@CrappyNames ok. If you play on windows, you can do it like me in the wordpad or just download the glossy colour mod. On your phone i don't know how to do it, but i think you have to download a "airplane" with glossy parts from somewhere and use them.
@RejsDen If you want to set a Link, just make it like this: [This text will be visible](Paste URL/Link in here). Dont let a space between the clammers!
@Supernovaboss504 Thank you so much! But i think you upvoted to much, because i got 29 Notifications, and you comment 2 times.
That means you upvotet 7 times to much. But i cant count it because there are to much notificatons for the notification list... Anyway: Thank you so much!
I play IL-2 1946. Actually its my favourite Game, and I'd really like to play online (with you). But i cracked it so i can't play online ☹
@CrappyNames ok. If you play on windows, you can do it like me in the wordpad or just download the glossy colour mod. On your phone i don't know how to do it, but i think you have to download a "airplane" with glossy parts from somewhere and use them.
@CrappyNames sorry for not answering, i had no internet connection. You play on android, right?
@CrappyNames may you have bad graphic settings?
@RejsDen If you want to set a Link, just make it like this: [This text will be visible](Paste URL/Link in here). Dont let a space between the clammers!
Sieht eher aus wie die Me 163 Komet
@asteroidbook345 ok
@asteroidbook345 no :-(
@Earthbenderrwefa ok. :)
I have IL-2 Sturmovik 1946. It has graphics like shit but 228 flyable planes. And you can download it for free, 100% working and 100% no virus.
@Earthbenderrwefa Ok. I was inactive too because our router crashed. Do you still try to learn German? [I Can help if you want]
Machst du noch mehr Flugzeuge oder wird dieses dein einzigstes sein? ;-)
@jelybaca Deutsche Sprache schwierige Sprache (German language difficult language)
We in Germany say Volksjäger, not Volksjaeger
@Thelegitpilot13 yeah, but i helped him a bit because he played the first time simple planes. :)
@Supernovaboss504 np :)
@Supernovaboss504 thank you :)
And you have really nice and creative ideas.
@Supernovaboss504 sry, i just saw this comment. Sorry for not answeering :(
It has a really small engine, really small wings and really small wheels.
@Supernovaboss504 no, i dont have any ideas. But I also did not do anything special at 1000 points.
@Supernovaboss504 thank you. Congratulations to the new level of points.
@AmazingAidan Don't you mean Katze?
@Supernovaboss504 Thank you. How did the others made theirs? Can you write the points in here to? ;-)
@Supernovaboss504 Thank you so much! But i think you upvoted to much, because i got 29 Notifications, and you comment 2 times.
That means you upvotet 7 times to much. But i cant count it because there are to much notificatons for the notification list... Anyway: Thank you so much!
@Supernovaboss504 no problem.
@Supernovaboss504 the challenge is over today, right?
@WaffleCakes does he have a simple planes account
@Supernovaboss504 i only want to use one, im bad at building tanks. I prefer planes.
@Supernovaboss504 ok, im only asking
@Supernovaboss504 Did I fill in all the criteria? (Sorry for bad englisch, i used google translator)
@Theflyingtrex yeah he copied your cockpit.
Wtf this is not what the Stuka looked like this is an insult to the Luftwaffe
@Supernovaboss504 but the invinite rotators just turn and turn and you can't steer them if they should go forward or backward (i think)
@Supernovaboss504 i think it should work, but i don't know... so you need infinitely spinning rotators?
@Supernovaboss504 np
@Supernovaboss504 oh ;-)
@kshatria then you have a good phone
@JamesBoA no
@Armyguy1534 yeah
@Stormfur ok
@Stormfur do you play on pc or phone?
@Armyguy1534 That's the point!
@zheng999 no problem
@Supernovaboss504 thank you
@Strikefighter04 We in germany say Sturzkampfbomber. And it is not the Ju-87, so i made a retractable landing gear.