6,003 Shirakami56709 Comments

  • 1.10 4.6 years ago

    you @Voskhod

  • J-20B Teaser: Episode 34 3.5 years ago


  • General Dynamics F-16A Falcon 3.4 years ago

    i speacial summon these nuts

  • RTX test 4.4 years ago

    toaster version when?

  • Sikorsky MH-67 Pave Mare 4.5 years ago

    Ah yes, the helicopter from Full Metal Panic.

  • One-way glass technology demonstrator. 4.6 years ago

    @BuiltBionixInd10 It's possible, yes.
    You can also do active camouflage, with a crapton of parts and dedication.
    Panel an aircraft out of perfectly square one-way mirrors, connect them to rotators with the opaque surface facing out, and when you want to activate the camouflage, just activate the rotators.

  • 1.10 4.6 years ago

    I agree; I could've done a custom cockpit, but I decided not to- it's a 2-year old build afterall. @belugasub

  • Plane Publishing Petition 4.6 years ago

    I don't really see why anyone would want to increase the upload limit, other than wanting to flood the site with half-assed builds. The reason there is an upload limit is so that people can spend more time tweaking rather than building. Build a lot of half-assed builds and upload them within a day, you'll get the Ccooper syndrome; platinum but through spamming half-assed builds.

  • Ideas for 1.9 and up 5.6 years ago

    1. Increased radar detection range for aircraft and ground units.
    2. Logic gates, parameters;
      Activate if X is activated, activate after launch, etc.
    3. More options for missiles;
      Warhead size, rocket motor activation delay, smoke trail size, radar guidance, in the case of rockets and Cleavers, wing fold out delay. Propulsion system, after rocket motor is depleted, a turbofan activates, propelling said missile.
    4. Global Positioning System
      GPS, you can add waypoints, markets, etc.
    5. Land-attack missiles
      With the GPS, you can select a target, edit the flight path, altitude, speed.
    6. More AI ships;
      Preferably a Russian-themed fleet, with the Admiral Kuznetsov-class and Slava-class cruisers.
    7. Cannons
    8. Capability to edit engine nozzles, how much they open, how fast they open, what input opens them, etc.
    9. Volumetric clouds;
      This one seems unlikely, but with TrueSky, volumetric clouds could be done nicely.

  • Is any Touhou fans there? 4.5 years ago

    Sakuya pads her chest.

  • Chinese Army (pictures and articles) 4.9 years ago

    @Akali If you see the actual image of it in testing, you can clearly see that it is DCU.


  • DAVI Tebaki 4.9 years ago

  • M1439 Pitbull MRAP 4.9 years ago

    @SodiumChloride I needed to make it able to climb without sacrificing the already slow acceleration, so I increased the drag points instead of the weight.

  • M134 5.2 years ago

    @DeidaraEnterprises ok drone operator

  • M134 5.2 years ago


  • Kandake-class LHD 5.6 years ago


  • Glass Cockpit 3.3 years ago

    @DerVito That is planned.

  • M16 Rifle 3.3 years ago


  • Up Front Controls. 3.5 years ago

    @BeastHunter I don't do tags.

  • Up Front Controls. 3.5 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s no

  • Challenger 2 4.3 years ago


  • M1439 Pitbull MRAP 4.4 years ago

    @AIRLINX Uh no, I didn't do it.

  • SimplePlanes 2 Leaked Screenshots 4.4 years ago

    @CenturyAerospace MisterT's unreleased Clouds 2.0.

  • SimplePlanes 2 Leaked Screenshots 4.4 years ago

    @tsampoy He's the person who created the ReShade shaders used on the screenshots above.

  • SimplePlanes 2 Leaked Screenshots 4.4 years ago

    @tsampoy Truth be told, they're not renders! Ta-da~
    They're actual screenshots taken inside SimplePlanes using Marty McFly's RTGI shader, which is amazing.

  • SimplePlanes 2 Leaked Screenshots 4.4 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Not a joke
    The effect itself in SP is rather minimum, but if you pair it with ambient occlusion (MXAO), the difference from the base game really shows.

  • SimplePlanes 2 Leaked Screenshots 4.4 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii It is, it's Marty McFly's Screen-Space Ray Traced Global Illumination shader that's currently still in-development.

  • Type 92 Mod D/Kai 4.5 years ago

    @exosuit 130 too fat

  • Type 92 Mod D/Kai 4.5 years ago

    @BaconAircraft TAM's fatter Japanese cousin

  • 3 Years! 4.5 years ago


  • Tiran Altica Jaguar F.12 4.5 years ago


  • GIS Suggestions, Maps, Current and Future 4.5 years ago

    A map of Fulda would be really cool.

  • One-way glass technology demonstrator. 4.6 years ago

    @WereOutOfNamesArentWe Yeah but where's the fun in that?

  • One-way glass technology demonstrator. 4.6 years ago

    @WereOutOfNamesArentWe Nope; it only uses the new glass part.

  • Plane Publishing Petition 4.6 years ago

    IMO there's no reason to increase the upload limit.
    When you've reached the upload limit for a day, why not upload again tomorrow?
    And why would you upload three builds within a day? It's best if you spent more time tweaking one build, upload it, then tweak the other builds and upload them the next day or next week.

  • You're welcome Andrew. 4.6 years ago

    @exosuit Judgement except it's not because it doesn't feel the same without Nishiki

  • You're welcome Andrew. 4.6 years ago

    sunao ni I LOVE YOU

  • Chinese Army (pictures and articles) 4.9 years ago

    @Akali That's actually not the PLA's camouflage pattern. In fact, it is the US DCU, or Desert Camouflage Uniform.

  • Hmmmm yes camo 4.9 years ago

  • Chinese Army (pictures and articles) 4.9 years ago

    I'm pretty sure that's Raytheon/SARCOS' prototype 2nd-gen XOS-2 powered exoskeleton.

  • M1439 Pitbull MRAP 4.9 years ago

    @Tang0five Indeed it is!

  • simpleplanes users don't have logic. 4.9 years ago

    Presentation is key, that includes the title.
    The Bruher guy named it "My first plane". This automatically attracts a lot of people that wants to give him a boost from white, and thus, got a lot of upvotes.

  • M1439 Pitbull MRAP 4.9 years ago

    @Reeeek Change the input on the rotator next to the wheels.

  • M1439 Pitbull MRAP 4.9 years ago

    @ChisP no those are bunny ears.

  • M1439 Pitbull MRAP 4.9 years ago

    @DeidaraEnterprises 何??????

  • M1439 Pitbull MRAP 4.9 years ago

    @DeidaraEnterprises どうもありがとうございます

  • M1439 Pitbull MRAP 4.9 years ago

    @NirvashTec wwwwww

  • Usada Pekora trapped inside a bag 4.9 years ago

    this really be a kusa (TL note: kusa means grass) omegalul moment

  • Usada Pekora trapped inside a bag 4.9 years ago
