait for official 1.11 before I could fly this. In the meantime, here's an upvote.
+2I'll download this once the official verison's out. I don't have steam.
+1Take my upvote dammit.
Question: Is the Ambassador bomber roughly the same size as a Stratofortress, or smaller like a B-17?
1.1k On order for Lancer fleet replacement
ngl I expecting the Wasp/Hornet to break apart on takeoff
1.1k units to supplement our TF-90Cs in the high altitude anti-ICBM and bomber roles, and for standard airspace defender role
Did you build this in the beta version?
You're referring to the 173rd Combat Wing @Xx24reminder
Love dogfighting AI jets over this map
+3@DJRianGamer004 You got discord? I don't want the comment section of this post to be overrun by something unrelated to what this is.
7.5k units on order for use of the TFN, TFMGAC, and TFMMC
@DJRianGamer004 I have no idea what you're trying to say
Evaluation and tests by the TFM Marine Corps yielded very positive results. Central Command has granted contract for 1.5k units production.
@DJRianGamer004 Okay and what does your air force company have to do with this?
12 test units on order for the TFM Marine Corps
Were the wings intentionally designed to rip off if one rolls too hard? or my pc just sucks that the jet tears itself apart from the low frames
About damn time you posted something, man. UPVOTE!
@MB777 Here
Totally not a P-51
@TheSeventh Love the Baryon Mode pfp
+1@MrOofington Why ya'll simping for a robot lmao
+1@Kangy You ain't helping. (Joke too)
@Default4 Wow you're that bored to turn a harmless post into a controversy. "Sexualizing"?? Can you grow up? There's literally women out there walking around in short outfits that almost look like underwear but they don't give a rat's ass about it, neither is anyone b*tching about it in their faces. You're indirectly saying that women are getting sexually assaulted because they dress like whores, which is an invalid argument. Have your morning coffee and think about it. Don't be a douche.
@Default4 Why is this a problem to you? Can't I do what I want without people like you making crap out of the smallest of things? You're speaking as if I'm doing some form of prostitution tf
@Kangy I can understand that but I'm not desperate to get more upvotes that I resorted to involving anime. It's not that big of a deal. And the character isn't even involved in any anime that currently exists. She's of my own creation.
@Default4 What