@TheTyphoon I know EALC too, we don’t have "heavies" but we have a Dassault MD 312 (twin-engine aircraft) who still flying, and a Douglas A-26 Invader in renovation to be able to fly again, I am waiting for this for a long time ^^
@MTFUE11 I know the basics
What I can tell for your heli:
You don't need a gyroscope if you tune the heli parts well.
Tail rotor:
- Mode: head hold
- Linkage speed: 0.00s
- Gyro speed: As you like, it's the speed you need to complete a full rotation.
Main rotor:
- Power: You don't need so much power, reducing it will set a more realistic spool time, and and make a realistic effect of lose of power if you pull big inputs on the rotor.
- Cyclic pitch / roll : adjust that to be easy to control and to don't have too much input. Somehow Heli rotor output is exponential and I don't understand that. I don't think it's the same irl.
Apart from that, it's not bad. Your "blocky" building style is special but well made !
@WinsWings You're wrong. Gyroscope are used in RL aircraft to measure the orientation of the aircraft, and such gyroscope don't have the sufficient force to change the orientation of the aircraft (as you can do in SP). Instead bleed air is taken from the engines and ejected in the wing tips or nose/tail to be able to control the aircraft.
I'm not saying that you can't use a gyroscope in SP, you do what you want, it's a game afterall. We're just joking about the fact that every rookie uses gyroscopes in their build because it's the easiest way to control it's orientation when you don't know other ways (here that's a tutorial for begineers, so it seems logical to talk about it, however it's not the only way, that's it :) ).
I thought my pc couldn't handle it, but actually yes...
Overall this is a very good build,
However I think that the acceleration is too hard, it should take the whole runway to be able to take off.
Also the front wheels don't have much grip.
But the flight model is okay.
Just an Idea, a map with airports is cool, but what about a small heliport for a remote place ?
Also my biggest concern about the multiplayer feature is the users which comes just to explode their nuclear bomb, which is not funny, so I hope there will be settings to prevent damages and things like that...
Excellent. The interactable bays is a nice feature !
Next time you should put informations about takeoff speed and landing speed, this plane is really particular so we don't really know its performance...
Overall this is a good build. it looks nice, the aircraft performance is realistic, however I think the roll rate is too low. By simply editing the position of your ailerons, by putting them near the wing tip, you will have a better handling. Also the gear don't have suspension. But it's nice, keep it up !!
The shape is good but flying is a bit weird. For your next builds, keep in mind to reduce the drag (it will allow to glide with no engine power, which is currently not possible), and maybe make a wing surface for your wing plus a small wing in each of your control surface, it's more realistic.
The gunners are a nice feature, so I upvote
@TheTyphoon Yeah lol, but he will surely not be able to fly before several months or even a few tens of months
+1@TheTyphoon I know EALC too, we don’t have "heavies" but we have a Dassault MD 312 (twin-engine aircraft) who still flying, and a Douglas A-26 Invader in renovation to be able to fly again, I am waiting for this for a long time ^^
+1Tiens j’aurai été tenté de faire un spotlight sur celui la x)
+1@fantastekgamer I think too...
+1And why are they from japan? it's favoritism!
Not very good, you could learn use fuselage shape...
+1Huge and crazy, nice
+1Nice job, good for a daily vehicle x)
+1Wow, nice job
+1Nice boat :)
+1Nice, I have a V1 too but with a detailed launch pad
+1@XAircraftManufacturer Lol
+1Funny helicopter !
+1maybe there are some things to improve to make it more realistic, but overall it's a Nice build.
+1@GameManiaTM Ah oui celui de Dark Vador bonne idée... Je le met dans mes idées de projets
+1@WarHawk95 je connais mais j’habite pas à coté ^ ^
+1@WarHawk95 Volontiers !
+1I don't think buying some A330 is a waste...
@Windows2000 You can, of course. Just mention the original build in the description.
Free cam mod may help
@MTFUE11 You're welcome, I'm glad this helped you.
@MTFUE11 I know the basics
What I can tell for your heli:
You don't need a gyroscope if you tune the heli parts well.
Tail rotor:
- Mode: head hold
- Linkage speed: 0.00s
- Gyro speed: As you like, it's the speed you need to complete a full rotation.
Main rotor:
- Power: You don't need so much power, reducing it will set a more realistic spool time, and and make a realistic effect of lose of power if you pull big inputs on the rotor.
- Cyclic pitch / roll : adjust that to be easy to control and to don't have too much input. Somehow Heli rotor output is exponential and I don't understand that. I don't think it's the same irl.
Apart from that, it's not bad. Your "blocky" building style is special but well made !
For details, you can add antennas, walk step, pitot probe, some air inlets, grills, door pivots...
If you need a tester, you can call me.
I saw a video talking about this type of car in the UK, referred as "the uncatchable car". I guess you saw it too.
@WinsWings You're wrong. Gyroscope are used in RL aircraft to measure the orientation of the aircraft, and such gyroscope don't have the sufficient force to change the orientation of the aircraft (as you can do in SP). Instead bleed air is taken from the engines and ejected in the wing tips or nose/tail to be able to control the aircraft.
I'm not saying that you can't use a gyroscope in SP, you do what you want, it's a game afterall. We're just joking about the fact that every rookie uses gyroscopes in their build because it's the easiest way to control it's orientation when you don't know other ways (here that's a tutorial for begineers, so it seems logical to talk about it, however it's not the only way, that's it :) ).
Happy to see my build there, I guess that you modified the engines controls ?
The green has a realistic acceleration, however L-188 props don't feather when at slow speed, contrary to other turboprops
No info about performance ?
I thought my pc couldn't handle it, but actually yes...
Overall this is a very good build,
However I think that the acceleration is too hard, it should take the whole runway to be able to take off.
Also the front wheels don't have much grip.
But the flight model is okay.
@overlord5453 Okay, that was nuclear.
@overlord5453 I'm not sure scaling the motor will reduce the torque...
Tragédie comes from the latin "tragoedia" which comes from the greek "tragôidía" so nothing french lol
T !
Literally browsing building games on my tablet, found this one, I liked it and I still like it nowadays.
That's funny,
But seriously it could be something with an aluminium structure and skin, and... The rest would be air
Very nice looking build, sadly performance isn't very realistic, too much drag I believe.
For 100 parts... this is impressive !
Just an Idea, a map with airports is cool, but what about a small heliport for a remote place ?
Also my biggest concern about the multiplayer feature is the users which comes just to explode their nuclear bomb, which is not funny, so I hope there will be settings to prevent damages and things like that...
@Solent19 Can you check the message I sent to you on Discord ?
Excellent. The interactable bays is a nice feature !
Next time you should put informations about takeoff speed and landing speed, this plane is really particular so we don't really know its performance...
Overall this is a good build. it looks nice, the aircraft performance is realistic, however I think the roll rate is too low. By simply editing the position of your ailerons, by putting them near the wing tip, you will have a better handling. Also the gear don't have suspension. But it's nice, keep it up !!
@Randomkidnamedkeen Stabilisation systems are made for rookies lol
Sadly it doesn't fly
@EDEN971 Tu n'a pas pu rejoindre notre serveur au final ? Ou alors je ne t'ai pas vu.
@Timplanes Lol okay
Nice build, it flies nicely but it is maybe a bit too powerful.
Where did this build idea come to your mind?
I really like this plane and it is well reproduced here. Maybe it is a bit too fast ? Anyway nice job
It looks very good, but doesn't fly very well... I think it is too much powerful, probably because of too much drag... Anyway, you earned an upvote.
The shape is good but flying is a bit weird. For your next builds, keep in mind to reduce the drag (it will allow to glide with no engine power, which is currently not possible), and maybe make a wing surface for your wing plus a small wing in each of your control surface, it's more realistic.
The gunners are a nice feature, so I upvote
Very nice build